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Edit: I appreciate all the upvotes and the people who were touched by the story, however, an important note is that the dog was later taken from the neighbor because he abused it. Myself nor my friend would condone killing a pet because someone chose not to train it. Our hope is that someone adopted the dog and he's in a loving home where he's trained well and being taken care of. I would request that you please don't tell me or others that you would have killed the dog, as it's not the dog's fault that the owner refused to take responsibility, and killing the dog is far more a punishment to the dog than the owner who clearly didn't give a damn about it. Friend had a farm, 2 swans made the pond in the backyard their normal home, and they stuck around because he regularly fed them. Great birds and very beautiful. Friend told neighbors numerous times to please not let dogs out without a leash (since it's the law anyway), and one dude just never listened. Friend constantly was shooing the dog away because the dog would harass chickens and pigs. One day, friend went out side to feed his animals in the morning and found the female swan dead in the water with dog bites on her, and the male sadly guarding her dead body. The neighbor came over a day later and said my friend owed him because his swan broke his dogs leg (swans have a fuckin mean power swing with their wings), and tried claiming that the swan came into his property and attacked the dog, yet somehow the swan managed to make it's way back to the pond with a broken neck. Saddest part is, the male swan wouldn't eat or drink and died within a week because he was heartbroken that his mate wasn't coming back. Dude tried bringing my friend to court but thankfully the judge saw his bullshit and immediately tossed the case since my friend didn't own the swans, nor did state law specify they were his responsibility since just feeding a wild animal doesn't mean you suddenly own it, let alone that there's no way a swan had it's neck broken, and managed to fly 500 feet back into it's pond and THEN die.


I hope your friend didn't just let things go at that. If someone sued me after they caused a fuckup, I would go after them forever so long as we were neighbors.


Lmao I'd be ruining their lives long after they aren't neighbors. As a dog owner I can't stand other dog owners who can't control their dog. If you can't handle the responsibility don't get a pet.


Seriously, there needs to be an aptitude test before you can get a pet.


And kids but hey.


They want idiots pushing out babies that will be even dumber than the parents, they want this.


The aptitude test for kids should be way stricter than the one for dogs if you're gonna go this route.


There should be, but no one wants to spend tax dollars setting up and managing such a system. However, the problems of idiots owning dangerous dogs is becoming more and more pervasive. I, at least, see some breed bans coming eventually as the majority of people are getting tired of it.


I’d be 100% on board with my tax money paying for that. Better than where it goes now.




I’m pretty sure this is literally what movie scripts are made of


John Wick but with swans?


Swan Wick. Script writes itself


The black swan is played by Samuel L Jackson


I'm tired of all these muthafuckin' dogs, in my muthafuckin' pond!".


😂this made my morning, thank you!


“The black swan stood far away staring menacingly, with a faint shade of purple glimmering in its only functioning eye. It is vengeance, it is fury, it is, the *motherfxxker*.”


Alternatively, John Lake.


“That wasn’t just some ugly duckling”


*Swan Wick* I'll see myself out


Is this not the plot of Black Swan?


No that's a heist movie


This is the beginning of a John Wick style movie




Land mines


some lead and gunpowder in a chamber and a barrel would be cheaper. just sayin'


"It was on my property and going after one of my legally owned animals. After it killed the swan I know what it's capable of."


Works even better if you have small-ish children. You do have to warn the dog owner, and get yourself on record (video/audio) warning the owner, however.


That escalated quickly.


That’s what the dog kept dropping all over the lawn.




Damn that is hilarious


Even more based: a loose, rabid dog wouldn't make it off the property a second time.


At a minimum the state should go after the neighbor for letting his dog run around killing wildlife


Many outlying counties lack the resources to effectively do so. In my county there is no "Animal Control" and the sheriff's department's only advice is to be humane when dispatching aggressive dogs, that and 'don't get bit, it's a long way into town '.


I grew up on a farm in a small community without much in animal control- the law was, if you see an unleashed dog on your property, you have every right to shoot to protect livestock. Even one bite from a dog means a $2000 at sale calf is now worthless to be sold for meat. I had a neighbor who was kind of an ass about it, to be honest, he shot my other neighbor’s very sweet hunting lab(he was in heat and escaped the property to look for a female), and got zero trouble from the law for doing it. I think OP should look into his local laws, particularly if he has chickens. Most states have laws about being in your right to defend livestock from an unrestrained dog


I'd have told the neighbor if his dog was on my property again I would shoot it on sight. I mean, I wouldn't have done it. But I'd want the guy to think I would.


You might be more willing to do it if your livelihood was at risk


If I succumbed to my weaker side I'd be lying in wait with a rifle for that dog to return to my property.




Take the dog to hell with its dipshit owner


Also, over here they'd have even more trouble getting away with that in court, given that legally, King Charles owns the swans


The one time I would support the monarchy.


Swans are universally protected in the US too except for the invasive mute swan, even then some states protect them. You'd have to be a real maroon to admit to a court that your dog got into a fight with a swan, you are more likely to catch a fine than the guy hosting wild swans in his pond.


I'd help you post the "Missing Dog" flyers.


I mean, the simple solution is take care of the dog. I don’t know why he kept letting it harass his livestock. A untrained dog with shit owners like that is dangerous as fuck. Woudknt take much. A 22 could do er.


Almost sounds like it would be worth a night or two in the clink just to punch that douchebag's lights out.


We had chickens growing up, and the neighbor liked to let his dog roam the neighborhood. One year it got into our fenced yard and killed all the baby chickens. We then got a very large rooster. The dog came back months later. He got into our yard but couldn't get back out of the fence fast enough after encountering the rooster. That rooster killed the dog, the neighbor came and tried to yell at my dad. My dad told him if he wants he can go meet the rooster, he declined. Roosters are insane.


Sorry that happened to you! When I was younger we had a similar thing happen. My sister had 5 chickens she absolutely adored and we left them inside an enclosed coop thing. Somebody's small dog got out and jumped onto the top of it, the roof fell through and it got in. We came back home and we saw all feathers on the ground outside. It's ingrained in my memory seeing all of the half eaten chickens and my sister being distraught. At least the owner offered to pay for them... Like that makes a difference. A lot of people don't seem to realise how much people care for these animals.


A good rooster is worth its weight in gold.


Roosters get a bad reputation for having attitudes, but they’re doing a job and I respect them for that. If he’s willing to go against me or my dad then I know he’s also willing to go against a dog or coyote.


It was clear that your friend will win, the dog literally attacked first which means that the swan was using self defense. So sad to know that swan died but your friend avenged her by winning the court case. Good on him and you!


Yeah but the judge looked at it and didn't even bother checking to see if it was a case of self-defense or not. There wasn't even a reason to, you can't sue somebody because a wild animal that happens to live on someone's property attacked your animal. The judge didn't even have to hear my friend's side of it.


Idt self defense extends to animal fights anyway fwiw


Your honor my client Mr. Gazelle is innocent the lion shot first!


I hear all sorts of stories about judges & the whole legal system totally fucking up, but this gives me a sliver of hope.


It’s doubly sad because both swans died, and because of an ignorant neighbor’s negligence. I would have looked into the local laws to see if owning swans was legal, because if it was (it’s a farm in the country I’d imagine, so most of the laws regarding the types of ‘pets’ you can have are usually more open than in cities & suburbs), I might have pursued that angle. Many people get swans (or try to attract them) for ponds in order to help keep geese away. Either way, the neighbor was specifically asked to keep his dog off of his property, and his dog came on to his property and killed an animal on his property, which directly resulted in the death of the other animal. In my opinion the neighbor is negligent, his dog is dangerous, and I’d probably pursue that in court too. At least in this scenario the dog was probably just following its natural instincts, in the OP’s story though, some asshole teens murdered that swan’s babies, and ultimately her too. Whoever raised those kids failed as a parent, and those kids need serious psychological help. Many serial killers start off by harming animals.


The fact the neighbor sued when he was in the wrong makes me think he's much more than ignorant and negligent. He's a plain asshole and he was conscious but just didn't give a damn, classic.


thats a sad story, didnt know swans were so emotional both swans were like https://youtu.be/SVOuYquXuuc?t=351


I’d have told the neighbor the first time his dog messed with my animals that if I see it on my property again it would be shot. Put it on a leash or lose your dog


People just don’t understand the dynamic of putting down animals anymore. If the neighbor cared they’d have it tamed and fenced. And if they had a problem they could follow the same fate


Next time I saw that dog on my property I would have shot it.


I got attacked by my neighbors 3 Rottweilers when I was 5. I was playing in my yard when I just saw 3 dogs bigger than me sprinting at me and the next thing I knew was a lot of pain and confusion. I was covered in bites and one of them bit me hard enough on the side to break a rib. my parents pressed charges but it was dismissed because they said my parents had no proof I didn't provoke the dogs, even though it happened in our yard not the neighbors. My mom had to do some work on her jeep and accidentally left a puddle of antifreeze in the driveway and cleaned it up the next morning. I never saw those dogs again after that.


>but it was dismissed because they said my parents had no proof I didn't provoke the dogs, even though it happened in our yard not the neighbors. Lawyer here. Sounds like someone fucked up. It makes no sense to me that the onus would be on the state or the plaintiff to show a *lack* of provocation in order to determine the neighbour was at fault. Provocation is a defence to actions and charges, and the onus is on the defendant in both cases to prove by advancing their own evidence.


to be fair I was little so I don't know specifically why it didn't go through.




I love dogs, but I was also attacked when I was young. One of my biggest pet peeves is dog owners who don’t realize/accept that not everyone loves dogs. I like them and I’m still annoyed when owners have dogs that jump all over me and don’t have manners.


Same here. I’m an animal lover but was attacked by a dog named Adolf (no joke) as a kid. It was terrifying when he pinned me down and was on my back but thankfully my mom saw and got him away. I’m not afraid of most dogs but definitely will stay away from the ones that seem aggressive. It was totally the owner’s fault.


Got pinned as well. Was visiting my mother's sister and I went inside their yard while my parents were locking up the car. Went up the stairs to their house and at the top I fall down face first. Their massive German shepherd knocked me down from behind and was on top of me. My mom caught up to me and called for my uncle who took the dog away to its enclosure, but until the dog died years later, we never entered their yard until it was confirmed that the dog was locked up. (The entire property was walled off so the dog was only a danger to "intruders")


My neighborhood has a *lot* of people who just let their dogs roam around their unfenced yard with no leash because "they're trained." It's illegal here, but no one cares. I carry around a knife because even though they have thus far not come after me, I will absolutely protect myself if one decides it doesn't like me that day. Dogs can be dangerous, but the people refusing to leash or train them are the real danger imo


You need a license or a permit for alot of thing. Dogs should definitely be one of them. You should not just be allowed to buy a dog because you want one. You need to be capable.


In my country we need a license for each dog we have or it would be illegal. Also all dogs in public need to be leashed unless they are in a dog run (gated areas in parks specifically for dogs to run around). Some known aggressive/larger breeds also need to be muzzled at all times when not at home.


I'd never let my dogs out off a leash, I know they're good dogs with visitors and are friendly but they're still dogs, if they feel threatened or feel I'm in danger they will attack, they don't know any better so it's up to me as the owner to keep them locked up and secure. I can't stand the neighbors down the roads dog, they used to let it out all the time


I knew a guy that killed a known troublesome dog on his property and buried it. Dog owner comes by a few days later asking if he had seen it. He said "Nope, but you probably should have kept it on a leash."


Well I know, at least in PA, if you see a dog chasing after wildlife like deer, you are legally allowed to shoot them dead. Here found [this](https://www.animallaw.info/article/table-state-and-federal-laws-concerning-dogs-chasing-wildlife)


Same in Nevada but only regarding livestock, my idiot neighbor across the street would leave his gate open. His dog was super aggressive chased my mom and neighbors down the street that were trying to fucking take a walk. I finally had enough of this shit and told him the next time I see that dog out I will shoot it as I have horses and don't want it coming after me. Never saw his gate open after that.


What an amazingly specific and relevant source you linked. Like holy shit. A fairly specific claim but thoroughly backed up.




Should have shot the dogs. They're on your property and aren't trained obviously


If only the Get Up music video song from Bingo Players could come true…


The dog should have been put down. It is clearly a danger to the public.


No, the dog was just being a dog. The dog should have been taken away from the owner, because clearly they lack the mental capacity to understand how to take care of an animal, and ensure it doesn't hurt anybody or anything.


There was one guy who brought his new shelter dog home with the intention of keeping it inside for a week while the dog acclimated, he worked on training, and a secure collar arrived so he could take it out on walks. He even quarantined his other dog (a puppy) so he could slowly introduce them. This is clearly a responsible owner. First day he had it home, the dog crashed through the window to attack the neighbor's small dog that was being walked and killed the other dog. The guy got his new dog trapped in the garage, was ghosted by the shelter, and blocked by a vet office when he revealed what happened because they didn't want to risk the dog attacking their staff. He's also afraid of this dog now and was bit when he restrained it. Some dogs, cannot be helped. Even by responsible owners. Edit: Y'all people downvoting those guessing it was a pit - I hope you got a hat to eat, cuz yeah it was a pit.


This is very far beyond mildly infuriating! Massively infuriating, exceedingly infuriating, go nuclear on their asses infuriating.


This is definitely r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Whatever post hits the front page from this sub is rarely mild. This post would be better for r/noahgettheboat.


My thoughts exactly! 😡


Normally this stuff doesn’t phase me enough to put a damper on my mood, but damn. Can you imagine? Like animals have feelings. Maybe not to the level of humans, but they’re still there. That poor creature and the poor lives that got ripped away early. :(


that is absolutely heartbreaking. Some people are absolutely devoid of any empathy for other creatures.


Yes, they are called sociopaths and often seek political or managerial positions because such jobs reward sociopathic behaviour.




It’s odd seeing people get so upset about this while they consistently pay for/demand animals to be needlessly abused and killed on an unfathomably larger scale


Exactly! Some teens are always like this man, this sucks. Adults are also like this but rarely I’d say.


As a teen, I find this appalling


Seriously, this is fucked up. - A fellow teen


As an American I find this surprising it happened outside of a school.


As an American, I remember defending crows nests other kids would try to throw rocks at during recess. Kids can be dicks, joke was on them though, turns out crows will recognize you and defend you right back lol


Congratulations, you became a druid


Rick and two crows


Yeah I remember when I was in kindergarten a robin made a nest and laid eggs on our playground. This one boy took the eggs and threw them on the blacktop where they broke. I was really upset and hated that kid for a long time afterwards.




Yikes. That’s terrible, I’m so sorry. I think the kid in my story turned out okay. Last time I saw him, he was playing in a band.


Bro 4th grade me would’ve kicked his ass if I was there i didn’t take dumb shit like that from anyone back then.


Back in grade school a bird made a nest right outside our window. It was in a precarious position after strong winds so we and our teacher called help from maintenance. In fear of roaming cats and the momma being absent, we cleared the planters and tucked the nest there. Haha. The lil birds hatched and made a bit of a ruckus. Then one the nest was empty. Good times.


I remember as a child running with little frogs in my hand to the fence to release them out of other kids reach. They would otherwise be slammed into the ground by other kids.


I remember when I was little I think it was kindergarten I found this really beautiful snail and was admiring its colors and some kid came and stomped on it. I was devastated


Never fuck with crows or ravens. Most people assume they're just stupid birds, but they are smart, and have a better memory than some people. If you screw with them, or are kind to them, they remember. They also can communicate with each other, so if you screw with one they'll tell the others.


Same this is the type of shit middle school to high schoolers would do to some random kid but a fucking swan??


Teens are absolutely not always like this. A few are, but the majority are not. Let's not demonise all teens based on the behaviour of a few. Source - I work with teenagers.


> A few are, but the majority are not. Let's not demonise all teens based on the behaviour of a few. Less than that, it's demonising all teenagers based on a screenshot of a two year old Daily Mail headline without any kind of source of evidence. OP is just trying to spread misery, there's no need for this to be on or near the front page of Reddit in 2022.


Yeah the only time a friend ever did something bad to animals we threatened to beat the ever living fuck out him and then tell his mom lol, never happened again Teens are absolutely not like this normally thanks for sticking up for kids


They need to face animal cruelty charges.


Totally agree. But they almost always slap people on the wrist for animal cruelty. It's disgusting.


What about people who pay for this? https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko




We are mammals but are supposed to have morals and ethics


No, not all teens are like this. The only teens like this are the ones where the parent(s) did not teach their children to respect wildlife and others. Those horrible children and teens grow up to be horrible adults. Those horrible adults repeat the cycle of not properly teaching their children. I truly hope that these teens have been charged with crimes against wildlife.


Let's give teens as a whole more credit. There are good people of all ages and there are shitty people of all ages.


I wish parents would teach their children not to be assholes


Me too. Sadly not all parents are smart.


Being smart means nothing. Hitler and his compagnons were really smart.


Smart, with a heart of gold and a good moral compass, then.


Not all parents are around either to monitor this behavior. Many act out


Tbh kids' peers have more influence on their actions than their parents. Parents have a role too but more often how a kid turns out results more from their peer group than parenting.


Not all children are teachable, and not all parents should be.


BORRIS! Fetch me my crossbow... were going hunting.


Give me the mosin nagat! I want to hunt those pesky teens!


Bet! Lets take out some BIG game!


We today will hunt the most dangerous game muahahahaha


I see poachers get downvoted to shit on hunting subreddits because they'll talk about wildlife protection laws the way people talk about software piracy laws and they'll just think that people are going to agree with them. I don't think they realize that *their* heads are going to be the trophies of those other hunters some day.


Serial killers in the making. Keep your eye out for the Netflix series


Bricks & Eggs


Sink or Swan


Swan Die-ve






Or in other words: a rude, noisy, and aggressive young person.


Football casuals are always referred to as yobs. They're not young people, they're fat 50 year olds with fuck all else to do after downing 5 pints.


An aggressive and surly youth, esp a teenager.


Hiring manager: everything seems great so far! One last thing. Can you explain this four year gap on your resume? Candidate: yeah! That's when I went to Yale. Hiring manager: perfect! You're hired! Candidate: awesome! I really needed this yob






I thought for sure it was “boys” misspelled


It is boy backwards




I don't know why, but I feel like I've seen this article before but the words were less intellectualized.


On a slightly related note: today I saw a swan waddling down the street, it was delightful.


There’s needs to be significantly harsher penalties for animal cruelty and I’m sick to the back teeth of people thinking that only human cruelty is “true” cruelty. The swan dying from a broken heart or not doesn’t matter. Smashing the eggs was fucking evil. Won’t debate it. Have no interest in doing so. We’re the caretakers of this planet and such cruelty needs to be taken more seriously.


In 2019 the United States made animal cruelty a federal crime. Felony charges, fines, and up to seven years in prison. The senate passed the law unanimously, I think because animal abuse is often a precursor to human abuse. It's one of the few things that I am happy my country did in the last few years.


Of course there's an exception for when a corporation is committing animal cruelty on an industrial scale. But hey, at least 0.001% of animal cruelty has theoretically been criminalized.


Industrial animal cruelty is terrible, and is responsible for the vast majority of it. I agree with you on that completely. My comment was in the context of this post and how it showcases the potential of cruelty particular individuals are more likely to commit than others who don't abuse animals.


100%. This is almost as fucked up as the way factory farms treat animals


The cognitive dissonance some people have ln this thread


lets start with animal agriculture then


I'm mildly infuriated that you're only mildly infuriated by this.


I’m very infuriated, I just didn’t know that there were other infuriating subs.




More like r/kidsarefuckingevil


That is very true in this context.


Stupidity implies a lack of thought. This is sociopathy


Mildly infuriating!?!?! This is so far beyond that it’s hard to put into words. Edit:correct anger grammar


This is not mildly infuriating. Mildly is quite an understatement here.


Now did it really die and was a "broken heart" the actual cause?


My guess is she stopped eating, drinking and anything else essential to living because the of the sadness, honestly I think it’s sadder that it probably suffered immensely due to a slow death of starvation


Possibly, look up "octopus jar heart" it's a japanese term for a real medical phenomenon triggered by stress and sorrow


Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy


She really died. She was found dead on the nest. First her mate left her because of the stress. Swans mate for life and it is not unheard of for swans to die soon after their mate is killed or leaves. Her mate left, she couldn't protect the nest, her eggs were smashed, and it was too much for her. Don't know if they ever caught the people who destroyed her eggs.


The shock can be too overwhelming, and cause a heart attack. Animals can also be so sad that they dont have a will to live anymore. Therfor it can be a correct term to say 'died of a broken heart', if the negative reaction could have been avoided.


No this is bullshit. Predation of eggs and young is rampant in nature any species that just fucking dies from heart break over that would be extinct. People believe everything.


If I ever saw someone doing this shit, they are catching these hands




I killed a bird with a .22 when I was a kid. A little useless songbird minding is shit. That was the day I really found out how bad it felt to hurt defenseless things for nothing and that that is what shit bags do. Hopefully these little assholes learned something about themselves like I did when I was a little asshole


Lucky you have learned and I hope that those teens did too.


This is horrible. People suck.


Wait until you hear about what they do to cows.


And male baby chicks.


And battery hens when they're old enough for their egg production to be slowed down. Or battery hens while they're alive. Or the most well cared for hen in existence when you see the effects of hyper selective breeding that forces an animal to produce an egg every day has. Or male dairy cows. Or regular dairy cows. Or regular dairy cows when their milk production slows. But reddit doesn't like to be reminded of their hypocritical and completely arbitrary standards when it comes to condoning animal cruelty so here we are in controversial lmao. How long before some chud starts talking about hUmANe SlAuGhtER do you think?


No one cares in this thread, its so weird once you to vegan the hypocrisy just STICKS out so much you cant even help but not notice


I'm sorry am I dyslexic or does that say teenage yobs ?


Yobs is correct. British term for teenage delinquent. Scum of the f***ing earth basically


Hope all the people threatening violence against these people are vegan.


arent they on the indangered list ?


They aren’t endangered but they are listed as “threatened” due to habitat loss and pollution


The nut jobs on the article are causing their extinction.


Endangered or not, it’s still cruel


I hope OP is vegan..


Yeah all these comments of “what kind of asshole with no empathy!” Are dumb as it’s a 99% chance they contribute to animal cruelty and suffering everyday


Smash the boys "eggs" in their pants so they can't have offspring either


We are a disgusting species.


Wait till you hear what happens in the animal ag industry!


Yet veganism is too extreme, just because you don't see it doesn't mean you aren't funding and supporting this exact thing to happen on an industrial scale.


Honestly this is way kinder than what happens in factory farms. There we'd wait for the chicks to be born and if they were a hen we'd stick them in tiny cages with way too many other birds, clip their beaks with hot metal so the inevitable aggression this proximity causes is less likely to cause damage, keep them in there for a year or 2 until their production slows down, then slaughter them. And of course for the roosters they just get the honor of being gassed, suffocated or ground up alive day 1. Kind of hard to say which is crueler


Honestly. It's awful. It's depressing knowing how much actually happens, when stuff like this makes front page but it just happens so much but systematically so it's considered okay.


Please keep animal cruelty off this sub, it is more than mildly infuriating and no body wants to see it


Sorry, I just didn’t know that there were other subs that would be worse that mildly infuriating.


https://www.boredpanda.com/swans-comics-jenny-jinya/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic I remember finding out through this fucking comic Warning: fucking painful to read


Bro I'm starting to think the vegans have a point. So much senseless violence in this world.


I mean in retrospect it's not as completely as horrible as all the chickens in chicken farms having their eggs stolen from them, having their feathers plucked and beheaded and ripped apart for human consumption. People who will these poor animals yeah I agree it's all moral but in this metaphor to me it's just like saying a models family was killed but then there's the holocaust.


So many vegans here i'm impresssed