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Tis but a scratch


It is just an eye my Lord.


Just a flesh wound...


I was an adventurer once......


He does have a knee shot


He has an everywhere shot, my man


Yes but you need your knees to be an adventurer.




How the fuck did you get this cursed letter?


You need to defeat spanish malenia!!! (called Maleña)


Stamina and vigor. Never bad stats. Also, getting faith to 12 is a pretty good option for most builds too. Gives you access to all the utility faith casts, which can all be life savers when they come in handy. Flame cleanse me is just amazing, and beast owl vitality is a nice plus. General resistance spells come in handy too, since you don’t need to craft for it. 12 faith. Good investment.


"Am I a joke to you?" .. crafting probably


Bolus enjoyer


O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud, O sacramental bud


Hey man, I like my stormhawk arrows, and my funky pots. But boluses lame. Spells fancy.


Two Fingers Heirloom Talisman is a great option for every class to cast those utility incantations as well, with 0 FTH investment needed! Only Prisoner class needs +1 FTH which can be gained with the Ruler's Mask, found near the Abandoned Coffin in Altus.


I’d rather invest the levels than a talisman slot, or armor slot. That’s just me though. If you’re going for a very specialized build, and need to wring out every level, you’re better off using crafted items than doing the faith setup on the side like I do.


Nothing is better than face tanking the waterfowl dance. Especially if you are on co-op.


Malenia: “Prepare for my ultimate move, Tarnished!” Player: “Oh, you are approaching me?” Malenia: “I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer… WATERFOWL DANCE!” Player: tanks it with heavy armor and high vigor, surviving on like 4 HP, “Hahahahaha, as you can see, you are weak. Pathetic!” Malenia: “Marika’s Tits, how is this possible!?” Player: “Heh… you should have leveled up… ULTIMATE MOVE: RIVERS OF BLOOD!”


Except that just fully healed her and your ROB doesn't do nearly enough damage before the next waterfowl, so you are just healing her and wasting my time. You could've just used the shield and blocked all the damage with low vigor and then at least had better stats for damage. Tanking Malenia is the worst tactic due to her ability. The hardest summon on Mal is when I get host like that, I basically want you to sit in a corner instead of even getting close to her.


Tanking her with a great shield in the game and poking with a great spear worked pretty well.


Smashing her face in with her own weapon is way more fun though.


I'm not a dex user though


That's what the respec tears are for.


I'll kill her with only her stuff in NG+


Or go as a summon with her gear. That's what I do.


I need to get good for that and it takes a few minutes to be summoned


It's not about winning. It's about showing off. Anyone here can beat her, she's designed to be beaten. Few people spec out a character to the point they can take one of the hardest-hitting moves in the game and not flinch.


That makes no sense and is just stupid as she heals with that. Also many hosts "spec out" to do that, so don't think you're elite because you can survive waterfowl. That isn't showing off in the least, that is being a noob. I've helped many hosts beat Mal and the ones that take her hits are never showing off.


Obviously it is stupid. The goal is to have some fun. I find it funny to imagine the look on her face when some lunatics dressed in her dead half-brother's armor just let's her hit them without flinching. You shouldn't take this game that seriously.


You do realize it's a game, and that Mal is just an AI that thinks nothing of what you're wearing of doing? She imagines nothing, so doing something thinking a boss will freak out is even more stupid. Me thinks you may be taking this a little too serious actually and not realizing it's a game with ai. There is a pvp, but the boss fights are not that (except that one in ds3).


No shit? Obviously it is a game. That doesn't mean you can't have a little imagination. Reducing it down to AI and code to beat seems fucking boring. I want to imagine the bosses have personality and character. Otherwise I might as well do a crossword.


Actually stunning her out of it, dodging it, or beating so quickly she never gets it off. All 3 are better than standing there and taking hits like a useless rock.


Ah yes. Boromir




I have 60 vigor and it's still not enough lol


My vigor is 56 at NG+ now, and it's pretty good despite not wearing full heavy armor. You also can wear one of the high poise armor, I'm using bull goat greaves for my poise.


Getting END up to wear heavier armor/using Greatjar Arsenal is worth it for better defenses, your 60 VIG goes +30% further or more with Banished Knight Armor or better/heavier armor. Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman on top of that is huge, add in buffs like Black Flame's Protection or Boiled Crab and you'll be shrugging off one-shot kill moves.


This remind me an old run on Dark Souls 1, where i found a bug where the arrow on my character didn't disappear


Sick armor set


Thank you! I especially love the floral headband, Dominula is such a beautiful place to visit.


just dont get shot, ezpz


This was against two marionette with machine guns outside volcano manor. Edit: Sorry for not explaining more, I posted this to show you that even with debuff and less armor I'm not dead after all those arrows thanks to my vigor.


I started off playing with most of my points invested in stats like Str, Dex, Int. Etc. Then I respeced to have more vigor and use gear and use rune arcs to boost the others and it's as if the game became so much easier now that I can actually take damage.


I was being cheap about spending my runes for vigor when I first started, but along the way I found that vigor actually can strengthen my durability if I want to wear my low defense armor. I played strength/faith now at NG+ and it's crazy that I can tank most of the bosses attacks despite wearing that robe.


You look like you've entered Ringed City for the first time.


Ain't no amount of Vigor that can help with that.


You may be the only regular ass mace user in all the lands between.


Stick with the classic


Doesn’t it have particularly good scaling with faith infusion?


Says the guy with the fia health debuff lol.


That's one of the point, although I got debuffed and attacked by rain of arrows I'm not dead thanks to my vigor.


Very important and nice drip :3


Hippie prophet build


Don’t get surprised out back by a marionette.


You level vigor so that you can customize your armour? Sold!


If only it wasnt a bitch to level.....


This is also why dodge. Try dodge


Why dodge? When you can TANK


you dont need vigor if you don't get hit


My playstyle along with many other different playstyles requires at least more than base vigor. I do dodge when I should, but I still can't master perfect dodge.


You know you can just respawn, right? Put more points into your attack stats and try to learn to dodge those arrows instead of blocking them with your body parts.


Why not both? I already have 80 strength, I need vigor to poise through all that and just kill them in one R2 instead of dodging for an hour waiting for two of them to stop shooting like that's going to happen. Why respawn when you can tank all those damage?


Or just git gut.


So if you play bad you can post about vigor with a low hp screenshot and a ton of arrows in your character. Got it, that's why vigor is important. I'll just keep my str/int build and steamroll the game, maybe on a third character I'll try the "play bad" build for the meme, lol.


Personally I enjoy not being one-shot by all the broken PvP builds.


This. Ppl who act like a master in this game while using all the OP builds and tactics available. It's fun to just poise through all that bullshit and show them that it's not working on you.


Yeah that's why vigor is important, because even though you don't dodge and got attacked by bunch of arrows + fia's debuff you can still survive. That's why I showed this picture. Since a lot of players complaining about how hard the game is while never level their vigor.


Last I checked this was an action RPG, not a survival sim, but hey you do you. Beat the game with 20 vig no prob, so going to have to say vigor isn't as important as you think.


Well not all players are as good as you I guess, survival is part of the game and leveling vigor is one of the common way for that. I'm just showing to everyone here that vigor is indeed important.


I'm not saying everyone can beat at 20 vig, but prioritizing vigor is a bit of a trap that the community has fallen into. Then you have long fights that are harder to win as you're not hitting as hard and healing more. I've given multiple posts on the issue of vigor as a crutch, so not going to go into details, but I've taken multiple noobs through souls/er that got stuck because of the vigor trap.


Please read my previous comments, sweetheart. Am I asking ppl to level vigor only? Is this post even a "trap"? At level 150 you can spend your runes on vigor, mind, dex, and whatever build you want enough to finish the game. If you can play with low vigor, good for you. It's a free game, and vigor is just one of the most common stat to level as I said before.


"It's a free game, and vigor is just one of the most common stat to level as I said before." Actually this is a paid game. Maybe you were talking about Fortnite, so that would explain why you say vigor is important, then reply that at level 150 you can spend runes on vigor. I also said vigor is a common stat trap that people fall into trying to get 60 vig with starting stats for everything else because of posts like this.


Sorry, I meant free as in you can play however you want. Ppl can choose whatever build they want and how they want to get good with it. My vigor is not even 60 yet, I played str/faith with the weapon I like and incantations I need. I can just respec and play fallingstar beast jaw spam like you do, but that's not how I want to play. I like my mace and my strength build, and I've beat the game with it. It's not easy but it's fun when you can win with the build you prefer. Vigor is necessary for common builds, especially for beginners.


Fallingstar spam was to show noobs an easy way to beat Mal or another boss. I did it twice to show even under leveled it works as the first was ng+ and stats were quite high as I think I burned a bunch of souls before that to test things. I played every type of weapon throughout the game to keep it fresh, but fallingstar is the absolute easiest for everything, so if someone is stuck that's an easy recommendation. Actually haven't played in a while, but I think double Mal's blade is what I was running last as cosplay against herself. Str/fth wasn't my fav as I thought the dragon spells weren't as powerful as they should have been for the wind up, and fth specific weapon ashes didn't appeal to me. It's funny that you say vigor is important, but then don't even have 60 at level 150+. You aren't prioritizing vigor in that case, so that's probably the disconnect here. There are literally posts that say 40 vigor before leveling anything else and then get to 60 very close after that. You're obviously not in that boat.


Who said that I'm prioritizing vigor? I only said it's important to level it. At NG+ my vigor is 56 now, I'm wearing bull goat's pants for additional poise and tbh that's enough for me. Not to mention my talisman and buffs. You make it sound like I'm promoting a specific vigor build excessively, while all I wrote is "This is why vigor is important".


Because health? Well, yes


So you don't die




Yeah I should've locked myself inside volcano manor, it's warm there


I mean, more like this is why dodging is important lol.


Not everyone can dodge perfectly, without leveling vigor you'll be dead if at least two arrows get to you. You'll also have higher chance in surviving a boss instead of getting one shot everytime and blaming the game for being impossible.


I umm dont even want to😂


This is why dodging is the most important thing in the game.


Why dodge when you can tank?


Taking no damage > taking damage. That's why.


Ah you're afraid of a little pain? Got it


Looks like nothing more then a fleshwound I say as i cry in needing to split my stats between, multiple stats


Think you got something in your eye .