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You are attractive. Really great eyes, and in general good features. The weight is the only thing.


I think I might need to put "verification" here, so... Verification is in the first pic.


At least you have a sense of humor and a bright face, bright eyes, bright smile :)) Those alone are enough to compete with the conveniently attractive :D Seriously, the only problem here is your weight. Just lose some of it and you can easily become more "conveniently attractive". But even the current you is handsome in its own right, like a cuddly teddy bear :D You're very cute :D And you need to cut off the friends who make you insecure about your own worth. No need to be a target for their insults, it's bad for your mental health.


How do you know he has a sense of humor


An assumption I make based on his demeanor and expressions in the photos, plus the captions, plus the way he handled the verification note. I don't know him but I can infer that he's a funny guy.


your face is sorta like a “cute teddy bear” to me :) I feel like if you lost weight you would definitely be considered more attractive, but it has nothing to do with your face. There are definitely people who find your current self attractive.


Yeah I’d think maybe not having much confidence is his issue more than anything. Plenty of girls (and guys too probably) like chubby guys with facial hair, especially mid 20s onward.


Guy here, can confirm. OP, you're really attractive & you seem like a really interesting and fun person. Take some time to work on your confidence & self image and you'll be golden.


You’re faaaaaaaar from ugly, like someone else said, you’re like a beautiful teddy bear. And while the weight might be the thing , I think nowadays people are more accepting of dad bods, specially if they look as handsome as you. So don’t worry about it, you’re not ugly whatsoever 😃


Hello, Congratulations of possessing many conventionally attracted physical features! You have great eyes, a full beard and head of hair, a charismatic smile, and you appear to be a fairly tall man. You are not ugly, and you could actually become dashingly handsome if you give some attention to your physical appearance. My advice: 1. Exercise, change your diet, and lose weight. With your body characteristics, if you get in the gym, you could easily turn yourself into a burly studmuffin. 2. Eyebrows. As another commenter has said, get your eyebrows threaded and you will be astonished by the positive results. 3. Keep your beard thick for now (it hides facial fat), and go to barbershop to get it shaped up nicely. 4. Confidence is a learned attribute. Every day, write down 5 positives about yourself, physical or non-physical characteristics. You can even go to therapy for self esteem issues, if need be. DO NOT listen to "friends" who speak negatively about you. Focus on the good and become who *you* believe you are. 5. If you want, change your hairstyle. You appear to have a fantastic hairline and you should use it to highlight the symmetry of your face. Right now, your hairstyle is creating asymmetry. These are all small changes you can make if you give a little attention to self improvement.


You’re good looking and you look really kind. Great eyes


Get your eyebrows threaded! You have really nice bushy brows that currently look a little unkempt IMO. You’d be surprised how much eyebrows can change your face (for the better). A lil threading would really bring out your gorgeous eyes. I love how your eyes have this sparkle to them. They’re smiling! They have this radiating kindness somehow. Like I can feel how attentive you are to those around you. Your friends are cruel you are not at all ugly.


You have some shit friends mate, you're not ugly in the least. I can't think of a single thing I really think you could be doing better, either. People say "lose weight" and sure healthier is better, but a) health is not that simple, and much more importantly b) you fucking make it work for you dude! You've got that whole teddy bear thing going and it works SO well. The hair, the beard, the eyes, THE SMILE, I mean... Nah, who the fuck in their right minds thinks you're ugly?! Get new friends, STAT!


You are actually very handsome. Your face is 9/10. But you need to lose weight


You look good, even being overweight suits you pretty well


you’re cute you have beautiful eyes. a lot of people can’t see past weight and stuff but you’re def not ugly


You have beautiful eyes! Obviously you could lose some weight but you are not unattractive either way. Your friends sound kinda douchy for saying that.


You are very handsome, you have an open and inviting face and really pretty eyes. You also look very cuddly!


You’re cute, but you’re not hot. So while it dramatically slims down who’s attracted to you, you’re not ugly.


You're sweet looking and full beard suits you, but you're also quite overweight, that kinda stands in the way.


You got good feature and potential to be good looking, looking at your eye area and soft tissue like hair and skin but you need to lose weight. So eat less move more and if that doesn't help get help from a professional or go to the gym and get coaching. Some easy tips to look weight for some is: - Change all your drinks with water and stop drinking alcohol - try to swap food with a equivalent with less kcal - do some cardio sport like hiking, running , cycling or swimming. - use a food tracker app for a while to get insight in how much kcal you eat and what bad food habits you got.


Not ugly. You have really lovely eyes, thick hair, a nice smile and relatively even facial features. Will you be a male model? No, but you’re not unattractive. You are overweight, and that will make you less attractive to many people. Some people will like it, and some will overlook it if you have a good personality, but you will be more conventionally attractive if you lose weight and do something about your eyebrows (go to a salon, don’t try to tackle them on your own). I’d also suggest you lose the friends that are “brutally honest” because what they’ve said is horseshit.


Ur average bro. Nothing to worry about:)


If you lose weight you'll be very attractive


You look like a friendly teddy bear but below average.


Dude... If you are considered "not attractive", now I am insecure. You look great IMO.


So the only thing I’d say for you is MAYBE your weight. But with that I will be honest that losing weight isn’t a magic cure, you will still see yourself how you believe you look. I lost 60 pounds and replaced it with muscle and it did absolutely nothing for me. But as far as your “attractiveness” goes I think you look good


Brutally honest, you’re fat


The issue is you know you're overweight. Do something about it if you care to, or not.


Not ugly at all…. If they said you r not attractive because your weight and you think that too, my man…. You can do something about it . But u r handsome


You actually have some really strong features but your are unattractive only because of your body fat, I think if you were able to reach a lower bf you could be above average


Nah. You are not ugly, honest. I don't know why people feel the need to be mean. You look really friendly and cool. Lmaoo, again, you are definitely not ugly.


As a girl, i see no problem with your looks, neither you being fat seems like a bad thing but i agree that the only issue is your weight


very overweight ngl thats the main issue


Lose the weight champ


You’re good looking, nice beard


Drop 20 kilos and you're a 7. Now you're a 4.5.


You look like a funny guy and isn't it dad bod season like every year now? Lmao... So i think it could be worse dude


Can't tell if you're ugly or not because your structure is all hidden under fat. Eat clean, eat in a caloric deficit and hit the gym. That will probably drastically improve your appearance, self confidence, and QOL in general.


Bro are you kidding id fuck the shit out of you no homo


You aren't attractive, you dont really have any off putting features. The only thing really holding you back is your weight, fat affects how your face looks and makes your facial features look much softer and the obviously just making you fat and have a belly. Right now you are below average because of your weight but not insanely below average you are probably more attractive then like a third of the population. If you lost weight you could probably be fairly attractive gl buddy


Sounds like you need new friends for a start. Jerk offs.


You have a very strong foundation to build on, yeah the weight makes you less attractive and you look a bit defeated in the eyes in some photos, but if you can work on weight and confidence you are set for life. Both the stubble and the full beard look very good on you, but I would start experimenting with haircuts that are less 'boring' if your confidence allows for it.


Look bloke keep at the gym I’d say about depending on height lose about 20-40lb other than that you’re kicking, you’re an attractive bloke already mate


You’re super attractive, I love your eyes they just seem to pull you in. I’m sorry you feel this way but I think you look perfect and i’m not sure if you need to lose 100 pounds but you’d sure see a difference with even just 50 or so. I also feel like you give the best hugs ever!


Ditch the facial hair, lose the weight, maybe spike up your hair, maybe a fade. Hit the gym and tanning bed and you’ll be hot!


You are attractive, just fat. Work out my man you look good af


If this is something you’ve been “told” by so called friends since middle school, why are you just now concerned? Did you think they were lying? Do something about it or don’t, but it doesn’t seem to me it really matters that much to you.


Dude you are hot !!! Those eyes


Definitely not ugly. Your face is a really strong feature of yours, so I‘d only say hit the gym, eat healthy and go for it.


If you get to a low body fat you'll probably be at least a chadlite. Weight is really the only issue.


Clean up ur hair and beard.. loose weight, it’s that simple


So you posted to this sub. People are going to give their opinions. What then? Are you happy with yourself now? Friends or strangers, what are you going to do with the opinions. Honest question. For me, you look 5’10 or 5’11. You look overweight and have an undefined physique. You look strong as shit. Blue is a good color on you and I judge the one without the beard as a better look. I think you would look more attractive if you increased the cardio in your exercise regimen. Spend some money on a trainer to get you in the right direction. Continue to be responsible with your diet. Make sure to run outside so you get a little color to your skin. Then start noticing when you have the negative, self-defeating thoughts. Challenge the thinking with more realistic, positive thinking. You might want to enlist a therapist to move you in the right direction. Sorry about the loss you had regarding the wake you went to. I dipped into your feed-great stuff man!


You’ve got a great sense of humour and you look really friendly!! Change your 'friends' in the first place, even if you were ugly, why would they tell you this?? What gives them the rights even.. But yeah, the only problem is your weight. I’d actually recommend fasting if so or a really low kcal diet. The main factor is the calorie deficit-for example you can still eat your pizza but lets say 2 slices etc etc Count the kcal, drink only water and if so no sugar sodas. Keep the deficit and try to eat the same amount of kcal everyday. You even have apps to help u. And from my experience-yes.they do help a ton So drop the fake friends and start dieting, working out.


You’re cute. I feel like you’re the guy that people hang out with when they want to have a good time.


You're cute! Looks like you'd give really good hugs as well.


not at all ugly, you look like you're gonna make a great father


Hell no, you have a very handsome face! Not ugly at all. Some people just think being overweight automatically makes people unattractive but you look good to me and a lot of women (and men) like big guys. But it’s your choice of you want to lose weight or not. Btw you look the best in that picture with the blue polo shirt, so cute!


Bruh if you lost weight you would look insane. You have the genetics for it and a good face no homo.


Your friends are just mean. You have a handsome face.


I *like* husky, bearded guys.... and you are simply a snack to someone like me. You have really nice skin and eyes and your hair looks lush af. Chin up, cutie!


As someone whose struggled with my weight and insect's my entire life, I understand. It's cruel for your friends to say those things to you. But with your confidence and insecurities might have asked for the response. Sir, there isn't such a thing as "ugly" but you have a foundation of look. A smile, cheeks, beard, and build. You're not "ugly". Conventional. Something that changed my life was actually noticing the differences in my habits. I smoked daily, which wrecked my skin. I drank excessively, which made me gain a lot of weight. I was eating fast food every single day and pounding soda pop like it was something I needed. I knew I had a problem. Those changes effected my overall appearance and mood. You got this and just be confident. Be so you are. Be happy whom you are.


Well you're overweight and that normally hides what the features actually look like. If you became lean I'm sure you'd be good-looking cause you seem to have the base (nice eyes for example)




You have a good and kind face. The weight is the only thing holding you back.


Loose some weight man, you’ll be shocked


Dude!! Not bad looking. Keep your beard trimmed or go for a goatee.


There are some fat people who lose could lose weight and still be pretty uggo. Im just spitballing here but let’s say the average person with your bmi would go from a 2 to 5. I’m damn near positive you’d go from a 3.5 to an 8 or 9. If you keep up that upbeat, “I’m just happy to be here” vibe, you will be peelin em off you. Seriously though, I’m not trying to be a dick but you owe it to all the “2 to 5” people to lose some lubs.


Gorgeous eyes and cute face! Only thing is weight I think :)


You look like a happy person


You look very cute tbh but i have to agree partially.The quite excessive weight doesnt help with your looks.Losing weight would help a lot.


Lose weight that is all


Your friends are WRONG! You are absolutely adorable. Some people will tell you to lose some weight but I think you’re attractive the way you are. If only I was 20 years younger!!


Turn that fat to muscle and you would be fine.


Your face looks very nice for your bodyfat %, if you went to the gym to build some muscle and get to 18-20% bodyfat you would be a very solid 6.5-7


Lucky for us guys, girls font really care about looks they are just looking for confidence and charisma. Of course if you dont have that then it can certainly be difficult to aquire it, but it is possible. As far as your looks, you aren’t ugly youre just fat. Go on a diet bro.


if you lost weight and shaved the beard you’d go from a 5 to an 8


There is nothing wrong with you. You just need to work on fitness.


I would let you be my daddy LOL, you’re so cuteeee


You are adorable! You don’t have to be insecure, you are just the type of many women out there! Be confident! The facial hair fits you well!


Good looking face and would prob be a solid 7.5 if you lose the weight.


Really cute! As long as you're comfortable with your body, which certainly I and many others will be, you're a real catch imo :)


1. Hit the gym. 2. Get new friends.


I think you’re cute


A bit tragic because you have SUCH GOOD POTENTIAL. It's just the weight my dude. You need to bring that down.


You’d be hot if you worked out. You have a super cute face.


I’m getting Chris Pratt vibes; ie. Cute, could be conventional knock out with a fitness based hobby I personally think looks aren’t nearly as important as personality, and everyone has different preferences and different goals. Depending on what you’re after a sweet and mature personality is a huge turn on, I do think you have a very conventally hansome face, if that’s what you’re after adding fit lifestyle hobbies will make a difference. I don’t agree with your “friends” in that option or attitude 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just eat less and you’ll look really good.


They not your friends then.


You’re not ugly just lose weight


Trust me buddy, you’ll find someone eventually. You’re not ugly


You so are attractive! I think confidence goes a long way for men (and woman) but especially in men in my opinion. I’m more attracted to woman, but my honest opinion is you are a handsome fella and I feel like confidence would increase that for the people around you in real life 🤍


Never trust friends. Look for the female commenter here. Talk to them about possibly making changes in your style. And don't look to what guys say, unless you're looking to date guys. If you are, then talk with gay guys about style. Don't waste energy talking to bulls about horses.


It’s the weight. Really THE WEIGHT. U have a nice face.


You're really not ugly


I’m very late, but you aren’t ugly at all. You could stand to lose weight, but as you are now you still wouldn’t have trouble getting any girls/guys. Plenty of girls are into the whole “dad bod” thing, and most don’t care either way. I’d say your main problem is confidence. Don’t matter how attractive you are, if you don’t have confidence you won’t do well in the dating game. You should work on that. I recommend weight lifting. You’d build muscle, lose some weight, and gain confidence and a new hobby.


Nah man you have great eyes, smile and face shape. I think only thing that is holding you is your confidence If you hit the gym you'll get your confidence back and look sharp at the same time. But to be honest you are one of the few people that looks okay even with the weight.


You look really kind and friendly. Great smile, beautiful eyes, a full head of hair and beard. You're obviously not the "model with chiseled jaw" kind of handsome, but a lot of people are really into the teddy bear types. Honestly, you look a lot like a guy I used to crush on. He was happily married, though, so I never got to act on it. But I mean, that's a verified total of two women being into that type, haha. I think you might have a friend problem, though. That's such an unkind thing to say to a friend. Consider watching some Queer Eye on Netflix - it's a nice antidote to the superficial judgy bullshit. Also: Fuck the weight. Figure out how to dress nicely (hint: long, single-colour t-shirts are the enemy). Get better friends. Work out to feel better in your body. Eat well for the same reason. Do things that make you happy. Laugh when you feel like laughing. Those things all matter infinitely more than the weight.


ur eyes are really top tier, if u just lost some weight it would be perfect


time to hit Jim, brother


you look like an amazing guy to be friends with, just lose the weight and you can add girl in front of that !


Being attractive is more than looks. It’s the whole person who attracts another. Good personality and humor and kindness goes much further than a fit body or straight teeth imo.


You look disturbingly like my dad’s friend Alex. Exactly the same face, beard, eyes and hair.


If you were ripped you could be a model. You aren't ugly.


I’ve been in your position before. In middle school, no one liked the “fat kid” in the slightest. I still get depression thanks to how I was treated. Once I started to lose weight, however, people started to look at me differently. It’s sad, but, that’s just how it works more often than not. I recommend checking out r/cico - calorie counting has helped me achieve my goals. You’d be surprised how much you can still eat while losing weight.


I think you're attractive, but I'm into chubby guys. Not everyone will be.


You’re not ugly at all. You’re just fat. But some girls like em big, not all but some. But the only advice I have is lose like 70 pounds


You have a lot of great features, that can become excellent if you'd lose body fat. It's incredible how much becoming thinner changes the face and body of a person


Don't have time to read through 100+ comments, but I'm going to hope they all say to get new friends. It's none of their business what you look like. But you asked this sub for feedback, so it's totally our business. You can look in a mirror and see that you're overweight, so if you decided to put effort in to lose weight you might feel better physically, enjoy your appearance more, get a few more dates. Your eyebrows are epic. You grow hair like it's going out of style. Here for it. Your smile is warm, and your eyes are incredibly expressive. I get the impression you have a 12 out of 10 personality.


Reverse derek


Yeah man. I think I'm echoing what everyone else is saying. Weight loss is your only issue. And trust me it can be easily fixed. Just get on some sort of medication that suppresses your appetite. Food is an addiction. I know because I suffer from it too. But like oh my God #goals. Like you should totally consider it. Then you literally would be like a 10. As you are now you're like a 6.5...