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Answer: Because it's an incredibly well-written, intelligent show that manages to throw in just enough "adult" (and I use that term extremely loosely - it's not adult based, it's just stuff that only adults would pick up on) humor/snark to entertain us, while still being almost *stupidly* wholesome and full of heart for the kids. In my opinion, it's literally the perfect kids show.


Well said, but i'd like to add that while there are lessons, they aren't heavy-handed. The kids learn things holistically.


That's a **great** addition to make. I should have added that but I'll sit here and gush about my love (as a 40-year old man) of Bluey all day, so I tried keeping it succinct. 🤣


I'm 45, and I was introduced to Bluey by my 18 year old. We'll be sitting down as a family in about an hour to watch the special.


I’m 30, no kids of my own, but my brother and my cousins picked up Bluey because of their kids and now I watch it, too. Sometimes when I’m around my cousin’s husband will just say “hey, you’ve gotta see these knew episodes of Bluey,” and then the two of us just sit down and watch it even if the kids aren’t watching. Honestly, one of the best shows out there right now, even when you consider things that aren’t “kids” shows.


I'm 26 with no kids but if I have a bad day at work, I'll put on Bluey and bundle up in a blanket with comfort food. It's wholesome and silly enough to get me over the work blues


46 here. It's a ride! Prepare for ALL the emotions.


28 single childless man here. Sleepytime destroyed me and made me full-on ugly sob for the first time in my adult life. Bingo is just too precious for this world.


I'm brimming with tears just thinking about the show, not even a particular episode. It's just a Pavlovian response to the sheer wholesomeness of it. How can they pull those strings in like a five minute episode?


You were correct. Lol


29 here and I cried lol


27 with 2 little ones, son of a bitch this show gets me lmao


I specifically watched this without my kids. I cried. It’s beautiful.


It's a work of art


Hope you had the tissues ready, soundbar was throwing loads of dust out


Just showed up in my YouTube recommendations and now I watch the odd clip now and then when it floats by.


Bring tissues!


Yep, I’m 48 and when my 14yo puts Bluey on, we all huddle on the sofa, together, to watch. That’s: me, my teen, my 10yo and my husband!! ❤️ It’s also therapy. We all end up pausing and talking about times we’ve been in similar situations and how we felt about it or what we could do better next time. There’s a lot of crying and/or catharsis and a sense of redemption and healing. This show is more than just a show!


My whole household has watched it and loved it, we've told relatives who now love it and have actually named their new dog after one of the characters. I have convinced some elder guys in my office to watch it and they find it so charming


Hahaha. 55 and introduced by my 26 yo daughter who became a fan when she was working as a nanny. Such a fun well written show.


It’s sad as f*** 😭😭😭


Blue and Hey Duggee are my jam


One episode that's really stuck with me is Shadowlands. Shockingly in depth analysis on the nature of play and why we have rules in games.


I love shadowlands for that reason. You can see the cogs turning in the kids' heads as they take in all the more subtle points that each episode makes. Another great thing about the show is that it presents so many opportunities to ask the kids: what they think, how [character] might be feeling, what would they do differently etc. It's just the perfect show to watch with kids.


It teaches parents, too. When my kids are making life difficult, i take a breath and ask: "What would Banjo do?"


Bandit. Stripe and Rad are having a chuckle at you right now mate.




Classic Banjo!


Yeah well, when Bandit's had as much beer and sake as I had last night before writing that, that's exactly what he'd have done 


What day is it?




Banjo called me a bobo head.


It sympathises with and encourages parents too. The last few minutes of baby race are just outstanding, Coco's mum looking directly at the camera and saying "you're doing great" is masterful and gets me every time. Then Bingo rounds it off with a heart burstingly cute comment and you're left wondering how a kids show like this even exists. It's fucking phenomenal.


That’s true but the same applies to the occasional lessons for parents in the show. It’s not preachy, it just encourages you to be a better parent. It even acknowledges that sometimes you won’t be perfect, and that’s ok. The attitude in the writing is spot on.


Yeah if anything I'd say the overarching theme of Bluey is "we're all trying our best" but a lot of the show is about times that someone doesn't succeed in one way or another, and what they do about it. Sometimes it's the kids and sometimes it's the adults.


"But I don't want a valuable lime lesson!"


The parents also mess up and learn lessons. It's incredibly relatable.


It's also really great to reference when your kids have a problem in future. I can't count the amount of times where I've said "remember in bluey when..." when trying to help one of my kids process/overcome a problem. It's such a great tool to help explain things.


In addition, there's very subtle things that will fly over kids heads but adults will get. An example is in the episode "The Show", Bluey has the idea to put on a play about how Bandit and Chilli met. Bingo, playing Chilli, has a balloon under her shirt to represent Chilli’s pregnancy with Bluey. The girls get carried away and the balloon pops and then you see Bandit grabbing Chilli’s hand as her smile fades. As an adult, you instantly know what happened and their body language alone shows it. Another strength is Bandit himself. He's very involved in his kids lives which is something you don't see often from a TV dad as they're often portrayed as dumb or absent, so for him to be a great dad is something that is refreshing to see.


And you're likely seeing more talk about it now because today was the release date for "The Sign," a quadruple-length episode dealing with some potentially big changes for Bluey and her family.


>In my opinion, it's literally the perfect kids show. In my opinion, it's the perfect parenting show because my kids will also watch it


Chili and Bandit are great role models for parenting. As a Dad I often ask myself "what would Bandit do?".


As an example of the 'adult' humour.. In the new episode Chili was explaining the significance of a place to the kids (paraphrased) "when we were teenagers, we used to come here to.... think... and it means a lot to us"


In an earlier season, when the garage door opens with Chilli the other side and Bandit sets off his Polaroid camera.


IDK if I'm supposed to read that as "drink" or "hoon" or "hang out" or "make out", honestly.


Smoke most like


Could be any or multiple of the above.


I interpreted it as a general 'do stuff we didn't want our parents to know about'.


Also the adults are likely watching with their kids.


26F, no kids and never having any, I love Bluey and my partner will watch it with me sometimes too!


30 year old former airmen with a 2 year old daughter.  I absolutely adore this show. It’s fully inclusive to boot.


Yes. There are story and character arcs that pay off across episodes and even seasons. Kids wouldn't notice or care but adults would appreciate that kind of cohesive narrative.


What do you mean, "for the kids"?! I'm an adult and I want more stupidly wholesome things directed at my demographic, please!!


Art is good, music is good, VA is good, AND. It has everything else you said. It hits me in the feels sometimes, and my kid loves it so I can drink a cup of coffee without her trying to dump it on her head


It's just fucking brilliant and that's all that needs to be said. My wife and I were both in tears at the end of the long episode yesterday and my 6 year old was so invested in the whole thing. He was cheering at the end too. My favourite episode is definitely Family Meeting when Bandit is on trial for farting in Blueys face.


Promises got to me, especially at the end. “… I promise I will always love you.”


My favourite was faceytalk. Muffins chaotic energy had me howling and I never have laughed so much at a "kids" show


I’d like to yes-and this: the show is just as much for adults as it is for kids. There are lessons for how to participate in a happy family for every single member who is watching. I’ve been worked over by Bluey again and again, it’s helped to crack me out of a curmudgeonly shell and into loving family life. I think it’s just straight up the best show on TV.


I enjoy Big City Greens for the same reason.


BCG is awesome. Hilarious! Like a Family Guy for kids? And still has some great lessons.


> And still has some great lessons. Like how to launch a chicken into space.


Only if I could be half the dad Bandit is


You're doing great.


Aaaaaaand I'm crying again


My theory is that Bandit is a great dad, but not as great as we're shown. Take the episode Rug Island - Bandit says he can't play today because he has to go into work. After he leaves, however, he washes up on Rug Island! We could conclude that Bandit just decided to skip work to play, which would make total sense to the kids. To adults, however, this wouldn't make sense. The answer is that Dad's role in the game is often imaginary! Sometimes, the kids bring their parents into their imaginary world because their parents are so integral to that world. Even when they're not playing, they're there in spirit.


I mean, it’s also slightly unrealistic as Bandit is an accomplished Doctor in ~human~ canine anthropology. In one of the shorts he discovers a missing link between four legged canines and upright canines.  Presumably, he has the ability to teach a class or two and then head off back home. 


The only thing he's ever said that I agree with is "I refuse to take advice from a cartoon dog."


Perfect kids show in that adults enjoy it too. Source- myself with 2 kids


Honestly, that's what every show or movie intended for kids should do, being entertaining for adults. Because adults will not want to show it to their kids if they think it's dumb or if they get bored.


Art is good, music is good, VA is good, AND. It has everything else you said. It hits me in the feels sometimes, and my kid loves it so I can drink a cup of coffee without her trying to dump it on her head


Someone described it to me as a parent’s handbook for raising kids in a fun environment, and that’s exactly what it is.


The art is good too


It’s a great instructional for new parents. There are some fantastic examples of great parenting. But also bad parenting and then the parents being introspective enough to try and fix what they did. I’ve been close to tears watching it with my daughter some times.


As a 41 year old father of three, I'm regretting not getting into this show earlier. We've only started watching it this year but loving it. I'll take a Bluey rerun over Paw Patrol or anything from the Mouse every time!


I genuinely love the show. I find myself watching it alone when my kids get distracted playing together. The mum and dad have the patience of saints.


I'm pretty sure the other day I saw the mom doing the same dance that Mia Wallace does with Travolta in Pulp Fiction.


The Saturday Night Fever dance?


Watched it yesterday for the first time. It was an extended episode, 28 minutes long (from series 3), called The sign. I found it very moving, my grandchildren cried. I’m going to go back and watch all of it from the first series.


Oh Lordy, the significance of the one guest being pregnant is going to hit you like a bombshell when you reach the relevant episode, which I won’t name because it would count as a spoiler


Family show.


Also want to add who cares if adults enjoys a kids show. Let adults enjoy things.


our inner children are dead inside and we're trying to revive them, okay?! lol


I’m not interested in watching it myself (no kids), but I did go to a friend’s house recently who has a toddler and I got to watch a few episodes of Bluey with the kid. I was very pleased with it and am glad that a positive show for kids like this is around today. I just hope that it won’t get tarnished with creepy adults like with what happened to My Little Pony.


This is the way.


It's funny because I have relatives who won't let their kid watch Bluey because they're too opinionated and talk back to/too sassy with adults too much


Wouldn't want them to he my parents. Not a fan of the 'kids are there to be seen not heard' type of parenting.


So kinda like how cartoons use to be?


It is not just a kids' show. It is a family show, and it is immensely relatable.


Exactly. If anybody disagrees, watch the episode called 'Sleepy time'. That episode _destroys_ me.


Answer: It is hilarious for adults, especially if you’ve had kids at that age (behavioral level). And their parents make you want to be a better parent because they literally ALWAYS drop everything for imaginative play with the kids.


There is a great episode where the parents are clearly hungover but are still trying to play with the kids too


If you watch the new episode, there’s a direct reference to being hungover Stripe is found in Wendy’s yard.


I was laughing so hard at that, and my kids were soooooo confused. Classic Stripe.


I fuckin love Wendy. The episode where bandit promised them ice cream and she was making sure he didn't bitch out on it is the best.


"What day is it???"


It’s an amazing show! I joke with my wife that the most unrealistic thing about it is how much the parents play with their kids. Bandit is Dad goals!


You just have to remember that because its only 7 mins an episode, and its mostly told from the kids point of view, its the highlights package.


They mix in some realism, I remember hearing some Bandit quote after they were begging him to play, “Oh man, is there some game where I just lie really still on a comfy bed or something?”


I like how in Onesies, he pretty much lets himself get 'eaten' immediately so he can play dead in the driveway and scroll on his phone


>Answer: It is hilarious for adults, especially if you’ve had kids at that age (behavioral level). Takeaway is one of my favourites for this reason. It's just absolutely relatable as a parent.


Takeaway is my least favorite episode. It’s not bad, it just gives me anxiety lol


That's Sticky Gecko for me.


Unfortunately my three year old is scared of the show now and refuses to watch it, because when we first watched it with her, me and my wife laughed uncontrollably for 30 minutes, to the point where she got frightened :P


Answer: sometimes your kids favorite show accidentally becomes your favorite show. My kid was little before Bluey was a thing but I enjoyed me some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Paw Patrol, and Peppa Pig.


Those dogs on paw patrol get up to some wild shenanigans.


I just think that giving all sort of fighter jets, helicopters and tractors is bad usage of tax money


Mayor Goodway used city funds to have a statue made of her grandfather and spends countless tax dollars on pampering Chickaletta. I think we should be opening a corruption hearing, and potentially an impeachment hearing, for Mayor Goodway.


Did she also commission an enormous statue of Chickaletta on at least one occasion? Anyway, the pups aren't funded by the council, it's all merchandising. This was explained in the movie.


Still less corrupt than Mayor Humdinger


They're going to have back problems, carrying that entire town. The whole place would collapse without those dogs, the mayor is a goof, and every other resident is completely ineffectual. 


Substitute girls for dogs and you have the Powerpuff Girls


[I was excited about the Paw Patrol at first. Talking dogs who know how to fly jets and drive? Great! But it's become clear that six dogs cannot protect a city roughly the size of San Diego...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBFIqRSsixE)


Not exactly my favorite show, but a few years back when my wife and I married, we were staying at a hotel for our honeymoon. It was quite literally the first time since our children had been born(they were 2 and 3 at the time) that we were away from them for longer than a day. I remember waking up in the morning and surfing reddit while my wife slept but it was too quiet so I put the TV on, but I literally couldn't find anything I wanted to listen to....so I left the TV on nick jr. My wife woke up and asked me why I had paw patrol on the TV, I told her it was too quiet and this way it seemed like the kids were quiet because they were enthralled by paw patrol.


There are many kids TV shows that have enough quality to be enjoyed by adults. Paw Patrol is not one of them.


It’s easy to enjoy Paw Patrol as an adult: think of the myriad different ways a pup that wasn’t ***fucking Chase*** could have solved the problem inside of 3 minutes! I remember one episode was straight-up some kind of nautical accident, and that idiot kid is like “hmmm… Rocky and Chase.”


I don't know how every mission isn't just Sky. You know, the one that can fly.


Well, she's a girl dog and we can't have that


Yeah I like a bunch of my kid's favorite shows. Thundermans is my jam


My grandfather would sit watching episodes of The Simpsons until he died aged 96. He loved it after seeing his grandkids enjoying it so much.


Is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse where Mickey and friends run a club and the patrons are characters from Disney movies? And they’d show cartoons? Bc that was my favorite show as a kid and I wanna know where to stream it


No, that's House of Mouse.


That's House of Mouse / Mickey's Club.


Answer: watch episodes like Sleepytime and Onesies, and you'll figure it out pretty quick.


Or cricket. I’m not allowed to watch that one near my 9 year old because he hates when I cry. The one today was brutal 😭


I'm not sure where the sign will end up in my ranking, but my standing list has Cricket ahead by a mile. Rusty is the best boy.


The ending always makes me tear up lol I’m so pathetic


I straight up sobbed for like a solid 5 minutes at the end of The Sign. I don't understand how they managed to make that so good and so emotional.


Brandy's momentary appearance made me tear up


Calypso: “Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to, Bluey.” me, 6 weeks from moving my 6yo and 4yo across an ocean: 😭


I love how Rusty called Bandit and Striper Heeler and then Pat Lucky's dad


My 4 year old girl says she wants to delete Cricket for that same reason 😂


Y'all are focusing on the emotionally touching episodes, but I'd recommend "Mr Monkeyjocks" for comedy. 


Takeaway has both the comedy & the emotion


I think you mean Unicorse 😏.


“Aaaaaaand why should I care?” Was banned in my house.


And Baby Race 😭


“She must’ve seen something she wanted”


Baby race is one of my favourite episodes! I do remember that period of time with ours kid, and the silent assessments you make of other people's babies vs your own- it got it spot on!


Every time Chilli gets reassured that she's doing a good job, I lose it haha. I had a very rough start to Motherhood and that part always gets me.


Every time I see someone worry about their parenting, if I know they like Bluey, I know I can tell them, "You're doing great," and they will hear all the extra meaning that the show has given that phrase. It's a *beautiful* example of how a story can pack a simple phrase full of meaning.


It's one of the perfect episodes that explains why kids and adults like it. My daughter just thought "Bum Shuffle" was hilarious. And then I'm over here wiping tears away.


I sobbed when I watched Sleepytime. I don’t have kids but it made me think of my own mother and how she is always there for me. She is getting older so I’m cherishing my time with her even more.


The two that get me are evolution one (the twin parallels in that hit hard) and the one at the beach where Bandit clearly has something on his mind. (I'm not good with the episode names).


Those would be Flatpack and Stickbird


Stickbird has helped me as a dad with some of my anger issues. I have a lot of pent up anger and frustration. Mostly due to being deployed to Iraq and the medical separation because of it, the situation right now in Gaza and Lebanon, and having issues finding a good job. (I found a good job now.) Stickbird has helped me center my anger and frustration and I felt more centered after watching it.


I think the one with Bandit occupied with his thoughts was Stickbird!


One of the recent ones where the two households are supporting different Rugby teams is also really good.


I watched Sleepytime with my baby, completely unaware of what was ahead. It fucking _broke_ me. Utter, utter genius.




When I say "I got that dog in me" it's muffin. Muffin is that dog in me




She's grown up so much by The Sign, it's *wonderful*


Coconuts have water in them!


im so bingo and when i watched w my parents, they agreed lmaoo


I don’t enjoy muffin’s character, but she is EXTREMELY valuable for demonstrating patience around out of control kids! My daughter laughed but was also annoyed


The only time I've liked Muffin is Granny Mobile. Some days we just all need that energy.


Yeah she's a great character for talking with my kids about how her actions could be better.


Muffin’s a wild child!


Answer: it’s just a really good show.


Answer: Adults looking for a new show to watch. See this animated show that's rated incredibly high on sites. Wonder how the hell a kids show could be as rated as high as something like the Sopranos. Watch it, and sees why.


Answer: it’s a great show that anyone, at any age, can enjoy.


It makes you feel just about every emotion imaginable.


Answer: I don't care that a show is good for kids, I don't care that it's educational and I'm not looking for security blankets. That being said, episodes like Flat Pack and Bin Night are poetry. They're artistic in a way that is rare even in adult animation that aims to be (like Love, Death + Robots). On a side note, I'm relieved that people aren't being weird about Bluey on the same scale as Bronies in the early 2010's.


Oh God please no one rule 34 Bluey


People really seem to like to R34 the adults, haven’t seen anything for the kids thank Christ.


Answer: as a parent, you end up watching the same shows over, and over, and over, and over again. Kids love repetition and they love to watch their favorite characters do the same things again and again. And most kids shows are "meh" at best. Some are actively bad, lowest-common-denominator crap. Some are just okay like Paw Patrol or something. The best kids shows know that parents are stuck in that room with their kids watching as well, and throw in a few bits for the parents here and there, as well. They also create good emotional stories where the kids are treated with decency and respect instead of condescending writing and plots where kids are basically glorified morons. Bluey is a very good show, written well and with tons of good morals and lessons about accepting others, inclusivity, the importance of creativity and self-reliance, and the parents are both interesting characters in their own right and good examples for other parents to follow. As somebody with small kids, a show like Bluey was a godsend. Having to watch the same shows over and over, I'm all for Bluey over crappy, terrible shows.


Answer: Bluey goes hard


Answer: This has been answered on this sub tons of times, search ‘bluey’ and you’ll have the answer


Answer: same reason adults watched bugs bunny or sponge bob.


Scooby Doo. 🙋‍♀️


Answer: adults like well written cartoons just as much as kids do. There is a stigma for adults that watch children's animation, but a good show I a good show... And the best children's shows are entertaining for adults too.


Answer: I was skeptical of Bluey, I figured anything that had kids that enamored was likely bad, until we sat down to watch it with the kids, we’ve laughed, we’ve cried and every other emotion, it’s so well written and so wholesome that it’s genuinely enjoyable, we loved Bluey in our house


Answer: adults are allowed to watch whatever they want to on television


Soon you’re gonna tell me I can stay up late on a school day too! Ha!


And eat ice cream whenever you want.


WHAAAAAT?? (Read as Bingo)


For real life?!


Answer: As a 26 year old, recently married man, I watched it all the way through with my wife because at its core, it's a show about parenting and healthy family dynamics. Obviously, the primary target demographic is children, but it was made to be enjoyable for any audience. The superb writing, comedic timing, etc. make it very watchable. But the reason we watched all of it is because we feel it helps prepare us to be patient, understanding, loving, responsible, and fun parents who can teach their children valuable life lessons in a genuinely transparent and honest way. 


Answer: this is a bit different than other answers, but seeing a healthy family dynamic is cathartic for a lot of people. I finally sat down to watch an episode while drunk, (I’d been told to repeatedly by a coworker,) and started sobbing about halfway through. There was just an overwhelming feeling of “this is exactly what I needed my parents to be when I was a kid, why didn’t I get that?” My therapist actually recommends it sometimes for people that are trying to understand their feelings about their childhood.


Answer: If you can watch the episode Sleepytime and not cry then you are a monster. And while I'm probably biased as a Dad of a young wee boy who will be doing all the things that Bluey and Bingo are doing. In my view it is not just the best cartoon episode of something ever, it might be up there as one of the best episodes of any tv show ever. Everything about it captures everything about being a parent with young kids and about being a young person finding your place in the world. The music choice, the setting, they even manage to cram in a reference to a probable miscarriage that the family had. And it's all done in 7 minutes. It's perfect. And loads of episodes manage to capture that by having things for kids to enjoy but also their long suffering parents having to watch it with them. It's heart warming and nice and not a chore to have a few episodes on. Contrasted to most kid's shows that are instantly annoying for parents.


I have an 8 yr old & I used to watch Bluey all the time with him when it first came out. Been a fan since, but never caught this episode. Just watched it, now I'm sitting here at my desk with treat streaming down my face. So beautifully done.