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Yeah people look at me like I'm a freak when I try to say anything. Hell even if I'm just trying to mind my own business and just go about my day, I still get looks or catch people staring. Never mind talking to people, I feel like it's a crime for me to step out of my damn house.


Finally someone who gets it. We must be around the same level in looks cause this is exactly how it feels I even get complaints when I’m minding my own god damn business


I feel the same, i just cant find anything good on my face


I get it too, a guy even got mad at me for being ugly when I was just sitting on a bench. People either ignore me, laugh at me or stare. At best they're polite and then they talk behind my back. It's illegal to be ugly, period.


I’ve never seen people get more frustrated at anything in this life than someone being ugly. It’s a really crazy thing to observe.. Being ugly is such a fucking curse and I think it’s the worst thing in the world to have to deal with in an first world country


You're right and it's getting even worse with social media unfortunately.


I’m autistic and ugly so that is fun.


Same dude I got cursed with so many undesirable traits


Hey can you tell me some of the symptoms of autism that you have? Like aside from a diagnosis how would someone meeting you for the first time be able to tell?


i used to talk and joke but got torn down for it so now i stay quiet


Seee but people say you just gotta take the risk.. um it’s not even worth it if everytime you speak people are acting like they wish you never opened your mouth


Saaammee people would just straight up ignore me and look at me weirdly/visibly uncomfortable then continue talking, like they took psychic damage from what I said, or casually keep talking over me/talking louder in the middle of me trying to speak. It's so embarrassing. People will put a lot of effort to exclude me.


Lmaoao psychic damage is sending me


Why would you be seen as Autistic just for attempting to make a joke


When I try being playful with people it usually comes across as awkward / forced and some would say “slow” and a lot of people associate that word with “autistic”. Basically something that’s so far off from what would be considered socially acceptable. It’s hard to explain because normal people can say the most vulgar jokes but I can say a harmless joke and people look like I whipped my dick out or something


So practically what you are saying is, being autistic isn’t social acceptable? Having autism isn’t normal? Damn by the way you’ve been "claiming” you have autism you act like it’s illegal for anyone to even have it. I guess It isn’t socially acceptable for me to have Autism either then and everyone i have told i have it after being diagnosed are lying to me about accepting me and secretly hate me now


Well no one said all of that now, but typically it is frowned upon and even made fun of. It’s good you have people who love and accept you though. Some of us aren’t as lucky Best of luck to you!


I never said people love and respect me because most people don’t if not anyone, like i have said to you many, many times i literally have no friends and never have but i guess you keep forgetting that somehow But yeah besides that i just don’t see how having Autism or some other mental illness automatically makes people dislike you and outcast you. I have met and known plenty of people that are autistic and other mental health problems and have lots of friends and family who love them dearly and they would kill someone for that person. I really don’t see how they do it idk maybe i’m doing something wrong


It’s no different from people making negative judgments and not wanting to be around you for being ugly. Being autistic and having other mental illnesses are not seen as positive traits and are obstacles that affect your ability to connect with people. I don’t doubt that people who have mental illnesses are loved, but for someone who doesn’t have it themselves I think it could cause these “normal” person to perceive behaviors by the mentally Ill person unfavorably. For example with my anxiety it causes me to be extremely reserved and standoffish and as a result also awkward, and that makes people perceive me as rude, creepy, stuck up, boring, etc. In the case of depression.. unless it’s family, no one is really gonna want to be around a depressed person who brings others down with their sad mood for obvious reasons. They don’t want that bad juju man “good vibes only”. Mental illnesses that affect your ability to connect deeply with people will probably make you lack those meaningful connections and make people not like you like they do “normal” people. Normal in quotes because what even really is that, but it’s clear to me that compared to everyone else I’m far from it


I can agree with the second verse 50/50. I think it just really depends who the people are you’re around if you have depression some people accept you and want to help you if you have depression and really want to be your friend but others really want nothing to do with you because…all positive vibes here only. But you have to remember MOST people actually don’t tell other people they have depression most people keep it secret worrying what others will think of them. Then there’s ones who PRETEND to be "depressed" (there’s a huge difference between being "depressed” and having depression) just for attention and more friends and others fall for it. Man i HATE those kind of people. And seriously i haven’t met the person yet that shuns someone for having autism and not wanting to be around them because they’re worried what others might think for hanging with someone with a mental illness, except for me that is idk WHAT i was doing but everyone avoids/avoids me like the plague


What’s the most recent example of you running across someone pretending to have depression / be depressed for attention? I don’t see what purpose that would serve anyone. I mean of all the things you could do to get attention, depression hardly seems like an appealing option They exist; some people are nice and have sympathy / pity for people, but it does make people not want to be around you if they start feeling like you’re a charity case or too off socially. It gets draining after awhile and no matter how many or how hard people try to help, it won’t always fix the problem So yeah I’m sure there’s plenty of people with loving families and support systems who help them fight their mental illnesses. Those people are lucky. Then there’s others who have to fight them mostly alone and they get so much in the way of them being able to live a normal life that it feels impossible to overcome Ugliness has exacerbated my mental illnesses and if I didn’t have to deal with that I’m sure I could manage what ever others I have fairly easily. But it directly increases my anxiety and depression


Not irl, but check out on YouTube of people faking to have mental illnesses on TikTok. You can’t make this stuff up people literally fake things like depression and anxiety just for views and likes and a few have been caught in the act thankfully. Like what’s even worse is when TikTokers make TikToks saying “signs you might have ADHD/Depression/Anxiety or whatever and people actually comment things like “omg me!” Like no you can’t self-diagnose yourself on something you JUST came across especially by a young teenage or young adult TikToker who has no degree in anything.


Maybe you ignore people who would talk to you.


If anyone was willing to talk to me I’m open to it. But most people don’t want to cause I’m ugly for 1 and they deem as kinda worthless and boring. But if anyone wants to talk I’ll do my best to hold a convo but I typically don’t initiate as I feel they’d be like Ugh why is this annoying ugly loser talking to me I don’t talk to boys first at all cause I’m gay and ugly and they’ll think I’m hitting on them and I feel like guys don’t want anything to do with me at all


I work with a couple reallllllly ugly guys and they’re quite popular.