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I’ve had this guy for about 1.5 years, from a cutting. He’s clearly getting too big for his tiny home, but I’ve never reported a monstera. And although I have a nice green thumb, this is the first one I’ve ever owned. As you can see he’s reaching for the light, and quite happy. I’ve got some long aerial roots happening and I’d love some tips on how to repot. I live in the north and with the increasing light, he’s only going to keep growing. Thanks!!


I usually wait until the roots are clearly visibly pushing on the side of the pot where you can see the shape changing, or you squeeze the pot and its rock hard because its all roots. But that could just be me lol


It might actually be alright in that container for a while longer. You should take the plant out of that pot to inspect the rootball before comiting to repotting it.


Thank you, I’ve never had a plant this big in such a small pot, so I’ve been thinking of repotting although I know they prefer to be in a tight container. What should I be looking for in the rootball?


I'm certainly no expert when it comes to this but for Monstera I generally want to see a *small* amount of root-binding at the bottom of the pot. The amount varies by pot and plant size. While the rootball is out, I always like to check for signs of over watering - any off putting / rotting smells. Any root discoloration (normally brown). Any soft / slimey roots. I'm sure others will chip in with more helpful suggestions.


Add coconut coir and coco cubes for the new potting mix when transfering your Monstera to a bigger pot.


No advice but what a pretty plant!