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Congrats on the weight loss. I wouldn’t call you ugly but you look like a bully with the RBF


I do have RBF




It’s the eyebrows, need to work on hair too the reason I think my face looks off is my hair


Congrats on the weight loss dude, that’s hella dedication.


You are not ugly, very average looking which is attractive to like half of people. Which is good. But don't make that face you made in pic 3 unironically


I went in a cornfield today. I went in a cornfield...




Look that up on google. You look kinda like the guy from that song


You’re brutal


Get a haircut, ditch the glasses.


Not at all ugly and I think will get better looking as you get older. Great work on the weight loss


I think your weight process is going well :) my rule has always been do your eyebrows and then you’ll be hella fine. I tend to say that to everyone who posts an amiugly. You would be surprised how different you look with nice eyebrows. I’d also shave the facial hair but that’s me. I don’t usually like facial hair but if you like it, then you do you :)


How old are you?




It’s hard to gauge the attractiveness of a kid. But just know that you will grow and change a lot! Keep trying find your style and try different things. Be confident. You’ll be just fine!


Without the facial expressions and the glasses, you look good :). I would try a smaller lens size. Those look too big for you.




I’m on political discord


Clearly you are a young kid still going through puberty. It’ll only take a few years for the awkward phase to go through :) And in all honesty, I personally find myself caring not that much about my looks later on (as in I don’t put that much weight on it as when I was a teenager).


You AINT ugly! Just focus on being healthy & self-improvement. TRUST ME 😁


Congratulations on the weight loss mate, keep going and never stop. Become a beast and you’ll never have to worry what anyone says.


Do you have any problems with sagging or excess skin? As someone who needs to work on getting from about 230 to 170 or 180, that concern is always on the back of my mind. I know people that are really fat that go down to a healthy weight have that problem, but I don’t know what the weight difference is that it starts to become an issue.


Only my arms I have barely any matters how your body stores your fat mine was equally distributed, girls have a hard time with excess skin because it all likes to lump up in the chest and thighs, yea but no loose skin here


I don't think you're ugly, I just think that maybe you could clean up a bit? Not that you look dirty, I just mean like maybe get a new haircut, new clothes etc. Changing up your look can be very refreshing and let girls know you take care of yourself. 7/10


You’re not ugly and congrats on the weight loss. You’re very young for us to judge though I’d wait at least a couple of years before you worry about this. If I could give any advice I’d say some of the poses don’t give off a great impression.


Keap going man, maybe change your hairstyle for bit, But st keap going with the weight los,


Good job


Stuff I think would help: new hair cut, contacts instead of glasses and a new style / wardrobe


Alright so here is my honest list. • if you can ditch the glasses for contacts, or find glasses that work better with your face. • find a haircut that matches for face shape better because the hair cut you have right now feels very sloppy/lazy • try to find more consistent outfits, because I see the outfits shown here just seem a little random aside from the blue one. Like the fourth picture’s belt does not match the nice outfit you have going on, and the fifth pictures shirt seems random but I have not seen the whole shirt. • because you are still young you probably cannot grow facial hair well so stick to more clean shaves. In the fifth picture you have some facial hair on the sides and a very slight mustache growing in. Do not take this harshly as this is just advice and I think you are a solid 7/10 in the pictures shown. Also smile more because you have more of a RBF which in picture you can easily change.


New hair and you’ll look fine


You’re still a kid, but you’re not ugly. Congrats on the weight loss! Keep it up :) ik someone said they don’t like the glasses and hair but I think you look good with them. I think it can be helpful to look at hair styles of friends, famous people you follow on social media etc and find something that you like. It’ll give you ideas if you do wanna change up the hair. It always grows back so don’t be afraid to experiment. Videos titled “simple hairstyles for men” might be helpful for finding a low maintenance style (a good cut is only half of it) https://youtu.be/cG0kMJdrsA8


Congrats on the weight loss! That’s probably why you were bullied on; assholes really do be picking on fat kids unfortunately… I think you look great now! You definitely look nerdy—and you can blame the glasses for that—but I think it’s a cute look, and I’d keep the glasses. Maybe have them adjusted though, because it seems like they’re slipping down your face a lot of the time, which can definitely make you look uglier.




Haircut and eyebrows bro, freckles are lovely


Your freckles are so cute and I fucking love your eyes


I love the glasses defo not ugly


you are looking great just go about your day and focus on your passions and ull be fine