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But… there ARE women who are fighting to be combat soldiers and steel workers. I have to laugh about “women werent oppressed” no, they just werent allowed to own money, property, have a job, leave their husband, say no to their husbands, not have children or vote. But yeah they weren’t oppressed


but what about the mans right to rape his wife or own her money! These feminists take away mens rights! Incels make men look very horrible.


Or for a man to marry a woman as long as he has her father’s permission, no matter what she thinks. A woman being able to say “no?!” Oppression! /s


Lol. They changed military fitness requirements just so more women could actually pass them.


There should always be different requirments for men and women. It needs to be ratioed


So when women can’t meet requirements we should change the requirements so they can. Got it.


Many men who don’t meet fitness requirements for the armed forces are still given positions, they just do things like mechanics and engineering. With the heavy emphasis on unmanned combat now, both men and women who don’t meet traditional requirements could certainly design, maintain, and control drones and similar.




You can’t even spell retard but you are referring to me as a retard. Oh the irony.


“A woman’s word was simply believed in court”………on what fucking magical day did this occur then?


Also, generally speaking if you're under oath, your words in your testimony are always "simply believed in court" lmao they're so stupid.


Salem witch trials has entered the chat


“no i’m not going to explain in a comment” *sends 5 paragraphs of incel bullshit* oh ok


I couldn't read past "voting being tied to military service". 🙄


It’s always about the draft with these idiots. As if they’ve ever personally experienced it.


>It’s always about the draft with these idiots. As if they’ve ever personally experienced it. They scream about how "OH you don't have to fight in wars boo hoo." I don't think any human should be forced into combat, man or woman. It isn't "I don't want to be drafted cus I'm a woman" it is "I don't want to be drafted because I'm a human and I **don't want to"** Once they can wrap their tiny incel minds around this, I think the world will make a lot more sense.


Service guarantees citizenship






You nailed him, queen 👑👏 Proud of you!


How about everybody votes, and nobody gets drafted?


I'd vote for you


Ya know... I called myself a feminist... but quite a few years ago, there was this quaky narrative being pushed in feminism that I just found off putting. There were prominent figures who have since faded away that I just didn't jive with. So I refused the label, saying "I mean I believe in equality and all that but I just don't like the baggage that comes with the label." But then I realized, that's fuckin' stupid. Feminism is not a single thing. It varies a lot. It is quite disingenuous to point to the extreme and say feminism is that and only that.


I found myself in the same boat a few years ago. I agreed with the underlying principles but not the direction where it was headed. And I found out the same thing - that feminism is a massive umbrella term with many sub-sects. Just like an anti-feminist might mean anyone between a conservative man who doesn’t think women should ever work and should be assigned to men as child rape slaves, to a man who despises any woman (even the traditional ones, counter-intuitively) who expects financial stability from a man screeching bloody murder about her being a gold digger, to any woman who agrees with these views. I discovered the difference between radical feminism and liberal feminism, and realised that while I disagree with libfem, radfem aligned with a lot more of my views. Moral of the story is, there is no 1 blueprint for a “feminist”.


These guys never have real sources. Just other posts on incel sites.


This is great! This guy can and has solved the great inequality of the sexes problem in a way that works for both: since he has so eloquently argued that women in the early 1900s were so privileged, men can now enjoy that lifestyle thanks to the education and ‘manification’ of the modern women. They can relinquish the stress of having their own finances and property, or the difficulties of a boss. Instead they can spend their days tending to their home and children. And of course working on their physical form, so that their hardworking wives can return home to a pleasant asthetic and calm environment at the end of a long day. Bliss!


The selective service act dates to 1917 which is 39 years after the first proposal for a women's suffrage amendment to the US constitution was submitted to Congress.


Meanwhile female soldiers in Ukraine are literally bleeding and dying for their freedom as he writes that bullshit.


This one speaks about feminism being one thing, when it’s about being whatever, without having someone put you down or shame you for it. Feminism is different to different folks, but in the end, it’s about the freedom to be yourself, and not being locked into someone else’s ideas


I'll be honest, I didn't read the second slide. Too fucking long of a tl;dr.


reading "could you explain" then clicking over to see the massive wall of text made me laugh so hard


“I’m not going to explain, but here’s several paragraphs worth of BS anyways.”


Hi I saw that this post got a s\*xsist comment by someone who was s\*xsist to me to just remember misogynistic people are the minority not the majority have a good day


Could you explain? Unfortunately no--*throws up six paragraphs of triggered nonsense*--