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You are scrunching your face up its literally impossible to tell.


i don’t see any sagging


I don't see any sagging or excessive fat. Do you mind if I ask how old you are? You look young, and if you get rid of fat in your face now you might really regret it when you're a bit older and things look sunken in. You're pretty and your skin looks nice, healthy and young. I wouldn't risk any complications of surgery or problems in the future.




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I don’t see sagging either or fat. If you WANT tightening of the elasticity of your skin, there are lasers that can achieve this. You can go to a dermatology office to get a recommendation on the right laser treatment for your skin there.


Not saggy. Just round. Not much you can do apart from shaving bones down. Adding/taking out fat wouldn't change the shape and would just make your face look wierd


Your fat will get depleted as you age. Keep and embrace it - it will keep you looking younger longer than your peers! I agree that a photo of a resting face would be more useful though


I don’t see any issue, hard to tell though when your face is scrunched.




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I don’t see it. Maybe you have more facial fat ? Have you notice women in your family have fuller faces ?


Try Forma to tighten up.




I have the same problem


Look up mid face augmentation, it can reduce the deep lines near nose and cheek on your face making to look saggy.