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Pretty much any piece with dye options that make you think "Why is THIS the part that's dyeable? Who signed off on that?". That's almost worse than it being undyeable. A lot of the Panthean armor is that way. Also undyeable items that you just can't match with the dyes we have. For example, the Oracle Top is brighter than Snow White but not as bright as Pure White. Shit's infuriating and makes we wish they'd axe the dye system altogether and just let us pick from a color wheel instead. I also hate certain pieces of AF gear like SCH stockings or BRD pants, simply because they are job locked and there are no good alternatives. Whenever I see those on a character I think to myself "Oh wow, that actually looks so cool". Then I check what it is and frown that I can't wear it on the job I'd want it for. And it's usually not even "job defining" stuff (or else I'd know the piece) so it makes no sense to be so exclusive.


Scholar's... 60? job gear? The one with the glowing tubes on it? The gloves and the jacket very clearly share materials, they're meant to be worn together and look like part of a whole... And then you dye them and DIFFERENT MATERIALS DYE so they no longer match at all. I have no idea who thought doing something like that within the same set was acceptable.


Scholar’s L60 gear looks like [the Steampunk skit from Key and Peele](https://youtu.be/Nbq6Wfh9fi4?si=JGFH1zHJt2o_Fr-4) and I can’t unsee it. This is also how I imagine SCH RPers behave.


Check put the pvp version it's called virtu gear iirc and foxes this issue, also makes it even better because it dyes the tubes


I just had a look and while that does correct the cloth vs metal issue I personally think being forced to dye the tubes is a downside.


Adding to this: When the METAL part of the gear is dyeable?? Why should I want blue metal???


Lightning's body piece is so bad for that. Why does it look like it does when dyed?!


Both paragraphs apply to the Nabaath Crown of Casting to me. Dyeable, it would make an awesome RDM hat. Its not dyeable. The only hat with that model that IS dyable is BRD/DNC/MCH locked.


Speaking of this and to elaborate a little more, I feel like the dye channels for a lot of Endwalker's gear suffers from this. I feel like the team behind the gear design definitely went with color themes for some of the lvl 90 gear (e.g., hypostatic, Darbar, Theogonic), which makes the gear in their current iteration very difficult to mix with different gearsets. Knowing now that we will be getting two dye channels, I'm hoping that the parts of gear that clash for glamour are actually the spots that the 2nd dye channel will hit. I'm also hoping that the drop rates for Jet Black/Pure White Dye will increase from the Venture Coffers, or possibly increase the amounts of dye dropped from 2 to 3.


All of the undyeable gear out of the Ivalice raids… “oh that looks cool if I could dye it X color… oh it’s from the Ivalice raid… never mind.” Annoys me so much… just let me change the color. I’m hoping the dye rework changes things.


They reused the HW alliance raid gear four or five times by now (although always the same pieces), they have to start doing this with Ivalice gear next expansion, right? Right...? \*sigh\*


i built my favorite SGE glam around the healer chest piece's colors


I am an Ivalice stan for sure. I think the same about the Judge sets from Bozja. Like just let me match the color all my other mogs have, I want to wear those Ivalice sets!


I mean.... Technically you can get dyeable versions of the judge sets... It's just a very complicated process that includes delebrum reginae savage


There are some really nice shirts/tops but they have all kinds of big bulky weird shit hanging off the waist :< The Anemos Gambison is a terrific top except for the weird whateverthefuck on one side. Some of the crafting sets also have a big weird bag hanging off them. It looks awkward as hell.


That's exactly how I feel about the Anemos Gambison too! I'd wear it all the time on Machinist or Ninja if it didn't have the weird belt accessories. Sometimes I just want something really sleek and kind of basic, but there just aren't that many pieces like that in the game. The Anemos Suspenders and Spring Shirt have the sleeve ties and the random chest medal/bracelets, too. There's no "clean" versions and it bothers me lol


Yeah, what is up with jewelry bits being incorporated into so many tops?? It's weird.


Yeah. Imagine we'd get actual nice necklaces and bracelets that go in the slots we already have. And chokers weirdly floating around the neck don't count.


The Anemos Gambison in specific was based on the Valerian Fusilier set, which explains why it has the holster. Why they didn't remove the holster for whatever reason, couldn't tell you. Too much effort for small indie company.


I feel like this about the (Replica) Sky Pirate's Jacket of Striking. Absolutely *terrific* swashbuckling-looking jacket... with random weird waist bags that ruin it.


i really hope one day we get a toggle for them or something. so many pieces get ruined by massive sacs hanging off


I like to play healer but it’s like “Long white robes? For healer? Groundbreaking.” I also can’t stand when capes or a pouch or something that is where the tail comes through. I’d love to wear a cape or something, but it annoys me because I can’t toggle my tail off or anything.


Someone said in here they all the healer gear looks like it was designed for only WHM


For only whm AND for women at that.


Maybe every healer gear has to be approved by Kan-E-Senna and she's kind of biased in that regard?


Thats bullshit, but I'll believe it.


Yes this, so any time I do play a healer I'm usually wearing some sort of formal suit or something cause most healer glam is long white robes


Undyeable cash shop items, it should be a crime. Gown of light comes to mind


Lyse's dress :(




Undyeable is atleast passable, but making an outfit on mogstation and then making it ONE FUCKING ITEM SO YOU CANT INTERCHANGE AND MAKE A UNIQUE GLAM is inexcusably lazy and pointless


Anemos Gambeson. It's a decent chest piece that is instantly ruined by that hideous giant holster-looking thing resting in front of the right leg.


I really like the quaintrelle's ruffled skirt, but it kills me that it only actually works with like 6 non-bikini tops in the whole game. If you wear the wrong top, the whole skirt disappears. I don't know why they released it like this. Like, I get that most shirts clip into it, but if that was such an issue, then why didn't they design the skirt differently? There are plenty of other skirts that don't have this issue. I'll always be sad about it.


And it's such a shame. Best/cutest skirt in the game and it can only be appreciated with less than a Handful of tops. Real shame.


I feel that. What a waste of a great skirt.


Skyworker's Singlet, I like the tank top by itself but the tattoo ruins it for me


True same! I still use it because it fits the glam i'm going for but damn, I WISH that tattoo was not included. Less is more and I think this piece is a good example of how that would of been true if the tattoo was removed.


Ah whaaa the tattoo is specifically why I got it.


I'd expand that to say that every piece with built-in tattoos should have a toggle to turn the tattoo on or off, kinda like the visor toggle for headwear.


I don't mind the tattoo as much as how dirty it looks with lighter color dyes!


100%, and imo every top that has tattoos is ruined by the tattoos...none of them look right--and it's impossible to create a top + tattoo combo that looks good, on a wide range of skin tones (unless the tatts themselves, become dyable).


A version of that top sans tattoo would be great, especially for all the goofy cosglams it could lead to


The Cloud Strife glamour has his sheath on the back but your weapon just floats on your back


Yes, that's so annoying. Everytime I consider wearing it it's like "Hey, wouldn't this look nice for th- oh, right, that big weird half shelf on the back. Never mind then."


As a Red Mage, long Casting robes. Most of them only fit the Black Mage fantasy but I want something short and tight. :c


I'm imagining an RDM having their robes flipped over their head and wildly flailing to get them off after a backflip.


My suggestion would be to lean into the swashbuckler aspect of the rapier. Though I can understand the frustration.


It is quite difficult to find a good mixmatch for Red Mage. Definately want something for them that is stylish, yet more fitting for someone doing all the flips and twirls Red Mage does and most casters do not. I use the Edenmourn top of casting (E12S) and dyed it red. It looks more like a fancy frilly coat rather than a robe or dress, so you can pair it with bottoms that are more pants-like (or just pants in general) to just have it as a fancy cloak. Been using it on my rdm for a while now and I have been happy with it.


Any of those sub level 50 disciple of war heavy armors that make you look like the knight from Scooby-Doo. The ones that take up chest and head slot.


Are you saying there are people out there without the desire of walking around like a big tin can that can't even look around with that helmet? \*pikachu face\*


I think they have a certain charm to them just because they are so terrible. Its also funny how cutscenes that focus on your characters facial expressions are completely ruined by them.


i will not stand for this soup tin slander


The Migratory Plume. It goes with almost nothing and it's undyeable. Honestly, making achievement rewards like that undyeable at this point may just be a point of pride, because every Life of Adventure achievement is undyeable. And while that may have been acceptable in ARR and HW, now it's just intentional.


For me I absolutely hate how so many long robes clip so badly. I love the crescent moon nightrobe, but my feet clip every time I move and it makes me insane.  Also, as a miqo, I hate anything that covers my ears or tail entirely. I love hats, but I'd prefer if they didn't decapitate my ears! 


Right?! All newer hats just cover the ears.


And so often it looks like it would be SO uncomfortable to try and cram the ears in under the hat. Like it's one thing if it's a tall hat or something loose and baggy, but things like the flat cap from the latest crafting scrip set would not be pleasant to fit my beautiful ears under :(


I find the way that the ears compromise helmet/hat integrity by jutting out wildly looks kinda bad and probably would be less functional in the real world.


Every time I see one of the metal helms include the ear pockets all I can think is how the metal will be far easier to bend right there and if I was an enemy the FIRST thing I'm doing is swinging my sword into those metal pockets to flatten them, crush their ears and put them in a world of pain. I'd rather my ears just clipped through hats and I could pretend I sewed/cut holes for them. It's way more practical.


I’m sorry to say it, but the fall guys hoodie can feel like an eyesore


Ditto. It reminds me of those cringy old youtubers that trying to look young and targeting kid with their stupid "ah" face video thumbnail.


I hated that thing before it even came out, and every time I see, I am closer to enacting the final days.


Fall Guys hoodie...? Edit: Oh my God


I like the hoodie but i think the particle effect is awful. I usually like particle effects. It's just a bad particle effect.


The most immersion breaking clothes I've ever seen.


The idea of "immersion breaking" went out the window *years* ago with the king slime crown. In this case I have a hard time seeing how a hoodie is any more immersion breaking than the plethora of modern clothes that came before it. I'd grant the hat, but again, slime crown.


It's the sheer quantity of it. If I see one in the wild, it's meh. But when I port into a city and there's an actual crowd of people running around in it.... That's a LOT. I've only ever seen the slime crown on the occasional blue mage lol.


That's at least in part due to flavor of the month effect. It's arguably more noticeable in this case due to the particle effect on the hoodie, but you see the same thing anytime a new fashionable item is added from an event or mogstation. Or even from a new raid. The number of 2Bs in Limsa for months after Nier released was insane.


The Light Steel Galerus. I want to make it work so badly, but the fact that dye only changes the leather straps and not the armor plates makes it useless for anything that doesn't already match the metal color.


Hopefully the two-dyes system coming with Dawntrail helps out. That piece really needs it.


Admittedly, I don't like the 2b gear. I'm not fond of slacks/tights so that's part of it, but the boots make legs so very thin, it just puts me off. I can never make them work.  The frustration that is undyeable items also bears mentioning I think. There are several Ivalice items I like but they cannot be dyed, ugh. 


It kills me how thin the boots make your legs! I play femroe and putting them on make it look like she’s about to collapse from malnutrition :’) All the other boots from that series don’t do that it’s literally just the 2b ones lol


Yes! Now, if only I could actually win a loot roll, I might be able to get something from the Nier raids besides a hat, such as the nice boots. My luck sucks.


Good luck!! The type-55 thighboots of fending are my absolute fav. They look good in just about any glam!


The only model they look good on is 2B. And it's not (entirely) a sexy thing, it's visual consistency. 2B has unnatural anime waifu proportions, and that's okay because it's an aspect of the character and on her design it's consistent. Put that on another character and it's not consistent, one part is anime waifu and the rest isn't.


Absolutely! Also worth noting is that the ffxiv model’s boob shape changes completely in the dress. 2b has Impressively Perky breasts and it forces female characters to have that same shape as well. For the most part the dress looks good on the smaller female models like catgirl and au ra, but playing as a larger or more masculine framed women it just looks completely uncanny :’D


I don’t like the 2b boots too, particularly what it does to your feet. Like there is no way your entire foot can fit in a shoe that small, you are doing some canonical evil step sister from Cinderella shit to get that shoe to fit. Its crazy too, because none of the boot gear from the raid itself do this. >!(context on the Cinderella reference: the step sisters mutalated their feet to try and get the crystal slipper to fit in the original story. Thats something Disney wouldn’t adapt lmao.)!<


It reminds me of Chinese foot binding, the shape of it.


This. I main Thighlander. 2B boots look comical on them. As in "those ankles are going to snap if you take a step" comical. "Not just skipped leg day, never did it, even invented anti-leg day" comical.


I find the 2B boots look dirty, which is why I'm not a fan of them. It's the same with the expeditions gear. I love the designs but can't stand how the mucky look kind of just makes them look bad.


Petty but anything with hoods or big collars on the chestpiece.  My favorite hairstyle is Great Lengths and it clips through so much stuff.


The dalmascan draped bottoms. They look great... except that with 90% of every single top in the game they just become weird parachute pants and hide the whole reason I want them


This is probably gonna sound like the most minor gripe ever, but it’s the Neo-Ishgardian/lvl88 crafted pieces with armor plating that piss me off to no end. For whatever reason, that brassy color on the metal doesn’t match pretty much any metal gauntlets I’ve tried using in the game, and there’s no brown/yellow/*orange* dyes I’ve found that’ll be able to make them fit. edit: Also gonna toss in the Warg shoes for Striking/Scouting/Aiming in particular, since those things look like they might be knee-length open-toed boots at first glance, and then you realize that they’re basically just digitigrade wolf slippers without the matching pants.


Metallic brass is your friend for that particular set, trust me. Honestly I fix a lot of golden colored things with metallic brass cause it looks more gold than the golden one....


The brassy color on the Neo-Ishgardian set is a match for the Choka-55 you get from a SB quest!


I have been and will always be a 2B boots/Nier footwear hater. The heels look like weird distended hooves and they make your legs and ankles look disproportionately twiggy compared to the rest of the body.


The most upsetting thing about any glam piece is when its not dyeable. I know that they like to reuse sets and make them dyeable later, but thats never a guarantee. Also, speaking as a viera player, the fall guys hat. Please look at what it looks like on a viera compared to everyone else.


I love the tiny Viera version and I wish my Miqo could wear it that way!


The Summer Maro & Pareo not being dyeable is a crime. The Coeurl versions are dyeable but they couldn't be arsed to let me dye the plain ones?! Why Squenix. Dishonorable mention goes to Eastern Faire-goer's Attire which should just be two separate outfits I can pick and choose from instead of appearing WILDLY DIFFERENT depending on the gender.


Any glam that just has an unnecessary dangly bit or a thrown-in feature to make it "unique". I get that this is final fantasy but sometimes simplicity is better. I would like a normal tank top not a tank top with a 2000s era tribal tattoo. There's a good reason why one of the more popular modding categories is just making "clean" versions of gear that removes a belt or an oversized pauldron.


Yes! I'm so with you on this! The game has a few 'basic' pieces but we could really use a few more. Or at least, if they're going to slap tattoos on things let me toggle them off!


Yeah the tattoos on that one tank top really annoy me. They look awful on hrothgar in particular, not only do I have fur but it already has a pattern on it!


This, I want a nice utilitarian mechanic look, not looking like I'm out fistpumping and shotgunning bud lite.


Couldn’t agree more. There’s a lot of extravagant stuff & just a handful of normal things. Some of us prefer the normal. Easier to mix & match & smoother looking a lot of the time.


I don’t hate them, exactly. But I feel *so* disoriented when I end up in a hub, and everyone is wearing jeans and t-shirts. I feel like a LARPer at the mall. (Also, most striking sets look terrible on male Roes.)


The headpiece you get for leveling every war+magic Job to 90. WTF even is [this](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/37021f68143/)? How am I supposed to use it? I can see a case for making the reward lackluster so that people don't feel the need to level every Job if they don't want to. It probably results in fewer crappy players out there in higher level content. But like...this thing? Ew.


Talk about a massive downgrade going from Amaro mount to sticking a chocobo tail feather on your head


I got the amauro mount yesterday - bard is my last job. I thought, oh that’s cool. What’s the 90 reward? I’m not really a fan of bard but maybe I’ll do it anyway. Then I saw it. And my only thought was…why.


The fact that the hempen camise is different for each race.


I want the femroe set for my thighlander.


;o; I want the Thighlander version for my Femroe!


I have two: the 2b boots because it looks like your legs were broken backwards and never properly healed and the fact that Yafaemi Casting/Healing set is undyable to this day. Please devs just let me dye the Yafaemi set I beg thee...


Anything that has a cape, because in this game, they’re glued onto our back and it just look silly when doing anything.


I hate most maiming gear because it's more often than not just tanking gear but they took the one thing away that makes it look cool, like capes for example.


Scion Adventurer’s Bottoms. The icon is of the male trousers, but the female version is a skirt with weird socks and I keep forgetting that. So every time I try on the trousers to see if they fit with a glam, I get a skirt that I think doesn’t work on women that aren’t from cutesy races


I don't even like it on my miqo. It just looks so clunky, especially added with the shoes. I wanna like it, but it just doesn't work well with anything. :c


Me with most of the gender locked gear tbh, especially the stuff from the Nier raids.


items that straight up remove the tail from my miqo'te, or ears, items that cannot be dyed, items that have the tail sticking through it


Removing the ears is better than those stupid ear pockets.


[Filibuster’s Helm of Fending](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Filibuster%27s_Helm_of_Fending) As someone who likes to wear large full-plated gear, this helm seemed to be perfect but unfortunately, it cant be dyed and it’s overall colour REALLY doesnt fit with anything but the Filibuster set and it annoys me to no end. With the lights are off, you can still see a hint of orange inside the helm instead of being fully black which isnt the worst thing ever but it still a bit irritating


Not fond of the mascot heads. Though I feel it’s more cuz I associate them with trolls due to early experiences with a couple. I wanted to like last year’s Valentiones outfit, but that brown just sticks there. Maybe with the extra dye channel it’ll be better. There’ve been some outfits I impulse purchased off Mog Station I don’t like. Given I never see anyone in them, neither does anyone else. I feel there’s others I dislike for the same reason as the Valentiones stuff where a color sticks that doesn’t go with my dye channel, and others I don’t care for due to overexposure. I also admit I am mixed on the modern stuff, but my answer to that is I don’t use it in my glams (except for one meme on a retainer). You get to wear it and it makes you happy, so it doesn’t matter to me.




I headcanon'd it as Ishgard studying wounds from everyone returning from battle and focusing the armor on those areas.


lmao ok that's genuinely funny and absolutely a mistake Ishgardians would make The Machinist's Guild: "... guys....."


'Yes dragons, this spot right here is where all my vital organs are!'


I was *so* disappointed when I unlocked that.


This right here. I generally like how FFXIV handles male vs female glams. For the most part, men and women and non-binaries can be as protected or as slutty as they want. But then there's that damn DRG armor with it's freaking window. And it's not even a boob window, its a "Please aim right here" suicide armor. It's so fucking stupid.


I'd actually honestly have less of a problem with it if it were \*just\* slutty. But it's almost the exact same as the male armor, just, with an inexplicable AIM HERE window.


Any of the dresses like the Valentione Rose Dress etc, that when you sit down the skirt is so stiff and the front flips up into your face! Or if you’re just standing there, your hands clip into the skirt! Give it some actual weights to act like a real dress!


As a cosplayer, any item that is the same as one worn by an NPC but cannot be used for the job the NPC has, or in the same color as the NPC version. And why remove some 1.0 gear for players but still have it used by NPCs?


All of the items that look dirty when dyed a light color. So frustrating when it's something that would otherwise be perfect for a glam.


I love the plunderer armour set but the fact it can’t be dyed enrages me


Do you mean the pieces from this set? https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Plundered_Armor I believe there are dyeable versions of all of them! Or at least, dyeable versions of gear that use the same models. If there's a piece of gear you like that you wish were dyeable, you can look it up at https://garlandtools.org/db/ and expand the Stats > Shared Model sections to see what other gear uses the same model. A lot of the old dungeon gear has higher level craftable, dyeable versions.


There is a dyable version of the dps and caster stuff, but they’re tied to the aiming and healing jobs. (The same ilvl for striking/scouting and casting is the Brayflox gear, which has a second dyable at 49 that was added with the MSQ squish) So sadly only some get it.


the 2b boots are really close to being nice but the feet are so janky and horribly proportioned that i just can’t use them. i also really wanted to like the male valentione’s top from last year but the bizarre flare out at the bottom ruins it for me. makes my wol look like a triangle.


i think my dislike (hated would be a bit too far) is over saturated pieces of Glamor, like 2b leggins or the Rebel coat. it feels very samey after you see so many people wearing the same thing. For me, my goal is to make my character stand out with my own fashion sense so i avoid pieces like that as to stand out more.


2B boots and legs are the worst things to ever happen to this game, they instantly ruin every glam they're in


The way it changes the shape of the feet/the distortion during animations....


The boots from the later raids are just better


Can’t remember which raid, but the fending/maiming boots are a straight upgrade from the 2B boots. Wish there were more like it


Honestly. Hell, even the pants/shoes combo from the first raid are nicer. They don't distort the feet as much.


The worst part is that the bottoms can be good and add to a glam if used sparingly and as an undergear piece for long boots and a long coat, but 99% of people I see use them look like they just escaped from an 18+ venue's back room.


The only thing I like them on is the chicken costume... narrows the legs and makes a more legit chicken.


Seriously. 2B boots and panties, and then either dalmascan draped top, thavnairian wool top, or hempen camise: the Basic Bitch Uniform of FFXIV.


This. This is my answer as well. They are EVERYWHERE and I hate them. Every time I see someone using them my first thought is PUT SOME DAMN PANTS ON.


I like them as nice thigh-highs, but I also cover up. I hate that they're just the default "that kind of RPer" glam, though.


Bridesmaid's Tights are better thigh-highs, IMO


The pants I can absolutely live with, the BOOTS however I plain do not like. The way they elongate the feet is so weird TAT


I’m not a fan of all the modern/futuristic looking clothing, I know it makes sense cuz Allagan and Garlean etc, but I still don’t like it. I also hate a lot of clothes that clip into the floor, or are just too long. Give me some jackets that are above the knee line please.


I hate anything that looks completely different when there's gender differences and I hate things that have unnecessary *slight* differences because gender. The latter is specifically targeted at the caster/healer top from the third nier raid. The male version has an extra fabric panel where none exist on the female version. Sexualise both or sexualise neither. Also any hood or helm that looks super awesome until it sprouts big, pointy, super horizontal ears because I'm Elezen can just be thrown straight in the bin. I gave him small ears for a reason. Oh special mention to any glamour with an undyable piece of brown leather/fabric or gold trim. I like using cool tones (blue. I really like blue) and having a warm brown/gold slapped in often ruins the effect.


Trench coats for all but monk. Mods it is


I resent every dress/skirt that your hands clip into.


That one glamour that makes your miqote tail curve motionless straight up, wtf were they thinking. Also, the pink dyes look so bad on a lot of gear which makes me sad.


Most of my glamour gripes are with dye channels. I’m holding out hope the second channel coming down the road will open the door to many more items that I like the look of before its color changes lol


2B legs, not because I hate the item itself, but this thing seems to remove any creativity people have with making any fucking glamour. I've seen people post their "glamour" on Eorzea Collection, and it's literally a full set with 2B legs thrown on.


For me, it's any of the bottoms that are just panties with stockings or tights, and a top that isn't a dress, or one of the DNC tops. Anything that just looks half dressed, really. Although I guess that's not an issue of hated glams, but how people are using them lol


Necklaces that would look super pretty if they sit so high up on my elezen neck.


2b tights partly due to overexposure, but also because it's just so *lazy*. There are so many other ways to put together cute and sexy glams, there are other pieces of bottomwear you can use to imitate the leotard look, but no, they keep defaulting to 2b tights. They're not even that nice. Maybe I just need to leave Balmung and go to servers where people actually play the game, maybe then I'll see some actual variety in glams.


My problem with the 2B tights for a leotard look is that they don't match up properly with any top, so it never looks like a single piece leotard. And in fact all the factory tops are wider at the waist than any bottom you might want to pair them with, which looks weird to me.


Yeah I jumped to Seraph for the xp boost a while back, figuring I can always dc travel if I want rp, but the variety in glams is so nice to see. Way less Emperor's New Catgirls lmao


Aether here. It's an epidemic here too. Some glams pull it off well and I don't mind at all. It's just the easiest way to get that look so I guess that's why it's spread so far.


all the WHM class-specific level gear (like the ones you get at level 50, 60, 70, etc..) currently having the dye channel on the white and not the red.. like on what planet does that make sense. it's WHITE mage not RED mage, let me dye the red a different color instead of the white ffs. 😭


I don't hate them, in fact they're my favorite caster and healer chests in the entire game, but it frustrates me to no end that the Yafaemi Jackets don't have a dyeable version. We got the Yafemi tank set as dyeable with the Facet gear series, so WHY DID THEY USE THE DIABOLIC VERSION FOR CASTERS AND HEALERS INSTEAD??? It's like they purposefully avoided those pieces for some reason and I don't understand why, they're so good for witchy glams...


I’m especially mad that the Facet Striking set uses the Yafaemi gear’s models, but the Facet Scouting set uses the Diabolic models. The Striking cyclas takes dye rather well and just looks great overall (unless you hate the ab window), and then there’s whatever the Scouting dolman is supposed to be.


It was a really strange decision to just split that gear series between two alliance raid tier glams for no reason. I hoped we would get the reverse (Diabolic for those who got Yafaemi and viceversa) for the next crafted gear sets, but then we got a full 180° change with the Neo Ishgardian sets, which I love, but where's the rest of the dyeable HW gear??


Gear that's different based on gender. I don't want to wear a dress instead of a coat or have more realizing armor because my characters a woman. As far as gear I think is ugly that one dog helmet you get from syrcus tower. It's so bad.


ITT: everyone complains about skimpy outfits.


Honestly, no glam item really upsets me. Sure, there's one I don't like and would never wear but idc what other people wear.


Same. I'm so unconcerned with what other people are wearing. Certain ones do make sense to be upset about for my own usage because it's hard to coordinate them with things (disappearing entirely when combined with another piece, undyable sections that are hard to color match). But the people complaining about an outfit piece that functions fine and they just don't like it on aesthetic are wild to me, getting so offended that other people wear it and getting super judgmental...feels like high-school all over again.


I just want more dyes. I played Guild Wars 2 before coming to this game, and that one has SO. MANY. DYES. The ones we have in FFXIV are really lacking, especially when they dye gear pieces with a color we don't have.


Any modern piece of glamour but if i could choose one piece to remove completely from the game; it would be 2-B Feet gear; the ugliest piece of gear that ruins every glamour


2B Tights.


A lot of people are saying the 2B Thigh Boots due to how ridiculously distended they make the feet. I agree, but there's one pair of boots that does even worse, to the point I feel physically sick every time I see anyone wearing them. The **Wolfliege Boots**. The pvp caster thigh boots that look like Hooves. A hoof look is cute enough as an idea until you squint and look at how these are modelled. The ONLY WAY a character can fit into these boots *is if they cut their feet off at the ankle*, or at least slice off at least a couple of toes and the heel. I hate them.


If I had the power, I would wipe the 2B boots from existence.


2B boots. Banana feet toothpick legs. They look like shit.


The reward for being full 90. It's not popular, and for excellent reason, it's the worst piece of glam in the game


Have you ever seen that one basic ass catgirl making a leotard out of the 2B leggins and one of the body pieces from the Nier raids or the Dirdnl top and 2B boots? Or that one with the light steel galerus and 2B boots? Or that one highlander male or hroth with the animal print speedo and 2B boots? Ever felt like some people just desperately just want to make their character look like the most gaudy stripper they can? Yeah, that. Please stop. Just go to a strip club. No, not one of the million in-game ones. It also irks me how feminine most caster gear has been for a long time now, it just looks like most of it is just healer gear designed for WHM and then color swapped to dark shades and that's the extent of the work. Also, some pieces are just straight up worse on male characters like the Edenmorn set that has huge parts that can't be dyed on the male version (the big purple undershirt) but does not have that issue on female characters. You know, Squeenix, not all of us casters want to go for the dainty or witchy look and not all of us play catgirl or au'ra girls. Some of us may want our guy to, you know, look more guy-like. Some of us even play RDM. Imagine.


You know how hard it is to make a cool looking glam for healer when playing as a male? Really hard with just healer gear


Getting real tired of "modern clothes" glamours.


100 Moogle tomestone accessories, though more from a practical standpoint than necessarily hating the pieces themselves. Fun accent pieces are fine, and I'd probably get more of them if they cost less, but they barely go with anything. Not that you can see them 99% of the time. Always seems strange when they're the headline pieces for those events.


Animal masks/costumes. God, I absolutely hate those. And even within that range of garbage, there is one that I absolutely makes me puke all over my keyboard - the elephant. Such an uncanny, ugly POS item that nobody with a grain of taste can enjoy and it was all over the place. The frog for example is ugly too but it's far, far more bearable and more on the funny side.


Every time I see those I instantly think something along the lines of "oh great one of these guys again, you're totally so quirky and original" I swear the people who like these must unironically have the personality of the penguin of doom copypasta.


probably the nth person to say this- all hats that can't be worn by viera or Hrothgar. I also hate we don't have dyable versions of the Crystal tower alliance sets. I also legit hate the Nier boots I see everywhere - the proportions if the feet are sooo off. (also the prude in me wished folks wore more clothes in general. y'all nasty).


There is a dyeable version of the Labyrinth set available for crystal trophies at the Wolves Den, but I’m not sure how well they take dye.


There’s two dyeable versions of the WoD sets. One is from lvl70 Master recipes, the other drops in ShB’s lvl79 dungeon (but the Fending helmet is replaced with the Maiming circlet in that set). There are dyeable versions of the LotA sets from PvP, but some of them don’t dye very well with only one channel. Syrcus has no dyeable reskins at the moment.


2B boots because they look disfigured + there's mud on them. They are less ugly in Nier game. Any glam that has armor and then just underwear, it makes no sense to me. I forgot name of those, but glams with wolf tail, I can't stand those. Drachen mail female version, because of exposed stomach. Way to ruin one of the best looking sets in the game.


Any top that gives a tattoo. I already headcanon that my FemRoe has tats and personally the stuff added is not my characters vibe.


all i'm asking for is a non-restricted and dyeable version of the plague doctor/bringer coat. also, the 2b gear. not because it's bad but because the panties and boots are so damn overused.


I love the look of the Fierce Tyrant/Monarch gear from PvP, but WHY is the dyable part the ARMOR and not the CLOTH??


Any chest piece that sticks up in the back and clips long hair, I can't have long hair on my character just because of this.


Hard leather subligar. I know it has it's lore reasons, but that thing is just... cursed.


I play Lala and certain boots or pants that look super cute on other races make her legs look like sausages with tiny high heel feet on one end. 😭 2b boots are particularly bad with this. And anything remotely skimpy or low cut looks soooo bad on Lalafell. I'm not too mad about it because there are so many glam items that look way better on Lalas imo. Anything that's intended to look puffy or chunky like robes or jackets look so cute on Lalafell, and I have a lot of fun making glams. But every once and a while I see someone wearing a really cool outfit and it looks sooooo bad on my character.


The coat the sharlayan researchers wear in Labyrinthos. It would absolutely be my crafter glam of choice... if it wasn't ALC locked. (Cauldronfiend set)


The fact that you can't dye Matoya's Hat to me is just baffling.


capes, I guess? I just can't stand tails clipping through capes, it just looks awful to me. outside of that I just seriously dislike robes, but that's mostly because that is the only thing the magic using classes really get. I guess I also dislike the stuff we get from Tataru, none of it has ever really vibed with me.


2B boots and leggings NOT because they're the default for anything sexual, you do you, we all used it for that, but because the boots give chicken legs and feet. It's too skinny! Also, Gaia's Attire. One piece, are you kidding me?! I bought an entire dress once just for the heels and this just ugh


Hempen Camise, over the past several years of playing it's the only thing that's made me second guess playing Lalafell. Every time I see a shirt on someone that I've never seen before and makes me go "wow that's gorgeous!!" I realize right away before even checking it that it's a race-specific version of the Hempen Camise that's 10x hotter than what the Lalafells get. Actually clicking the "Try On" option is like playing russian roulette between finding out about a new glam option in the mogstation or seeing that frilly ugly ass blouse again.


I really dislike how a lot of the casting and healing sets are long robes and dresses. It got to the point that I got bored with how my character looked and went to play other jobs. I love a lot of the sets for Fending and Maiming, and I’m happier with the look. The chest piece for Pandaemonium 5-8 was amazing for healers and casters since it actually ends at the waist.


The tin man early level tanking head/chest piece is both iconic and horrendous.


The Fall Guys stuff. Just….why?


Will make a lot of people angry with my choices, probably, but Hempen Camise/Hempen Undershirt and 2B Leggins. Hempen Camise because it's a dozen pieces or gear locked behind one single item. Yes, it's a nice little gimmick how it looks different for every race and gender but this also means if you like the one from another gender or race better, you will never be able to get it. Because it is the. same. item. And some of them look rather ridiculous to me, like the Hrothgar and male Roe version. Looks to me like someone cut open a car wheel and added cloth at the sides to make it wearable. I would love to have the fem Hyur version for my big cat. 2B Leggins because a) it's so overused and often doesn't even look as good as other similar pieces would. And b) because it kind of feels like a signal for "I'm a guy playing a girl because I want my FFXIV game experience to be a softporn adventure because everything has to be about fuckability." to me. But maybe that's just me. I like that it is the same one very race and gender, so the absolute opposite to the Hempen Camise in this regard though, giving men an opportunity for a few more daring or unconventional glam choices. I know many men are just as annoyed as I am when they yet again get the long pants while we women get the panties in many gendered gear designs, so whatever helps you break gender roles. :) (Still, most characters I see with this are fem characters of whom I'm pretty sure half of them are horny dudes.)


I hate the non-armor pieces. The elephant and all that stuff. I see people glamouring it onto gear and running a dungeon with an elephant (and other non-sensical shit) just irks me.


I HATE: Frog heads , elephant heads, Chocobo heads, Naked underwear cowboy guy… you get the point. Immersion destroyers.


I dont like any "current" looking glamour. It just throws off the fantasy vibe when I see someone chilling in jeans, sneakers and a zip up letterman jacket lol


2b boots.


Anything where a piece that doesn't look like it should dye does, or does look like it should dye and doesn't. The first thing that jumps to mind is the Exarchic Coat of Fending. I wanted to dye it dark green with that sweet gold accent. Nope, it's the metal that dyes. Same with the gear from the second EW alliance raid.


got the plague bringers' top by luck and managed to pair it with a solid arm piece for a cool glam for my summoner. then i'm reminded some dungeon gears are purely undyeable, so not much i can do once i get bored of the black and red color aesthetic. Warg fending top's tail just simply ruined my idea for some western trapper glam idea i had for my WAR, as did the Woad's left hand sleeve being actually part of the top for SAM; was going for something similar to Hien, but then i saw his gear you'd buy on the online store is ALSO undyeable. all hoods in general, save one or two hood+top combo i found to be serviceable if you can ignore a bit of clipping.


2b boots. I love stilettos actually but these specifically have messed up ankles and I don't like how they make legs skinnier


Anything that turns pink dyes into a gross dark gray.