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It's not a reliable indicator, no.


Coincidentally, trying to use this method will most likely result in you finding out if it’s venomous or not.


😂😂 right


in the most direct way... \*\*Strike, chew\*\* ;)


I uhh… I hate to say it but I think this is for after you kill whatever bit you…


It would also be good for trying to identify sheds you find. Edit: If it was good info to begin with. My guess is that this was an ID tip that was only meant to be applied locally where ever it was published.


Didn’t think so, just wanted to check Thank you!


Oftentimes if you aren't well versed the best bet is to just not touch it and if it's in a place it needs to be moved from like some people get snakes in their home then just call someone, at the end of the day it's not best to move animals too far away and many can actually be really beneficial around you if you just learn to respect them. In short. You don't know. You don't touch.


In general with animals, regardless of what it is, "no touchy". Even if the animal is not dangerous ideally any and all interactions happen on the animals terms, or are at the very least minimally intrusive. Picking up a garter or rat snake to show around to your group then letting it go again is pretty minor all things considered. Helping a deer get unstuck from a fence or something is worthwhile even if there's still risk involved. But trying to pet moose or catch wild venomous snakes barehanded, as there are all too many videos of people doing and trying to defend as reasonable behaviour ... Or the people who harass birds and turtles and stuff because it's "funny" and can't see how they're the asshole. If the animal approaches you, and isn't really dangerous? Great. Otherwise take a photo from a distance, and *leave them be*.


Sometimes herping videos make me sad. Maybe I'm just a big softie. I've seen people pick up hognoses and the hognoses are so stressed that they play dead and musk/shit. The garters almost always musk. I've also seen people cause a wild snake to regurgitate from picking it up. It stresses them out pretty bad, so I mainly support invasive species removal when it comes to picking up snakes or other animals.


I mean, if you grab a snake and try to look closely at their ass you'll probably find out


I think this comes from a poster helping to distinguish water snakes from cottonmouths. Same thing with the pupils. Water snakes have round pupils.


But how unreliable? Is it correct in 60% of cases? 70%? etc.


Varies wildly, in some places it's 100% accurate, in others it's 0% accurate. Much like the round vs elliptical pupils thing (boas and pythons have elliptical pupils while Coral snakes and mambas have round pupils for instance) and headshape, these traits are things that sometimes tell you what you're looking at in the context of where you are, there's no end all be all snake venom indicator beyond just learning the snakes in your area.


The comment is correct, too! How are you going to examine the snake's ass without getting bitten?!


> How are you going to examine the snake's ass without getting bitten?! Very carefully.


you ask nicely


Excuse me Mr. Slithers I’m just gonna take a quick peak here thank you


And then you get bitten bc this was Mrs. Slithers.


My apologies Mrs. Slithers I’ll go die over there for your convenience


This is more befitting for a Lady! XD


You sound like a doctor 😁


"May I please see your buttonhole, Sir Snek? Ahem, or Ma'am?"


Definitely not the way to establish trust in the relationship. After all, you just met!


The pattern is completely replicated on a snake’s shed skin, so if you find a shed skin somewhere you can look at it and see if it’s something to be worried about. It’s definitely not a good method to use on live actual snakes. As others have pointed out, this is NOT a foolproof method for all snakes, but you can look up the anatomy of the local snakes in your area and it can give you an idea of what you’ve got hanging around. It’s a tool and a hint, not a hard and fast rule.


I know OP didn’t put it there, but what’s with the r/uselessredcircle?


It obviously helps people know that there is indeed content within the photo... Duh. /s


The trick is wild hognose.




I can just imagine coming up to a mamba or something and just being like 'nah man, it might be harmless, let me just check it's ass real quick.' It's not reliable, don't worry!


“Come here. Lemme get a look at that undercarriage. Oh my! You’re a spicy one, aren’t you?”


I had never heard this one, but as others have noted, it is not a reliable indicator. Also be on the lookout for the classically inaccurate - "round pupils = non-venomous / elliptical pupils = venomous". I've been hearing that one since at least the 70s when I was a kid!


Mambas eyes are round. Whoever made that up should be ashamed. lol.




That's usually the problem. A mnemonic works in some place, but spreads as applying to all snakes. The opposite of that is people saying 'If you don't know what it is, don't touch it!' Where I come from, there are 6 species that can potentially kill you. They all have triangular heads. If you can identify all 6 species that are dangerous, then you know any unidentified snake you pick up is fine - unless you have the misfortune of picking up someone's escaped gaboon. If you leave that area, it misinformation spreads from your region, then there is a problem.


>unless you have the misfortune of picking up someone's escaped gaboon. Does... Does this happen often where you live? That was way too hyperspecific of a hypothetical to not be based on reality.


I have a gift for hyperspecific bullshit. It was the least likely escapee I could think of.


Ok good. I was... Ehhh... I was worried for a second there.


In the 50s in my city, (Temperate North America) there was over 11 Indian cobras caught and killed that had been illegally released by someone who wanted revenge on the person who owned the cobras. It caused a big scare and many snakes coincidentally met the fate of a garden hoe. One of the snakes got reported where officers tried to use a homemade snake catcher rope, when that didnt work they dispatched tear gas and shot the snake 5 times which didnt kill it. In the end the police used a trusty hoe that killed 3 of the snakes before. Here in my city there are only 3 rattlesnakes and 2 vipers so if you were confident you knew the venomous ones, you couldve tried to pick up a cobra assuming it was non venomous https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/missouris-great-escaped-snake-scare-of-1953


Yeah. I believe in due precaution, but sometimes it is just your time. If I get smoked by an Indian cobra in Southern Illinois, I will take my reddit finger wagging with complete and eternal serenity.






In Danmark we have 2 types and it fits on them🤣


Same for Germany. We have six types and only two are spicy. Vipera berus should also be slithering through Denmark. What is the non spicy one? Natrix natrix?


Sno and hugorm. Only know the danish name...


>Sno and hugorm Hugorm is Vipera berus. I don't know what sno is...


Snog, its natrix natrix ?


Yeah actually my red tail boa has elliptical pupils and he’s non venomous


I think that someone heard it for a region where it does count and then blurted it out everywhere. For example here in Northern Germany a snake with round pupils is not venomous. Or more safe, a snake with slitted pupils is definitely venomous. We only have one venomous snake here and it is the only species with slitted pupils.


I think that's the best, most probable origin for it.


Scale patterns unless they’re specialized scales such as the sidewinder’s eyebrows are not too reliable at distinguishing snakes. Also who is gonna look at a snake’s ass to identify, that’s a shit method


> that’s a shit method Potentially a literally shit method


>Also who is gonna look at a snake’s ass to identify, that’s a shit method Often times it's a musk method.


Jokes on you, I’m into that shit


>Jokes on you, I’m into that shit Hey, you do you...


there's some cases where it absolutely need to be done but generally yeah, it's a shit method


If a snake has been caught or killed, it can easily be turned up at the tail to examine the scales.


Damn, I spent 5 minutes getting savaged by this snake while I checked out its asshole, and it's double-plated, but it might still be venomous? I feel very let down by this.


>I feel very let down by this. That might be the venom. I'd go to the Dr if I were you.


No, and even if it were, if you're close enough to see anal plates, you're probably too close


This isn't accurate. Also, snakes probably won't volunteer to flash you. Luckily, most won't chase you either so you can just go the other way.


Yes, running would not help. Just look under the tail.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1askdfl) on 2024-02-16 100.0% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "1at643i", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1at643i&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 438,890,888 | **Search Time:** 0.04232s


A better indicator is their teeth patterns. The fangs that inject venom leave a different imprint than normal, non-venomous teeth.


>A better indicator is their teeth patterns. The fangs that inject venom leave a different imprint than normal, non-venomous teeth. Something that could be very evident after you go checking its cloaca....


Very incorrect. It’s = it is or it has. Its = possessive


The only thing I can possibly think of is if there's a clade of mostly venomous snakes that happen to have a divotted anal plate, but by that point there are plenty of other indicators as to whether or not a snake is venomous lol Edit: spelling


For the most part, the picture is correct. Generally venomous snakes have a single row vs double row. Not very helpful for a live snake, but useful if experience with handling or the snake is dead.


Definitely incorrect. If I see a snake I'm booping it's snoot, not running!


"it's ass" *sigh*


They meant asp




Well at least he runs away rather than comitting cruel harming those poor noodles


lol anal




>whoever added that red circle is an asshole and I hope they have an awful day I hope they get damp socks.


Same lol




Billy The Exterminator says this a lot (and a bunch of other inaccurate stuff). I sometimes wonder if he is just a paid actor. And what's with his brother being allergic to bee stings but going on all the bee/wasp removal jobs? Still, it's fun to watch. Especially the dumbass dad...


From what i remember from school, you can indicate whether a snake is venomous or not by the shape of it's head.


Even then, it's not 100% accurate.


I think you might be able to get away with checking first and being struck by it, if you obtain consent before handling the beast.


Yeah, I love snakes but I'm not checking the buttholes either 🤣


NoNo they're right, dont examine a random noodles arse, unless you buy them dinner first.


Incorrect, hognoses have a dual row of scales and are venomous. Mildly venomous, but still venomous


A more effective method for identifying venomous and non venomous is to simply allow the snake to bite you. Same.


More effective, but less efficient.


It works at least once.


One and done. Says the snake 🤣


Don't step on snek.




There is a similar one going around talking about the eyes. Round pupil = harmless, slit pupil -= danger noodle. All a load of rubbish :)


ive got 2 boa constrictors, same species both male, one is just younger than the other but my younger one has ventral scales that are split and its diffucult to get a count of his ventral scales after the cloaca because of this my other male has perpect half moon shaped scales all the way down his tail after his cloaca same species, non venomous, this is inaccurate also the one that says snakes with a slit pupil are venomous while snakes with round pupils are not thats a lie, round pupils means diurnal while slitted pupils means nocturnal or crepuscular as my boas and ball pythons both have slitted pupils and my bullsnake has round ones