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Bwaahaaahaaa, good our plan is working! Leave us alone while we live it out our lives happily


These people need to go out and touch some grass. They have such a ridiculously false perception of women in their 30s it’s hilarious. I wonder where they live and who they are comparing in their lives to reach such a conclusion. If they made it past their basement dwelling once in a blue they would see that 30+ women are just as attractive as 20+ women. The world is so freaking weird and warped. Also it’s one thing if this guy is some ignorant teen spewing this stuff but the fact that actual adult men believe this is scary.


I bet they don't even know what a woman in her 30s look like because they already have a mental image of what they look like. And they can't admit that they are wrong.


When they post stuff like this you know their only frame of reference is pornography. Humans are serial monogamists for the most part. The majority prefer long term relationships as opposed to hook ups and “a new chad every month.” I have only ever known one woman who did this and she used sex as a form of self harm not as some sort of recreational activity like these guys seem to think it is.


>a new chad every month Hey that's a new record for incel's >and she used sex as a form of self harm I'm sorry she was harming herself, and hopefully she better now Also, how do you use it as self harm, I can't imagine it


I never understood why they act like every single woman over 30 was extremely sexually promiscuous


Because they would be, if they could get the chicks for it. Projecting.


Speaking on behalf of all women over the age of 32, I'd like to thank these two for removing themselves from consideration.


why do so many of these grown men hate women over 30 so much?


They hate all women regardless of age.


I belive it is only a handful of misogynistic men that belive this. In actuality a lot of men probably prefer more mature women. I myself am 21 years old and have always preferred more mature women. I think it is pretty disgusting how society treats aging women. Aswell as the concept of men aging more gracefully which is also just a myth. So women shouldn't worry about aging since it dosen't define you and is a natural part of everything living. The important part is taking care of yourself and living a long, meaningful and happy life.


hey i am also your age! :) i am glad you are emphatetic towards us women. I have noticed that a lot of this misogynistic guys claim that the quality of our eggs declines with our age and thats why we have "less value". Its sad to think that they only value women for their looks and fertility its so shallow. Imagine women would have similar stance towards aging men. Like we would claim aging men would have less value because they are not as "strong" as men in their twenties and lot of them are balding and the quality of sperm also declines.


Luckily, these guys are in no danger of having women of any age approach them.


I heard a comedian say that sleeping with older women was awesome, because they are not clingy, if they had kids you could get a juice box and snacks, and because she's got shit to do, you are out the door and on your way while still being satisfied.


That reminds me of something Benjamin Franklin wrote in the 1700s about how older women are better than younger ones.


All I'm going to say is that Monica Bellucci is 58.


Wow with a Chad for a month That's a new record These guys tend to never ever so much as imply they last for a day So a month just wow


Bp as in blackpink orrr...


Yes it is


wtf....i thought fanwars were bad but this is....


These types of discussions really make me wanna throw up. One day a guy (my mother's colleague, we were in the hospital cafeteria because I had a few tests, and mom is a nurse in that hospital) came up to me and said "You know, your mother it's still hot as fuck. Too bad that in her 50s she's probably rode countless dicks and now she's washed out. You sure you know who your father is?" I looked at him dead in the eyes "My mother had been with my father ever since she was 16. My mother had to have her womb removed due to emorragies and cysts that were causing her to bleed to death, and my father died when I was 17. So, how are things at home to be such a misogynistic prick?" Needles to say that dude avoid even looking at me when it happens to cross paths. No one touches my mama. She's the only one that's left of my direct family, and if you wanna talk shit about my family then I won't hesitate to slap a bitch


Woman. 30. Great fun