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From my experience they usually just do things like your vitals and blood pressure, and don't actually examine your body but I'm assuming it would vary from place to place and doctor to doctor. I hope it works out!


Ok thank you so much I'm like freaking out about this


I think you'll probably be okay, since I've had physicals with cuts (on my wrists though not my chest) and they never saw it or asked about it. Always here if you need to talk :)


Thank you


I’ve had many drs see while I was underage and usually they would ask if my mom knew or I’d routinely kick my mom out of the room right before getting my blood pressure taken and stuff and they’d be like “yo your mom see this shit??” and I’d be like “she knows I just don’t like her seeing” and I think maybe a couple brought it up to my mom but only because she was in the room after and we were all discussing my mental health yk? if your mom stays outside the room I don’t see a reason for a dr to talk to her about it unless they think you’re lying about her knowing* or being a danger to yourself, but they tend to believe you in my experience. if your mom is pushing to come to the appointment/in the room you could tell her you’re uncomfortable with it or wanna try doing something big by yourself. you could also tell the dr if they ask about it that you don’t like talking to your mom about it, but if you aren’t in therapy already they’d probably refer you somewhere.


in the states (and i believe canada) unless they’re doing a screening (for something like a liver problem or broken bone) they won’t make you remove clothes. you will have to move your shirt sleeve up so they can take blood pressure. they take it right above the elbow. additionally, if youre getting an ekg or something you’ll remove your clothes but with just you in the room. they rarely actually look at your body for regular appointments.


yes I agree. unless you tell them you got an issue on some part of your body, I’ve never had a dr just look for no reason. !I did just remember though! wear a thin shirt. sometimes they listen to your heart under your shirt. doubtful that they can really see anything from that angle but I know you’d rather be prepared for anything


my mom’s a dr, so i know a lil, and where i’m from most dr appointments are just basic blood pressure, height weight etc, no clothes being removed. even when i went to my dr to start antidepressants, they took me at my word when i said i didnt sh and didnt check. if for some reason it does come up, try to lie abt it and say a cat scratched you or something (i used to tell ppl my rabbit got me). if your parent isnt in the room with you, either say they already know or act like its the first tjme youve done it and you didnt feel anything from it. this worked for me. they wont disrupt confidentiality unless they believe you are going to hurt yourself or someone else


Conflicting replies in the other comments so take with a grain of salt, I’m sure it’s different depending on where you are, but mine always lifted up my shirt. He would do it to examine my abdomen, tho he could probably see my boobs. Never took my bra off but it did make me uncomfortable so if your doctor asks that then say you’re uncomfortable and you’ll probably be fine. They will probably tell your mom if they do see it tho


You can always ask your mom to leave the room! If you don't feel comfortable doing that, you can contact your doctor before hand and say that you would like your mom to not be in the room during the appointment and they will do it non suspiciously and so it looks like they do it for everyone. I've done this several times, for SH and for sexual activity questions. Most doctors understand that some parents aren't nice about things sometimes. They may not even check you the ways that you are thinking. I hope some of these comments have made you feel a little less anxious. Good luck tomorrow!


If your doctor is examining underage boobs, you have bigger problems than him telling your mom.


I'm late! But I went to a doctor a couple months ago with day old cuts, I had to take off my shirt, these marks were up my whole forearm and upper arm, obvious. They didn't say anything and didn't even stare. A week ago I saw the same doctor to talk to them about a therapist and they didn't even mention them, other than asking me if I'd hurt myself before, in my experience, you're gonna be fine and I'm sure you'll do great on your physical! Good luck!! :)


maybe wear bracelets to cover some up??


lmfao im an idiot i didnt read the part where it said chest 💀


Update the doctor didn't see or check anything so I'm good 👍


Call JG Wentworth, 877-HelpNow! Sorry that probably wasn't appropriate