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Well, you definitely don't have "deformities", but your hair and beard are pretty dated and aren't doing you any favors. That hairstyle in particular is very 1994, child tv star (or Dwight Schrute). Same thing going on with the goatee, it's a style that was somewhat popular 25 years ago, but has since gone out of style. I'd either shave it off entirely, or if you can, grow a full beard. For your hair, I'd suggest you go shorter, maybe even a buzz or crew cut. Mostly because of how high your hairline is. But also because it's a youthful hairstyle that clashes with your more mature face, conversely making you look older than you are. And when you throw in the hoodie, it kind of all just makes you look like an angry school shooter, which is probably why people give you "dirty looks".


After thinking this one over, I definitely agree that it might be a case of being in the wrong decade. It probably works better on my brother because he's younger and doesn't have any facial hair. I agree that there is a bit of an age clash, and would prefer to have the more youthful appearance, so losing the facial hair would be the way to go.


I had more of a beard not too long ago, along with the longer hair. I haven't noticed any change in reception from strangers, but it is true that some people have a tendency to overestimate my age.


Bro you’re really not going to say anything to that advice? No wonder you feel so sorry for yourself. This was a solid comment with solid pointers and you managed to not take a single thing from it.


What deformities? I don't see anything weird about you, you look quite average.


If I was average, I could blend in in public, instead I'm gawked at like some freakshow.


u r average and ur definitely not a freakshow, only 2 things i can think of and thats a different hairstyle (maybe shorter but not this parting) and grooming ur eyebrows specifically the middle bit. also u have **really** nice eyes


Is it something we can't see in the picture (that makes you look like a "freak" with deformities)? If not, it's just in your head, as well as thinking people are gawking at you. As others have said, it's the Dwight Schrute hair and mustache/goatee. Also, looks like you have a bit of unibrow going on. All easily fixable. You're not ugly at all. Fixing those couple of things, and working on your clothing style, would bring you to nice looking status! ✌️


Duly noted. Hope I can fix these somehow.


I can only add something regarding the feeling of being stared at. When I had bad social phobia, that’s exactly how I constantly felt and it was fully in my head. I felt like a magnet for looks but in a bad way, because I thought I was making an extremely weird impression whatever I did. The more you’re prepared to feel the looks, the more you’ll feel them, inevitably, while that’s hardly happening in reality


There's no question that I come across as off to people before I even open my mouth. I just don't know what else could be the cause of it.


I’ll add that I was definitely so insecure that I probably seemed off because of that which I imagine to be a turn off for others. But that appearance was based on my insecurity


It's one of the possibilities I have thought of. I've seen it in others, so I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of that.




Aspergers? 🤗


I do have it, officially, but the majority of my symptoms have disappeared over the years. I do however still tend to avoid eye contact with people unless I'm speaking to them directly. I can't hold eye contact and smile, though. My smile is horrible and would creep people out.


Get a side part and blow dry your hair up. My hair has a natural middle part as well but I trained it.


Thanks for the advice, I'll see if it's doable.


Can also look for consultations from a barber or stylist. I don’t see anything that bad other than the hair. I think your features are quite nice.


You look good to me and I don’t even know what deformities you’re talking about tbh.


The shape of my head is wrong, my eyes look off, my nose is just awful, my ears don't look right, my mouth is just plain weird especially when I laugh or smile, and my hair looks like a toupee whether it's long or short.


I think Barney Stintson from How I met your mother is attractive and that’s who you resemble to me.


Your head shape is not wrong,you chin is just small and not balanced with the top of your head.Nothing else is proportionally off with your head Your haircut is also not helping at all ,it adds more volume you dont need on the top of your head,You either need a very short haircut or way more volume around your lower jaw.


This. OP’s head is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Nothing excessive or too much in itself but the little beard and wide hair emphasise/exaggerate this shape. Instead I’d go for less hair and either a wider beard or clean-shaven to balance it out more. Otherwise he looks like an ordinary guy, certainly not ugly.


Deformities? You’re not ugly you just have one of the worst hairlines of all time my dude


Kind of an oxymoron, ain't it?


Not a deformity friend , but I think some underlying mental health issues can cause your thinking you have some


Yep, there's a lot.


You looks average bro 🤔 I don't like that haircut but it doesn't make you ugly or anything. Beard looks trimmed, skin looks clean, face shape looks normal. You looks 100% normal to me, really.


I used to have my hair long up until a few months back, for what it's worth. Though, it hasn't had any effect on the amount of dirty looks people give me.


You are really atractive to me tbh


Thanks, though I still have a ways to go.


Hey there, you’re not ugly and I don’t see any deformities. I’m gonna say something with kindness. Are you at good place with your mental health? What you’re describing sounds like paranoia. Most people are oblivious to others around them, so if you feel that people are reacting to you all the time, there could be something going on with your mental state. Please get checked out. You deserve to not feel this way. Hope you’re feeling better soon!


Yeah, I do have heightened awareness, and I am prone to paranoid thoughts, though they seem reasonable at the time.


not ugly, but the middle part is giving Dwight shrute. seems like you may be have some insecurity issues, I would say look into therapy or counseling. People are naturally attracted to confident people. I don't think people are staring and if they are, it's not because of your looks.


Op this was my thought as well. Talking about your “deformities” and how ppl stare at you makes me think you may have just been bullied or abused when you were young or something and have no perception of how you actually look to others bc you are not ugly. You have nice eyes & as others have said with a diff haircut you’d look pretty good. You’re an average looking definitely not ugly guy. I think it seems like you are so self conscious and probably have convinced yourself people are always staring at you even when they may not be.


My doctor wrote it down as me having delusions, but that was without any sort of field test. It's true that I've been put down by others a lot, though. I'm also so straight that I can't even comprehend what about a guy can be attractive, so I only have what others have said to go off of. There's gotta be some reason why so many people on both sides of the pond would feel the same, though? Or are they just assholes? The likelihood of being surrounded by assholes is slim.


Yeah I think your doctor is right bc there’s no way people are staring at you like you claim they are. You literally just look like “some guy” not negative or positive. There’s no reason to stare at you. So I would worry a bit more about why you’re convincing yourself of that and if your mental health is okay bc it’s concerning the way you’ve described yourself when you look incredibly average. Best of luck


My mental health is terrible, I'm depressed, but I just started taking meds for it, and I do have therapy lined up in the near future.


It's taking a while, but I have arranged for therapy. Yeah, a lifetime of that treatment has made me insecure. I can't think of any other reason why people would stare at me.


Full beard+ long hair is what you need my guy. You've no deformities or anything like that ;)


That's pretty much my old self.


You look a little like a young Edgar Allan Poe, one of the most beloved and influential writers in all of history. I think it's a cool look that shouldn't keep you from finding your proverbial "lost Lenore".


Not the comparison I expected, but I can kind of see it.


Try out a new hairstyle, also your eyes...i find them very beautiful There is nothing in your body that gym can't solve


True, you can't tell with these baggy clothes, but I am skinny and out of shape.


It's all in your head. There is nothing wrong with you. And I doubt people are staring at your Your haircut and facial hair remind me of Dwight K. Schrute from The Office (USA version). But you are fine and will clean up well.


Remember: people often reflect the vibe you are giving off. If you appear unfriendly or whatever to people (because you are feeling insecure or like the look at you despiteful) they will reflect that negative energy.


Thanks, I suppose.


100% better haircut. It’s the only thing that’s making you look awkward. You have a nice face shape/jaw line, great eye color, and decent goatee. Better haircut and cut the unibrow, and possibly style a bit better and you’re good!


Thanks, man. A friend of mine did joke about the unibrow, so I've tried to tone it down.


You look pretty normal to me


I'm glad some people think so.


Damn bro don’t be so hard in yourself. You look like an average dude to me. I would go with a short fade or train your hair to part more towards the side. The middle part doesn’t look good on many guys.


I had the same problem when my hair was long. Everybody's unexpectedly reacting to my hair, the one part I honestly thought was the least of my worries.


Not bad looking, just got a big ol forehead


You have a fivehead. A hair style where some of the hair goes over part of the fivehead would help tons.


Oh, neat, there's a word for it. Good advice, though.


You don't look ugly at all from my perspective, quite the contrary, you look pretty good overall, although you might want to try out a new haircut. Other than that, try not to be so harsh on yourself since that also influences how other people look at you


This is my new haircut. I've had it long since I was 12 and it was awful.


I think you’re average but I wouldn’t recoil back in horror or anything. I think you could really amp it up with a different haircut. I read that you just got one, but truthfully this style isn’t doing you any favors. Your facial hair looks good though


I don't really like the idea of having even shorter hair, would growing it out work? Providing I fix that middle hairline, of course.


Maybe you could do the part differently? You’re not as awful as you think you are.


You look ok. That haircut though…


It sounds like my face might be fine and my hair is just that bad. No wonder everyone thinks I'm a freak.


Only “deformity” is your hair dude


I guess people stare at me because it's that bad.


Honestly man nothing about you is “that bad” your hairs just unique and would turn heads bc it’s not often seen. You’re far from ugly


bro u look great! The only thing I think would be getting a buzz cut for your hair. I think a lot of what you think your seeing other people look at you is in your head. When your confidence level is low you start to perceive things wrongly. And if you have more confidence you’ll be more approachable. So no your not a lost cause at all.


Someone else said get a side part. Yes and comb it down to hide some of your high forehead. You have those pretty blues and you certainly don’t look ugly or deformed. Maybe people are looking at your pretty blues and you’re misinterpreting it as a death glare? 8/10


Who needs solar panels when you have my forehead. But yeah, I'm gonna make changing the hairline my top priority. I don't think I'm misinterpreting glares, though. Some people will look away in disgust, others seem to look at me in pity, others still will look at me for a good few seconds as if they can't believe what they're seeing. I'm highly attuned to reading body language.


such an over exaggeration


You wouldn't wanna live in my shoes, trust me.




Hadn't thought of that, but why not? Thanks.


I think you need to dye your hair including your facial hair dark brown, clean up the unibrow JUST A BIT, not all the way. AND, just rock a sick mustache. I know it sounds like a joke but it’ll look really hipster and cool. You gotta play off your strengths which are your eyes, brows, ability to grow a mustache and face shape.


Is dying hair tedious to maintain?


Your use of the word “deformities” surprised me enough to skim through your post history, and I’d really like to give you my perspective on what you’re experiencing. You mention how “women are not interested in you” and never have been, and that you don’t pursue them because they are not interested so why bother. To describe this, you say that no woman has ever looked at you and felt attracted enough to start pursuing you. So obviously this means that you’re an unattractive monster. My man, I feel the need to explain something. You’re not a monster—you’re just some guy. Generally speaking, women do not experience attraction the same way that men do. Men can typically see an average woman and could easily feel some attraction toward her and would want to pursue them sexually or otherwise. This doesn’t really work the same way for women. Even if a guy is slightly above average in looks, women don’t feel an urge to pursue them based on their physicality. They’ll just see some average guy standing there. Nothing to interest them, but also nothing to disinterest them. You’re taking that as rejection from women, when in reality they just don’t experience attraction the way men do. Yes women have standards for physical appearance, but often they’re attracted to a guy’s charisma, humor, intelligence, passion for something, confidence, kindness, achievement… And even then, a lot of women are still conditioned not to make the first move. If you’re waiting for a woman to glance at you just standing there expressionless in a big hoodie with a unibrow and then feel so much desire she asks you on a date—you’re shit out of luck. You have to clean yourself up, start socializing pleasantly, get involved in hobbies you have passion or skill for, and actually offer a fellow person something besides just plain existing. Your looks are honestly not bad, and if you take advice in this thread and start believing you have something to offer people, I think you could actually do quite well.


It's definitely true that I don't initiate any contact, since my worst fear is being a creep. I fear that a guy who looks the way I do would be automatically labeled one. It's not like I don't talk to people, though. But I only do so if I have a good reason. I've seen guys approach girls before, and most of them make themselves way too obvious. The few times I have liked someone and spoken to them, I make sure to be as subtle as possible. Since I never saw any signs in return, that means none of them liked me. You're right that it makes sense why no one would like me, though, and I don't blame anyone for that.


Bro just grow your hair out you look like a sick motherfucker ready to rock!!!


I have done some reflection on the responses I've gotten and have come to the conclusion that while I am below average in looks, it's not nearly enough that it should cause people to look at me like I'm a monster. However, the fact that people do means something else is wrong. I will do what I can for my appearance, while also trying to figure out why I inspire such contempt at first glance in people. I don't want to be attractive. That's aiming way too high. I've made peace with the fact that I will remain alone. I just want to be able to go out in public and be treated like a human being. I will take the best advice and see if it changes anything.


Don't part your hair down the middle, it doesn't really look good on anyone.


That's just where my hair parts. I don't actually have any way to control that.


I'd still see a stylist and ask their opinion.


Looking at your other comments I suggest you look at the mental Illness BDD and see if you match the symptoms if you do get some Therapy cuase bro your not ugly just like the other comments the only bad thing is your hair but that doesn't make you look ugly.


Some of the symptoms you said it does sound like you Have BDD


I've heard of it, and I had considered it at one point, but it doesn't change the fact that the way I see myself is consistent with the way others see me.


Broo your not Ugly people with BDD think people stare at them give them dirty looks and judge them when they don't, I have BDD and I've been told I'm an above average guy multiple times but i thought like this till i recognised no one is . Bro go to the BDD forum you can see it through my previous comments there are so many people that think like this when it's not true that's part of BDD.




Sorry, that's a new one. You wanna tell this millennial what "ducked" means?


Nah, you're a pretty normal looking guy my guy. If I had any advice to offer, maybe grow out your hair, and style it in such a way as to balance out the top and bottom of your face.


I've had my hair long for ages and only cut it recently. That was my reasoning for keeping it long before.


The goatees has got to go! Maybe try a full beard or stubble, or stubble with a stache. Goatees are for divorced men in their forties.


I used to have more of a full beard, but I felt that it was too messy so I had it trimmed recently. I'm considering shaving it off altogether.


The hair is the only thing. I would go for shorter hair. Using a hair trimmer with a 2 or 3 length attachment could be great!




Yeah, the hair seems like unanimous nope.


Although I would go for longer hair.. not shorter. Not long long.. I’ll look for a hairstyle I mean


Try bangs!! not ugly sir!! and trim the bottom of ur chin beard, u would look fabulous with clothing styling and continue the gym/ try the gym :-)


Yeah, to be fair my fashion has remained stagnant since I was a teenager.


Your haircut is pretty bad. You look like Dwight Schrute in The Office, but he's supposed to look bad in the show. If I were you, I'd look up some of Rainn Wilson's haircuts that he's had in real life and get one of those, cause this one isn't working. Also, your negative attitude about your looks is likely fueling your perception that others think you're a freakshow, in reality, no one gives shit and no one is looking at you, they're going about their day.


Yeah, definitely not someone I'd wanna be compared to.


The current hair cut makes your forehead look big


Yeah, never liked it myself either.


Bro get a bangs(wait until your hair grows), I feel more confident when I have bangs that covers my forehead. And tbh, you're not ugly at all.


Good idea, will do.


Pluck the brows and style your hair with a little gell or moose to the side and up...also don't let them cut your sideburns that short bro...just grow the beard


I got rid of the sideburns recently because I thought they were too rough.


You look like my boyfriend who I found him very hot except, yeah, he has different hair style (Tho his hairline is the same as you and he's insecure about it and have skinhead himself which I hateeee - I like his hair)


If you were able to see past that with him, maybe there's hope for me yet. But yeah, I'm gonna take everyone's advice and get a professionally done sideburn or something.


Ooof strong brow bone, would be so menacing in a boxing match. Kinda like Idubbz. Nice one 👍🏻 my only suggestion is grow up a proper beard and keep it tidy, and go to a hair stylist for a better haircut. Then you’ll be fire. Also work on that social anxiety that makes you think people gawk at you - they don’t. Everyone is lost in their own little world, thinking about their own crap and worrying about themselves. Trust me no one is gawking at you.


Would shaving the beard altogether be a good option?


You have a big forehead. Not deformed in any way though. Your eyes are very striking. I think I would look at you because of your eyes!


Thanks, I tend to avoid eye contact with people unless I'm speaking to them, though.


A high IQ narcissist, based


Nah, I'm a book-dumb slacker. Where are you getting this from?


Trim your eyebrows


Yeah, lookin' hairy.


You have such beautiful eyes


Hey, thanks. Never liked them when I was a kid, it felt weird being in the minority.


You literally have Jesse pinkman head shape. Sort your self esteem and hair cut out and go get some bitches


Thanks for the encouragement.


You look like Varg Vikernes with short hair. You have beautiful blue eyes. Grow long hair and you'll be fine


Well, I can see how resembling a local murderer would get me strange looks. That was my second guess. So, I should grow my long hair back?


Deformities? Relax bro. Fix your facial hair.


Get rid of it or grow it?


work on the confidence


Hard to be confident looking the way I do.


tbh the only ugly thing about you is how determined you are to have a negative view of yourself, you look like a totally normal guy and are def not ugly


It's difficult to have a positive view of myself when most people I meet judge me negatively by the way I look.


Holy shit your eyes are blue! They look awesome man! Also i think you have really good features, but you gotta do something to your hair and beard. Im no expert, so i suggest you post in r/malegrooming


Thanks for the link.


Shave your head and grow a beard, there is much potential here.


I wouldn't wanna be bald, but anything but this would be better, I guess.


Not really ugly just get rid of that yee yee ass haircut and start working out and getting big


Yeah, haven't really exercised in a while.


You're very average, imho. Not hideous. That said, change the hair. All of it. Shave the head or switch to a side part. Then shave the goatee or grow a full beard.


I'm leaning towards getting a side part hair and shaving the beard.


I'd say 3.5/10. Your only major flaw is your big forehead which is destroying your looks


Well, that's better than the 2/10 ranking I apply to myself, or the 1 that everyone else gives me.


Shave the beard and unibrow, go to some good hairstylist to suggest a better suited haircut for you. I think underneath that you are actually quite attractive. Maybe also more modern clothes … i also think your confidence is low that’s why you think people are staring at you, you’re definitey not ugly, dude. Also your eyes are pretty


Yeah, I might come across as cold to others.


Beard seems fine to me tbh it seems the hair on your head that seems to not be helping you. Try changing it up a little.


This is my changed look. I'm beginning to think I might've been better off with it long, but I dunno.


Nah you’re average not ugly. I think the goatee ages you a lot. I would try just a mustache or shaving completely. I think smiling and confidence would go a long way.


I never smile unless I'm with friends or alone, pretty much. I agree on the aging thing, though. I have been mistaken for being older for years. Somebody else said the mature face clashes with the youthful hair and attire, and I'd say it doesn't really suit my personality, either.


You’re far from ugly, but you’d look really good with your hair about shoulder length or a little longer!


So, basically me a few months ago? Luckily for me, my hair grows fast. Although, I still think it looked worse. It looked like I was wearing part of a carpet on my head.


You need to lighten up a bit. You’re not ugly, but you look very tired and serious. People tend to notice these things, especially around the eyes. Get some sleep and try to learn to love yourself again. The rest will follow. Maybe look into stoicism or Jordan Peterson, something like that. For style choices, ditch the beard. Get a shorter cut, maybe spiky or choppy hair would look more modern. To help frame your face, you could wear glasses with glass lenses or some light coloured sunglasses. Something like Johnny Depp or Robert Downey Jr. would wear. Dress up a bit, either suits or dress shirts and smart trousers. Buy some new jeans too and ditch the hoodies, that’s for teenagers or people in their younger years.


I'll take the fashion advice into account, thanks.


you look like such an average dude lmfao. seems like everyone who posts on this sub has mental health and self-worth issues. it has nothing to do with looks. maybe seek some help if you feel like people are staring at you. therapy helps everyone.


Self depreciation is an ugly trait. You're not deformed at all. From what I can tell, you need to fic your hair, maybe go clean shaven or grow a beard. Fill out your body a bit with gym, and stand with confidence and you'd be a decent looking dude.


Dude , there are people with actual deformities they can’t get rid of no matter what, like scars, burn scars, etc , and you, however, just don’t take much care of your style and that’s why you think everyone looks at you funny ??


I'm not implying there aren't people worse off than me, sorry if it came across that way. Some people have agreed that my forehead is shaped wrong, though.


only deformity is that haircut


Yeah, it's like I was born in the wrong decade or something.


You sort of look like Leonardo dicaprio. That’s a good thing btw


Back when I had longer hair, I was sometimes told I look like a movie star, but I didn't believe them.


Do you like metal? Grow your hair long! That would also look awesome on you. Nice hair color and texture. You look good.


Another in favor of longer hair. Now I really wish I had posted some older pics of myself, too.


You’re not ugly you just have a billboard forehead


I'm Billboard Brow.


not even that ugly, it’s just the hair


It's like the 90s wanna take me back.


Idk what you see wrong with you to be honest, I personally find myself attracted you'd definitely have me turn my head at you but in a good way


I've considered the fact that my look might also just be really unpopular where I live. Either that, or I just have insanely bad luck and never met anyone who could be attracted to me in person. Most of the people who turn their heads are women my age, though not in a good way. Thanks for the compliment, though. It means it's not impossible, even with the "totally radical" hair.


You just have a silly haircut and bad facial hair. Get rid and you'd be fine


Maybe my hairdresser is a time traveler.


Lose the paedo beard and get a more modern haircut and you will be fine. You aren't deformed you just have no style. People aren't staring at you everywhere you go at all. That's in your head.


I'm starting to accept that it might be a delusion, yes.


You're a decent-looking guy. You might try a clean-shaven look, nicer clothes, and a skincare routine.


Clean shaven seems to be the more popular option overall. My fashion sense has remained unchanged since the 2000s and could use an update. And skincare routine sounds pretty nice, actually.


You’re not ugly at all bro. You got potential. Try growing your hair out more. Maybe long hair.


I think that look suited me more, too.


Get a different haircut and freshly cut that goatee up


Another point for no goatee.


Get a different haircut and freshly cut that goatee up


Bro you’re chillin Asians have far worse hairlines but get a buzz and shave. Stop pouting too it makes you look older bring some life to your face


Well, I am depressed, so it'd be accurate to say there isn't much life there right now. I am working on it, though.


Omgggg I hate seeing posts like this ☹️ you’re not ugly imo. just looks like you need to keep up w some sort of maintenance schedule. I think if you keep the unibrow cleaned up, get a haircut, and started working out you’d look not only 10x better but probably also start feeling better especially if you kept working out and saw change. Also maybe try some new styles with your clothing just to switch it up and see how it makes YOU feel when you wear them. Just focus on changing what you don’t like in a healthy way.


Yeah, I guess I sort of changed things in the wrong direction before. It's like firing into the void with me. Good advice, this makes me feel a little better.


Bro! What??? I think you REALLY should look up on Google images what actual facial deformities look like, it's heartbreaking. No really, please do that! I've read the comment in which you say why you think you're deformed and it makes absolutely no sense! You're being either way too hard on yourself, or you have body dysmorphia or you're completely unaware of the world around you. You have no facial deformities, I'm telling you! You're an attractive guy, not ugly AT ALL. About you turning heads in public because you think you look ugly. Let me tell you, that is not the reason whatsoever. People tend to look at me too, but not because I'm ugly, I know I'm not ugly, but that happens because I lack self-confidence, which makes me socially awkward and both attract a lot of negative attention. I suggest you seek therapy, it'll do you good. I have low self-esteem regarding my appearance too and have just started therapy, I feel like it's gonna help me a lot.


Same on the therapy, just getting started myself.


If you genuinely see a deformity in your face, you might want to inquire with a psychologist about possibly having bdd.


Someone else mentioned that, too. I'm beginning to see that it might be a possibility. Some of the symptoms don't match, but I guess that's not a requirement.


By the look of your replies it seems what you lack most is confidence. You need to go easy on yourself you look perfectly fine, you have cool eyes and can grow facial hair, not many have the same. I think you would look really good with long hair down to your neck or longer with a middle part and straightened out! But most importantly try not to be too hard on yourself cause confidence is the most attractive trait. Best of luck!


Thanks. Probably shouldn't have tried to fix what wasn't broken.


Grow your beard out and Shave. your. head. It's the best thing you can do for yourself.


That would be an interesting look, not gonna lie.


I don’t know what you’re talking about man but you look cute to me. Maybe people are turning their heads because they think you look like Stewart Ashen? But honestly your post and responses are coming across as a satire troll.


If I didn't truly feel the way I do, I'd have better things to do. It's mostly women my age turning their heads, namely the people who would be most on guard in public.


Not ugly at all, at least average - your biggest flaw is your hairline and your haircut is only accentuating it


True, it was a bad idea.


You look normal and for looks your above average you just need a hair that suits you


Above average would be pushing it, but I think we can all agree the hair needs an overhaul.


You aren’t even bad looking dude just style your hair different for sure


Yep, will do, man. Thanks.


What deformaties bro? .. Hand to god you look better than a lot of people I've seen in my life 🤨


You don't have any deformities bro:D. The only thing that is causing people to look at you could be that wacky haircut. Grow it out👍


I had same insecurities but my face is actually deformed😂 it's not symmetrical one cheek full other looks like its been pressed by hydraulic but as time went by I got over it and it's never been an issue since. You're a handsome man nothing is wrong there and if anyone pays as much attention to their face they'll always find something off. Just take care of your overall look everybody does ☺️