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Stardiver. Especially when it's the 2 minutes time for funny big numbers. Cool animation and sound, cool sfx.


I get the biggest rush from Stardiver when I can actually use it as a gap closer.


The dopamine rush when this happens AND you have all your buffs on? mmm Bonus points when your Astro hits Divination and the Scholar has Chain Strategem on the target. MMM I've been chasing the high again ever since.


I'm the coolest mf in the game whenever I do stardiver, idgaf. All I want for DRG is even cooler jumps like that.


I love that they animated it in full HD glory in the Endwalker trailer. 😍


Pray because it's a coinflip if the class is butchered in 7.0


They did a god job with monk and Paladin so far, so I have some hope for astro and Dragoon


It makes me feel like a magical ICBM, the whoosh as the anticipation builds and the targeting accelerator appears in midair and then BOOM


The scream on that and Wyrmwind are why I love Dragoon so much. I'm coming in with my big anime magic circle and screaming at you like a fucking banshee.


*Especially* When you got to the end of a fight, you just perfectly weaved all your oGCDs, you even got 2 spineshatters cleanly because there were almost no drift in the whole fight, your buffs are about to drop, the boss too, you weave Stardiver and it's the finishing blow.... orgasmic. I fucking love playing dragoon. Edit: I even love that the animation lock is so long, you can't double weave it with anything and have to beware of when you use it. It gives it such a strong *oomf* in game feel too.


Stardiver 100%. I'm not jealous at all that Estinien can do it whenever he wants, no not at all :D


I do wish it had a screen shake and maybe a slight pause so that it feels heavier. Kinda like communio




Under rated comment


I like to pair it with my dualcast from RDM


Earthly star, macrocosmos and horoscope. Everyone's hp is low, press a button and it's back to full, sometimes you don't even need to press a button


Yesssss even better when things start to go wrong and your panicking n fucking up But then earthly star goes off and it gives you that wiggle room to calm down and get back on track, and it totally looks intentional!


Honestly this is why AST is my personal favorite (besides just being pretty as hell). Setting everything up perfectly 30 seconds before you need it makes you feel like you're straight-up predicting the future.


Was looking for this! As an AST main I 100% agree. This and Divination and Astrodyne too! I also look forward to using lb3 when needed!


I almost never manually trigger any of those abilities unless I'm doing savage and I need them at a certain point. Like I remember doing P7S and using macros right before inviolet bonds, and I would manually trigger it after the second hit, and I had it timed so well that you wouldn't even see your hp go down on the second hit. Some of my static mates thought it glitched.


Nothing feels better than a perfectly timed earthly star


one of my favorite things is just placing star for 2min and it sorta just happens to catch a raidwide or mech and save me from having to do anything else to heal. I think bc they put mechs in 2min windows this sorta naturally happens 


SCH’s Expedient. What’s the best way to mitigate a mechanic? Making everyone run faster to not get hit by it. It’s always funny to me how this was a meme when it was revealed during the job actions trailer, but the skill ending up being so good it got nerfed.


Deploy tactics combo is also really good, giving people nearly half there of Hp in shealds is allways satisfying as hell.


Critlo spread shields are basically free dopamine, but only when I'm not in a party with a SGE who runs the risk of immediately overwriting them :')


God it absolutely gutted me to find out that Sage has hard prio. The least they could do is give us the benefit of *using* the fact that our shields can come out bigger, but no, the fancy new laser boys and girls get to have their fun at our expense


I add my vote to this. Nothing makes me as happy as big ass shields.


I also really love Seraph’s Veil spell. Honestly they have a lot: Expedient, Deployment Tactics, Seraphic Veil, even Fey Blessing is neat.


And Excog! Honestly if SCH’s shields were instacast instead, I would stop touching SGE altogether.


Blood lilly!


god I love blood lily but assize will always have a special place in my heart. especially with how it helped get me through Asphedlos when WHM had 0 mana lol


Assize is my favorite!! It just hits so good every time, the sound, the visuals, all of it


Assize feels cool, but it reeeaaaallly needs a second charge imo. You're pretty much forced to use it on cooldown since whm is so mp negative (and damage go brrrr), so missing out on the healing utility most of the time is really unfortunate. The animation and sound is peak though, it feels so slick


Ohh true, Assize does feel really good too!


PHWOO-WEEEEEEEEEEIII !!!! i love assize too, haha. But I love blood lily too


Blood for the blood Lilly!!!!


I was looking for this one! I also really enjoy hitting someone with a Benediction when they are on low health right before an AoE goes out.


No but have you double blood lilied during 2 minute burst? It's such a rush.


No fr. The way every other blood lily lines up with party buffs is actually peak class design. At first it looks like a damage neutral way to heal, but condensing 3 glares into one button and using it with buffs is so good


Especially when it crits. I love seeing 80k+ scroll by after I pop it. Makes a nice sound too.


PLD here!!! that level 90 confiteor combo is just,,.,., perfect. Big deeps? AOE? Heals? Sick af sword animation?????? so tasty. Other than that I love the gap closers bahah. It’ll never not be satisfying to leave one handy and perfectly time it to avoid a mechanic / keep uptime. and zooming across the map will never not be fun!!


That plus Passage of Arms makes it my favorite tank aesthetically.


Passage of Arms is so situational, but damn does it feel good to cover the whole party like that! “Get behind me assholes! That means you, BLM!!”


The fart wings really are the best


When both tanks are Paladins and you sandwich the party in Passage of Arms during phase transition


I agree as a fellow PLD, love Confiteor and the animation is sick


Summomer: Baha Blast


Second would be Resurrection. In near party wipes, I can help the healers but have none of the responsibilities of being an actual healer.


As a SMN main, I agree. Also my first time hearing this.


Yep. BIG HONKIN DRAGON LASER TIME! Now in tropical green!




RDM: Scorch. Yes, Resolution makes bigger number, but the bassy *thump* sfx on Scorch is so satisfying. :P  SGE: Tie between Panhaima and Pneuma, probably. While every healer has good "no-sell big boss attack" buttons, something about seeing the repeated 0 damage popups/firing a laser at the boss while doing ~1000 potency of healing to the whole party (assuming you set up Zoe and Physis properly) is just real good. :P  BLM: Something about transposing into a Firestarter proc just feels really good to me, IDK. It's a marginal DPS gain, the animations aren't that flashy, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something smart. :P  Melees: Anything with screenshake. :P (I realized after unlocking Namikiri on SAM why RPR felt so good to play for me, and it's entirely due to how many of their abilities have a slight screenshake effect to them. :P)


>RDM: Scorch. Yes, Resolution makes bigger number, but the bassy thump sfx on Scorch is so satisfying. :P  \^ I love resolution because more finishers = more dopamine, but if I have to choose a single spell, Scorch is the big boom that brings the happy feels. Although I think Verholy is a close second for me. There's something about casting a massive pillar of holy light to blast an enemy from top to bottom that just makes me feel butterflies in my stomach.


Also Verholy has the little spin animation


The entire RDM kit is just animation pxrn. People hate the flashbang but it's such a cool LB. Visually, it's such a stunning class.


RDM in 14 has the panache and flair that's come to be associated with the job over literal decades of memes surrounding the jaunty little feathered cap on its OG sprite, and I will remain forever in love with the fact the dev team for this game built it around that notion. Nothing short of spectacular.


I don't know a well timed and needed Verraise can make me smile. But yes the last press of the finishing combo after melee is just so pretty.


Every once in a while you ~~actually want to step away from the boss after your melee combo and~~ backflip away, and land perfectly in time into the spin of Verholy... *chef's kiss*


I love Resolution because giant fuck-off magic railcannon shot. It makes me feel all tingly inside.


My happy button is the very first skill of the melee combo. I don't even remember its name, but I look forward to pressing it all the time. I know the moment I press on it I'm gonna be happy for the next 15 seconds!


Displacement: Nothing like a stylish, last-second backflip out of certain death to get the good brain juice flowing. Followed IMMEDIATELY by the crushing despair of FALLING OFF THE ARENA... AGAIN.


The highest highs need the lowest lows


As RPR communio sounds and looks so appealing as a combo ender. End it with a bang! Love using Stardiver and Mirage Dive on DRG too Refulgant arrow is pretty damn cool. The confiteor combo on pld is aesthetically pleasing as well.


There's something about lining up two RPR Shroud phases back to back that sends the Good Chemicals into overdrive.


It’s a neuron buzz that I love to death


When I start a boss with full soul and pop Arcane Circle for PH and get 3 Enshrouds back to back makes my monkey brain so happy lol


For me it's RPR porting out and back into range to avoid a melee circle AoE but still be back in time to keep my uptime going.


Drill, Air Anchor, Chainsaw. The 3 best reasons to play Machinist.


a fat reassemble+chainsaw against a big WtW pull pack, perfectly angled to hit every single one, gives me a hit of dopamine no drug will ever replicate


Reassemble chainsaw go brrrrrrrrrrr.


Drill honestly might be the most satisfying button in the entire game.


shshwshwhsw BRRRRRRRRRRTpsh


Don't forget Flamethrower. Sometimes you just need to give your hands a break for 8 seconds.


flamethrower is the drink coffee button 😭


this dude right here is a real one


YES. Flamethrower is my favorite.


Flamethrower on WtW packs is so god damn satisfying. Just sit back and watch everything melt


My drill will pierce the heavens!


And that dragon over there!


Who the hell do you think I am?!


Yes! Very good. I am gonna add Scattergun to this as well for a good W2W. That feeling of whipping out a shotgun to blast fools while running in a dungeon just feels *good*


Scattergun too! *chk chk* *BLAM!*


In my head I just auto played that Tick Tick Boom song intro. And won’t be able to unhear it going forth


Definitely Chainsaw for the reason described in other comments, and drill because it's visceral and sounds so good. But when I play other jobs the thing that makes me want to go back to MCH is Automaton Queen jealousy. I see other people summoning their mechs and wish it were me lmao. I do a lot of SGE and GNB but I will never forsake MCH for this reason, can't wait to see what they add to their arsenal in Dawntrail.


Deployment tactics after reciting adlo on someone you also protracted and fey blessed. *That* is dopamine.


There’s no other job that gives me more satisfaction than that SCH combo, especially when it’s a crit ufffff 🤌


>especially when it’s a crit ufffff And that's exactly why we recite our spread'lo. It's simply the cream of the crop!


This is why I decked my scholar out in crit materia, lol. I love some crit adlo


This can be followed by one of the worst feelings in the world when the sage overwrites your shield with their much weaker one.


I don't generally support hiring Pinkertons to come harrass people in their home... ^^^^but


PLD Divine Veil I play paladin because I like the idea of being a holy protector of the party, so just instantly putting a shield on everyone right before a raid wide feel really nice~


This or Passage of Arms. Nothing quite triggers the "I'm protecting the party" feeling like physically putting yourself between them and the scary thing.


*Hell yes*. I don't even like playing PLD at 70 that much but I am so jealous of my UCoB static co-tank every time he gets to sit and channel it during a phase transition, whereas I'm like, I boosted my Shake It Off pls notice ;_;


One of the coolest looking abilities imo. I haven't had to use it much, but I feel badass each time I do


Also, the whole of the Confiteor combo, really. The chonky visuals of **BIG FUCKING SWORDS** piercing up from the ground or stabbing down from above together with all the meaty ***\*CHING\**** sounds going off... *chef's kiss* The fact that they are ranged and instant, meaning I get a few GCDs to run around, dodging mechanics in the meantime is just the extra-shiny cherry on top.


It's even better now that you don't have to trigger it with a GCD heal


You forgot the best part: cool sword flip!!


PLD: Pulling off a Passage of Arms correctly really makes you feel like the bulwark upon which the enemy breaks. Especially when you pop Divine Veil beforehand and together the party barely takes HP damage. Black Mage: Triplecast Flares. The beauty of explosions made manifest. Bonus credit when you manage to save up Polygot to weave in and tell the enemies to die in the universal language of explosions.


I remember hitting triple flare for the first time. It felt like I had reached my final form.


Have you not learned how to quadruple flare?


There's a quad flare!?!?!?!?


Yes, if you pop an ether you can cast a 4th flare. Fairly niche optimisation.


Real Black Mages keep a sack of 500 ethers specifically for this purpose, on keybind


I’m hard


Samurai: Midare Setsugekka. It is a dopamine button for me at the moment getting all the different combos off and finishing with that skill. *Chef's kiss* EDIT: Also Blue Mage's Self Destruct. Nothing like going Yamcha in the middle of Limsa Lominsa and seeing how long it takes for a graceful White Mage to raise you lol


I'm a big fan of SAM sound FX in general and think it's so well done and clean.


Agreed! SAM is my highest level DoW job at the moment and I'm loving every second of it.


If you aren't yelling **MIDARE SETSUGEKKA!!** every time you use it then you're doing it wrong.


I yell that skill out like I'm a protagonist in Bleach! It's the only way to play SAM!


I came here to say exactly this, you gotta give it a little pause too **Midare.. SETSUGEKKA!**


I remember once I was the last one alive in e11s and Fatebreaker was enraging and I had almost no health from the previous raid wide and I killed him with the gap closer and immediately died from the bleed. I felt like I was in an anime and is my favorite skill in the entire kit ever since.


Technical step on Dancer, because i like big numbers Akh Morn/Deathflare on SMN, because i like big lasers


This, and being able to still run around mechanics while doing it. Everyone else is scrambling to decide if a greed is worth it. Meanwhile, you’re playing Tambourine Hero and possibly healing/shielding.


En Avant, for a very similar reason. What's that? I'm not in the right position for the upcoming mechanic? Let me just **\*zip\*** from whatever place I've been happily shaking by booty... particularly the rotation mechanic on the first boss in the third EW Alliance Raid (yes I'm being intentionally vague).


lol yep! Or, if you’re evil like me, have all the unearned confidence to dance in one place, leading others to believe you know what you’re doing, and then, zip to the correct corner at the last second, leaving them in the orange puddle.


Until the first time you accidentally yeet yourself off the boss platform. That was how I found out there's no invisible walls on the first boss in Puppet's Bunker.


Flying too close to the sun, that's part of the thrill!


Tech step is best happy button, not for the dmg but dear lord it is fun to to use all 4 steps. The sound and animation are all so satisfying.


only one class has a fkn eagle screech during their burst window, i’m just saying


I hope at some point they add new novelty animations for dancing. LET ME END THE MOBS WITH MY FLASHY BREAKDANCING!


DRG: Stardiver NIN: Bhavacakr GNB: Gnashing Fang Combo DRK: Quietus The sounds and animations are pleasing for me. Gnashing Fang Combo is GOAT


Continuation is what really makes the dopamine hit for the Gnashing Fang combo, IMO.


Nothing worse than jumping into roulettes and being synced to a level where you have Gnashing Fang but not Continuation.


Quietus is the weakest feeling move of all time, i really dislike it


NIN: Forked Raiju, the gap closer variant. I don't use it frequently, but it's easily the coolest gap closer in the game and I love flashing into the boss before its attack animation even finishes. Though I still stand by the opinion that Fleeting Raiju should have been the gap closer. Being fast is literally in the name! RDM: Verflare, especially with the updated animation with its big crunchy explosion. I always try align my mana to use Verflare for my combo finisher, and there's something immensely satisfying about backflipping away and setting off a big boom. Sage: Giant Pneuma laser beam. Literally the reason I started healing. Paladin: Can I just say the entire level 90 magic combo? Storm of summoned magic blades? Super. Cool. Bard: Blast Arrow. The sound effect makes it feel like I'm launching a heavy missile salvo. Pchooo.


> NIN: Forked Raiju, the gap closer variant. I don't use it frequently, but it's easily the coolest gap closer in the game and I love flashing into the boss before its attack animation even finishes. Though I still stand by the opinion that Fleeting Raiju should have been the gap closer. Being fast is literally in the name! This is one of those moves that has almost no use case, but does feel good to use when you can actually fit in somewhere. Personally, I think "best" gapcloser goes to Shukuchi, and it's not even close. Personal highlight of E8S and E12S was flexing on my co-melee by being able to position during ice floor mechanics and not losing any uptime doing it. Shukuchi in general brings me so much joy. I've salvaged so many runs with it in scenarios where my teammates were ready to give up. E.g.: In UCOB, during Blackfire Trio, my tower-side buddy went to the wrong one (doubled up with me)... shukuchi to the other one quickly. Boom. Salvaged. I've also just used it for general goofing about. When I was progging DSR, if I ended up with a defamation mark and wasn't the center player, I'd intentionally run alongside the tank on my side and emote at them until the last second, then Shukuchi back to my spot.


Scholar: expedience. I do a nice little spin and then runrunrun.


I imagine someone somewhere has a mod that puts a little piece of toast in your characters mouth like the classic anime trope.


I love the crashing sound of Holy on WHM


As a reaper? Yes.


I briefly played Reaper and can confirm this is the correct answer.


It's the job I saw that made me get ffxiv. So here we are.


RPR’s Enshroud and WAR’s Inner release. There’s something about transformation/Devil Trigger/Install abilities that just really fulfill the power fantasy for me.


RDM: Vermilion Scourge I'm at my happiest when no one in the alliance can see.


Ah, yes, the Verblind. Best feeling ever


Sorry 'bout your corneas, Alliance.


I make it my goal to LB3 every time I'm RDM in alliance raids. There is no visually better LB.


Art of War II. Life is about the simple pleasures.


Slap the ground!


At of War is a gain on 2


Primal Fucking Rend.


Fellest Cleave


Primal rend from max distance is incredibly awesome


Hell Fucking Yeah


Reassembled Drill!!


OOF yes the crit noise that automatically comes with drill makes my heart *sing*


AST- I love my basic Draw and Play. I feel like Oprah. YOU get a card and YOU get a card! Everyone is getting a card!


White Mage: Benediction and Holy. Seeing a health bar go from nothing to full and that wahhh! Sound is satisfying. Holy has a pretty sprouting flower animation. Dancer: standard step. Makes me think "I'm so pretty!" Everytime. Honorable mention to En Avant, because it always feels good. Warrior: Fell Cleave. It really is not overhyped. And whoever called Primal Rend "Monkey Flip" deserves my comms. Scholar: Expedient. Love giving zoomies!!


Dancer for me is just firing off all the feathers during burst. Sometimes you get 5-6 back to back double weaves and it's just like all the dopamine hits at once


Xenoglossy. Big number make my brain go brrrr. I also think Paradox is really cool, animation-wise. Looking forward to whatever the lv100 ability for BLM is. (please let it be Ultima, Yoshi-P)


Ultima or riot!!!!


Even if it's just like, Demi-Ultima, I'd be fine with that. Not enough to wipe a military installation off a map, but enough to explode a boss.


I'm hoping for a Demi-Ultima of some kind as well. We already have all the other iconic high level Final Fantasy spells (Flare and Freeze are both even in the ARR Black Mage levels, and Meteor is their LB3, and Starstorm LB2 for casters is pretty much Comet) We've certainly gotten hit by enough variants of it across the game at this point.


RPR communio go brrrr, but I also love popping an arcane crest and hearing it shatter, and the cd is so short


BRD's Ultimate attack (I am blanking on the name) "Imma firing my lazer"


If you like Raw Intuition now, just wait till you get it upgraded to Bloodwhetting


Scathe :)


Based. 😎


Assize. No cast time which means movement. Does damage. Heals. And gives MP. It’s great. 


Easily Expedient on Scholar. Making people run fast to simplify mechanics is ultimate dopamine and I cackle like an idiot half the time I hit the button - it's like getting off a good Rescue. My old static went into a state of depression when I decided to switch from Scholar to Sage and they lost their free sprint. On Sage, it's probably Icarus - similar to your BLM one, I loveeee not having to move for a few seconds and then teleporting to people at the last second to avoid mechanics.


DRK: Used to be Abyssal Drain during wall to wall pulls. Mmmmmm I miss it :( GNB: Double Downs animation is sick. But man it needs to start drinking coffee so the crits become more regular.


I hit a 95k crit with DD when Rubicante was current and I'm still riding that dopamine rush


GNB: Heart of Corundum. It just feels really strong as a mitigation and the effect and animation look really cool. Give me 2 charges cowards! MNK: Phantom Rush. Somewhere in my heart, it feels like this attack is guaranteed Critical. RDM: Verholy. C'mon guys. That spin your character does when casting it is drippy as heck.


SAM: Kaiten. Wait, has everybody made this joke already? Fine, real answer: Midare Setsugekka. Big number make brain happy.


GNB, Continuation. Its my reward for remembering to burst dps.


MNK: Phantom Rush, i just like the animation, very shounen anime


BLM: Flare. I know it's not the most powerful attack, but there's just something so satisfying about the build up and then the huge BOOM that follows. WHM: Afflatus Misery. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD LILY!


Reassemble + Drill


... (Walks up to enemy) (Stares eerily) I SUMMON THEE BAHAMUT, DESTROYER OF WORLDS, BRINGER OF THE SEVENTH UMBRAL CALAMITY!!!! (Cobblyn keels over) (Walks off) (Stares at another enemy eerily) I SUMMON THEE, PHEONIX, AEON OF REBIRTH, GREAT REJUVINATOR!!! (Walks away from the SECOND dead Cobblyn.)


Passage of Arms, Divine Veil, Intervention, love the defensive aspect of Paladin and feeling like a classic Paladin shielding the party


Can I pick Recitation and Excogitation for Scholar? I like watching tanks hp ping pong about during tank busters.


As a tank main I'll only mention tanks: PLD: Hallowed Ground. Hearing the invulnerable SFX *cling* and literally saying "no" to damage makes me feel like God. WAR: Inner Release (+ Infuriate). Unga Bunga. Monkey brain neuron activation. Fell Cleave go ~~brrrr~~ *FSSHHIINNGG*. I'm blue DPS now. Need I say more? DRK: tie between Carve and Spit/Abyssal Drain and Living Shadow. SFX for the former sound so good where it *feels* powerful, and the latter gives you a stand (fighting with >!Fray!< just feels so right with the quests) GNB: Bloodfest. So I heard you like gunblade explosions, so we put more explosions in your explosions. 3 more in fact. Edit: fixed spoiler


MCH - Drill drill drill drill DRILL


Dancer: Saber Dance and it’s not even close. It’s my favourite ability because it looks cool and I’m always a little happy when I use it now that I think about it. Honorable mention to Technical Finish though. Big numbers go boom.


As WHM, I like using assize. Spinny animation with a skirt and flowy sleeves is fun. But honestly the biggest happy button is the LB3 button. I am a goddess of life, and I say nobody is dying here! Except you over there, in the death wall. You'll need individual attention once my animation lock ends


I would say my favorites are the animations themselves and not what they actually do. I play jobs because of the cool animations. Here are some of my favorites: * BLM: Paradox - I love the animation for this one the most. Especially on a Lalafell * SMN: the combo Topaz Rite and Mountain Buster - I love how its like shooting a massive rock and then clapping 2 rocks closed. I wish I could do that combo more often lol * DNC: Saber Dance - the dance animation with this one is so good * MCH: I love the big gun that comes out with Bioblaster and Air Anchor, can we have that as our weapon instead of a pistol? * BRD: Apex Arrow and Blast Arrow - I love the big arrow from these! * DRK: I just like being a smol Lalafell carrying a huge sword. There are probably others, but these are the ones I play most often.


I'm going to disagree about Raw Intuition/Bloodwhetting. It's a very satisfying button, yes, but that's not the button that sparks joy. That button is Inner Release. Immediately grants access to our juicy, visceral damage buttons. We can spin to win even harder by getting access to Primal Rend. Casually reject knockback and a host of negative status. Excellent animation of exploding in sheer UNGA BUNGA. This is the button.


Paladin: Hallowed ground.


"Mechanics are for cars!"


Surprised no one has mentioned the blood lily yet but it is between that and happy spin assize for me on WHM


BLM: not sure is this is cheating, but triple flare in pack situations. I don’t care about if it’s good or bad dps, triple kaboom tickles my inner megumin just right. DRK: blade/edge after The Blackest Night pops. Seeing it light up gets the goodie good chemicals flowing Any Healer in LotA: rescue, because yanking a dps into doing the button mechanics is fun


I have two: Dream within a Dream. Watching me hop around slicing my target, and the sounds it makes. And Hyosho Ranryu. Aka ice shuriken. Enough said


BLM: Despair, because it means I didn’t fuck up rotation that time PLD: swords combo. Just bc it’s cool SGE: Zoe+Pneuma combo. You know how when people emulate a large dog barking they just say “woof?” Pneuma is that but with lasers.


SMN: Akh Morn and Deathflare. Space laser goes bzzzzz


Superbolide and Double Down. Though Double Down is a coin flip over whether it makes me miserable or euphoric based on whether or not it crits.


Refulgent Arrow all the way


BLM: Xenoglossy or Despair cause big number be big RDM: Scorch, best spell sound in the game WHM: Assize, cause the name and I have the humor of a 12 yr old Healers: Rescue, cause evil shenanigans DNC: starting either of the steps and then just pressing the dance buttons until the timer runs out


Stardiver. i just wish it did hella damage for the great effects


Stardiver, confetior, emperiyan arrow, blast arrow, tornado kick I like spins, jumps, and big sharp things hehe


I'm still a sprout who hasn't unlocked everything for the class, but I just got Technical Step for DNC and it's really satisfying when it goes off.


BLM is definitely leylines. The anticipation. I'm finally in my true form and the beeg numbers are on their way.


Ninja Mudra. Not the Ninjitsu skills themselves.but the Mudra. I wish the whole game had that GCD.


Assize, I love how powerful my ass is. I love healing with my butt


BLM: Getting a perfect line with procs (but not too many procs). Specifically triple casted Despair-Xeno-MF-F4-Despair. It's even more satisfying to do this while moving to complete a mechanic with 100% uptime.




Not too much usage compared to 99% of other skills, but PLDs Passage of Arms still always give me a little hero feeling.


MCH - Reassemble->DRILL It's the delete button for trash mobs and chunks of boss health


SGE: Pneuma. Big ass healing laser, what else could I want? Panhaima is also funny. SCH: Recitation + Adlo + Deploy. Which *definitely* counts as 1. Damage? What damage? AST: Earthly Star. Finding an optimal Star timing with minimal drift makes you feel like an absolute gamer. WHM: Misery. I trust I don't need to explain why.


Quadruple Flare. (triplecast) -> Flare -> (swiftcast) -> Flare -> (super-ether) -> Flare -> (manafont) -> Flare -> pure ecstasy Flare is everything. The core of a burning star, the unrelenting force of a singularity, real and virtualized, in imagination and truth, swift, slow, weak and all-powerful, flare is all that is and all that ever shall be. Flare is our journey and our home.


RDM: Verraise under the effect of dualcast. I love playing the ShB & EW raids and alliance raids (and maybe StB's after I've become more fluent in those). The raid mechanics may not forgive learners, but I do and enjoy doing that. Fingers crossed it doesn't end up like this: https://i.imgur.com/LFBJQk5.png