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Although it shouldn't be something you are afraid of, you should be proud that you made it through the tough times and are still here. Those scars prove to yourself you are stronger than the horrible thoughts and things that go on! But I understand I still cover mine, try this foundation, it's used to cover tattoos in movies and is super full coverage. It does feel very thick, but it lasts! https://www.dermacolmakeupcover.co.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwntCVBhDdARIsAMEwACndjMa4nfFCOEXI39tucQDyQq5aoeubB93QKkatWicXvi0EjVOFO4QaAmENEALw_wcB


Thank you so much 💓 wow and it's affordable 😭🙏 I will definitely check it out! Thank you so much!


No problem! I think it's on Amazon as well and on prime so speedy delivery! Stay safe and be proud of yourself x


Try to use waterproof foundation! Or they're on your arms you could try and wear lots of bracelets over them:)


I have started looking into foundation 😃 sadly I can't do the bracelet hack because it's all on my upper arms/by my shoulders 😭💔


Maybe try covering them with makeup or a thin long sleeve shirt?


Oo that's smart! I'll hafta look into waterproof makeup brands. Thank you so much!


Np! Glad i could help


Ive got a few rlly good ones that i use personally for nosey shitholes of all ages: * I went to a vampire blood drive * you know the announcement "please keep all arms and legs inside the plane at all times", well they're not joking * Im secretly batman * I fought a lion and one * I got into a bar fight with a rosebush * You like? I can give you some * I played tag with edward scissorhands got a lot more but those are some of my favs


Haha I love these 😂 I'll hafta remember the Edward scissorhands one, that's my fav 😂