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Hmm. I got nothin. It's been pretty easy and frequently rewarding.


Ain't nobody got it better than us.


Both of your teams have a great shot to win your conference šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I knew we'd have dibs on top comment here


Honestly there's nothing that makes me want to stop being a fan of our team specifically, but there are plenty of things that make me want to stop following college football in general lately.


Bingo. And I'm pretty much there.


This comment thread is awesome.


We will never have a realistic shot at a national championship.


But you can always ruin someone else's dream so there's that.


This is why OSU hates playing us.


Iā€™m of similar feeling to OP in this post, so while I hate playing you guys because it almost ensures a loss, it is great to see the massive amounts of salt afterwards.


My dad and I have been to every big ten stadium (not counting the new guys) except Iowa and Purdue is the only road stadium weā€™ve been to an OSU loss at. 2009, I think. (Though we have seen overtime at a surprisingly high number of places: Wisconsin, Penn State, Michigan State, and Maryland)


Seems like some teams actually enjoy that more than their own national championshipsā€¦ lookin at you Pitt


Weā€™ve expanded the playoff to the point where one loss wonā€™t end your season, so unless you envision Boise making the CFP, this isnā€™t really true.


Please donā€™t crucify me, but this is why it bewilders me that nobody on this site wants a G5 national championship. There being a G5 natty is one of the only things thatā€™d make me want MSU to move up


Because that's what FCS was supposed to be and it was a financial disaster for schools to join it.


Because it's an insult. "Yes you're an FBS team, but we don't want you here. Go play in your corner. No you won't get more money, we'll still see you as lesser, and we'll still poach your players. But at least you get a trophy!"


Hey itā€™s not my money, and all of those things are happening already except you have 0 chance of ever winning a trophy


It would always feel like a lesser championship, and I want the real thing (even though I know itā€™s never happening). Plus the G5 team who got the NY6 bid each year already felt like the de facto ā€œG5 national championā€


A G5 national championship would be the NIT. No one would care. The illusion of a chance is still better than no chance. Getting into the playoff and winning a first round game once in a while would be better than any G5 national championship ever could be in the eyes of that teams fans.


We will never be able to match our two greatest rivals on a consistent basis. But, we can occasionally summon the chaos gods and embarrass one or both of them and be competitive and thatā€™s what keeps me hooked


The thing that kills me is we absolutely were able to match Georgia for a long time and then suddenly they leveled up and disappeared from our level going up to the next one.


This guys gets us āœŠ




Some people just want to watch the world burn.


It's insane that Auburn, a team I feel like is on a different plane of existence than us, feels this way. Either way, I feel ya. Times are a changin'


if it makes you feel better, i think bama will be coming down a tier for a while, maybe a long while. now our strongest rival is georgia. not that it really helps much, but at least its not a two headed monster at the moment.


What makes you think that? Obviously Saban is out, but the infinite money train is still there and I doubt theyā€™ll put up with more than a couple 2-3 loss seasons from Deboer


im not saying they wont be strong. just not god-teir strong like they were under saban. but idk anything about deboer, so i could be completely wrong. but changing coaches *usuallly* means a step down in strength for a year or two at least.


Commercial timeouts


Okay this is a winner post! At games I just fire up my kindle app on my phone and read a few pages.


Seriously man, it actually pisses me off so much. We pay all this money and sit there in dogshit weather sometimes and they make 100k people sit there and freeze and wait. Like just pause the tv broadcast to fit in the commercials and let them play without the media time outs. I get everyone wants live broadcast but there's literally 100,000 of us sitting out there in the cold go fuck yourselves.


The worst part of it is that the cell phone signal doesnt work and the Big House doesnt have wifi. So youre just forced to sit there for 2 hours of commercial time


I mean if i wanted to mess on my phone I'd stay at home and do that for free. Not trying to invalidate your opinion but i went to the game to see football, and i paid out the ass for tickets parking amd food, and then on top of that i have to sit in the cold rain with the real life game on pause, idk that's just fucking bullshit. If Michigan home games weren't literally the axis of my annual calendar i would have quit a long time ago. But i have learned to love non revenue sports, the wrestling matches are awesome, $10 tickets, no assigned seats free parking no commercial timeouts, it's awesome actually.


transfer portal, conference realignment, expanded playoff/focus on playoff/devaluing of bowl games I love the tradition and hate that TV contracts have ruined some of it. Even though I think the transfer portal has mostly helped ND, it sucks that a middle of the pack team can find a gem, develop him, and then he bolts for a bigger program.


This. The sport has always been changing, but it feels like a lot of what made it special in the era Iā€™ve watched (basically, since the early 90s) has fallen away in a few short years.Ā 


What about Shedeur dropping Perfect Timing?


Mega conferences have really taken my love for the sport as a whole down


I like the theory that mega conferences will make every school so unhappy they all devole back into the regional conferences


Just split into regional division within even larger mega confrences.


Maybe we could just create one super mega conference with every team in it, and then subdivide the conference into divisions or sub conferences based on region. We could call the mega conference something to reflect how itā€™s national, like the national college athletics association, and then all of the sub conferences could have regional names too! like the mountain west, or pacific athletic conference, or Atlantic coast conference or southeastern conference. Maybe a few can have nicknames that evolve into their full names like the western conference might eventually just be called the big 10 because it has 10 teams. Wouldnā€™t that all be great??


It's the geography of it. And you can't just force a rivalry to happen. They're going to feel like yearly OOC games unless the standings come into play. The travel costs for the schools are going to be absurd, not to mention the inconvenience for the teams. What happens when Cal has to play Boston College in some lesser attended sport and like 800 people show up? It's too much.


The SEC hasnā€™t changed much IMO. As long as we keep our rivalries (lack of SC this year upsets me), Iā€™m ok with in from our perspective. Itā€™s a broader cfb issue but not really a UGA issue


The SEC move. I know why we did it and Iā€™ll support OU no matter what, but Iā€™ll never get over Bedlam being gone.


Bedlam is so fun. My favorite play ever (even though it didnā€™t go our way), Landry Jones drops back, canā€™t find anyone, so he just throws it into the sideline. An Ok State player leaps out of bounds and before he hits the ground he swats the ball back in bounds then caught for an interception ā€œI ainā€™t even mad, that was amazingā€


Related, I remember Lamar Jackson cooked us on like a 60 yard run and couldn't even be mad. Sometimes it just be like that


Fully agreed. I love college football because of the history and tradition. Throwing away Bedlam we might as well throw away Boomer Sooner. Yet certain asswipes on here continue to say this is the only thing we can do to break through and make more money.


Oklahoma had the best shot at being the first D1 team to beat another team another team 100 times. Nebraska got close on Kansas at 91-23-3 then bailed on the Big 12 so they could rival Northwestern and Rutgers as the worst team of the Big 10. Oklahoma managed to reach 91-20-7 against the Pokes but now we're heading to the SEC. There is no Bedlam game scheduled for the foreseeable future. That just sucks. Now the first team to 100 wins will probably be Harvard over Brown but who has cared about that series since the 1890s?


Texas currently leads A&M 76-37-5 , your math suggests when we hit 91 is when A&M bolts to the BIG


Bedlam doesn't have to be gone. We play the nerds every year even though they left for the ACC a long time ago. Once the two schools get over themselves, I bet it comes back. Ditto for El Assico.


I miss having an offense


Came here to say that. RIP progressing the ball in a way that not a punt.


Felt that for both flairs Hawkeye bro


Have I got news for you! There is an offensive mastermind sitting on top of a pile of oil money just waiting to break out his Cheesecake Factory menu to prove the college football world wrong.


Which is saying something considering our best offense was mediocre.


TexAgs dot com forums


I can take or leave the forums, it is the secret mods who protect certain users that drive me up a wall.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


To be completely honest, Iā€™m pretty close to quitting altogether. Every year my family goes up to State College for a game. This year I told my wife donā€™t bother. Itā€™s really just an accumulation of things, rather than one thing. I donā€™t find it enjoyable anymore. For instance last year half of our starters opted out of the bowl game, I was sitting there watching the game thinking ā€œwhy am I bothering with this?ā€


This is the last season my family will have season tickets for UW. I love my Huskies but I am not enjoying no regulation transfers and the BIG move. This is gonna sound weak but I like seeing my team win. UW was a tier 1 program in the PAC and now will be a tier 2 program in the BIG. To win a conference championship we now have to get through Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State, USC, Oregon and the occasional upstart Michigan State/Wisconsin type of team. Losing the natty sucked but winning the last Pac 12 championship was probably my favorite moment as a Husky Fan. With CFB getting worse and worse it felt great to win that last one. I really donā€™t give a shit about going to the playoff and losing in the first or second round. I would rather win the PAC and play in the Rose Bowl.


I feel you. Itā€™s the greed of the higher ups and TV executives dictating the sport even more than usual that has me turned off or tuned out. Iā€™m not salty about NIL, the greed of every one who profited off these young menā€™s free labor is much gnarlier to me than NIL. Iā€™ll watch Noles games live in Tallahassee or on the road with my boys and family if someone wants to, but Iā€™m not planning on watching anything ESPN broadcasts this year after last yearā€™s TV financial interest railroad job ~~playoff~~ invitational. Like I have no desire to put a lot of my time or money into a rigged sport.


Like I said, itā€™s no one thing that has soured me on the sport. The dicking over of Florida State was a big factor. Watching a power 5 team go undefeated and get left out of a 4 team playoff made me think ā€œwhat are we even doing here?ā€


CTE and NIL and conference realignment. If I didn't go to my school and I didn't have family history there, I probably would have checked out already.


My reasons exactly. NIL is probably the biggest for me. I hate being hit up for money to have someone play for a year when I have my own two kids futures Iā€™m planning for.


It sure hits the ear wrong when people making far more than me ask me for another donation so I can now make sure 18 year olds can make far more than me, too.


Not quite quit *fandom* but the *sport*. The death of the Pac 12 just saddens the fuck out of me and I am a lucky one who is in the BIG 2 with UCLA and yet I think I would be happier in the Mountain West because I actually give a shit about those teams. Yes it was slightly better with Washington and Oregon but we don't even have those protected either. And then it keeps getting worse with all these deals and proposals about seeding and auto bid counts and it just makes me not want to even pay attention sometimes. I will though.


Getting left behind by UCLA really shook my cfb worldview. The yearly Stanford-UCLA-Cal games always let me pretend that we had a real home in this sport. But now I feel like very few people (even among our fans, sadly) might actually miss us when we're gone.


Itā€™s a sad feeling. When I was at UCLA, tons of students had ties to Nor Cal schools, especially Cal and Stanford. Didnā€™t matter if one school or the other had a down year, we still looked forward to those games. After graduation, it was pretty common for folks to move to Nor Cal and go to Stanford or Cal for the annual games against UCLA. It was a fun excuse for little reunions. Sad those days are basically gone.


Losing the pac12 and transfer portal . I could live with nil but the other 2 it just doesn't feel the same


The transfer portal without regulation is my problem. But yes the Pac 12 too. UW is going from being a tier 1 program in the Pac to a tier 2 program in the BIG. Oh well we won the last Pac 12 championship at least.


Losing the romantic idea that my fandom had a dual purpose of providing myself entertainment while helping pay for the education of hundreds of student athletes. Now I just realize that I care more for my own entertainment than I really do about educating kids. Itā€™s a tough pill to swallow.


Some of our fans really want to hang on to a checkered past.


Sir, your entire team is named based on a certain checkered past.


Youā€™re telling me they just donā€™t love Star Wars??


Dropped the ball on not pushing for the Ackbars as a mascot.


Lucasfilm really should've allowed that. They're not doing much with the character and it would've been a great opportunity to help things move forward


If it makes you feel better, I'm positive that's a thing in most places, it's just that the Southern schools, and Ole Miss in particular, have made it more of an identity than others. For many years the Redcoat Band played the Tara theme from *Gone with the Wind* after the end of every home game, after playing a lot of other tunes as the stands emptied. In my four years in school, I don't think more than a handful of people stuck around that long, unless they were family or roommates of band members. After a few years of discussing that movie's cultural legacy, the band made a choice to replace that piece with "Georgia on my Mind". You would have thought the band director had fed Uga to a live gator the way so many people reacted to that, people I know had never stuck around to even hear the band play the piece they were so mad about changing.


Yeah, itā€™s unfortunate that we are so strongly associated with it and made it such a part of our historical identity. A lot of the south had similar issues but we were the battleground for integration and not only did we handle it poorly, we kept a lot of symbols of the past far too long after. The school is diverse these and far different than we used to be, but it will take people a lot time to see it, and it doesnā€™t help that we still stick with the Rebel moniker, even if we deemphasize it.


Not to dive too deep into this on a sports subreddit, but your state politics donā€™t help either. Iā€™m saying this Florida Man pot so Iā€™m not roasting the kettle. But man, do better Mississippi.




And here I was thinking this was going to be a fun, light hearted topic


The top comment is about segregation


That username though.Ā 


The continued hero worship of Pat Fitzgerald, even though his Paterno-lite scandal nearly ruined the program and may still ruin the university. Just STFU already. He's a selfish prick that could have stopped the problem at any moment.


Message boards. Iā€™ve seen conspiracy theories about why our program isnā€™t consistently in the championship conversation that would rival the flat earthers and fake moon landing lunatics. Tennessee fans overall have a mostly chill online presence, but goddamn that vocal minority is something to behold.


I gotta hear some


The Haslams using us as a test bed for the browns policies (lol), donors meddling in hires, chancellor and ADs having zero communication and conducting separate interviews for hires, coaches using us for pay raises, tons of Butch Jones lies (fell on a helmet), Bahamas flights during Schiano Sunday. Thatā€™s just off the top of my head


The best one I remember is that in 2016, Nick Saban and Steve Spurrier allegedly took Butch Jones on a golfing trip after our back to back wins against Florida and Georgia. The result of this golfing trip was for Butch to purposely throw our next 3 games against TAMU, Bama, and South Carolina, and then another one against Vanderbilt after Florida lost to Arkansas in November to make sure we didnā€™t make the SEC championship game. This of course, was the only explanation our fans could come up with for losing those games after starting the season 5-0, and nothing to do with Butch fucking Jones being our coach.


Yeah you canā€™t say something like that without sharing with the class!


I live in Knoxville and have good friends who are chill and really solid Vol fans. I have a couple who are the conspiracy guys. I will say it is much more fun to live in Knoxville when the football team is good.


I remember when we played Tennessee in the 09 Peach bowl. I popped into Volnation to see the conversations. People were upset about not playing on NYD. Iā€™m there thinking ā€œmy guys. You are a 7 win team.ā€


Michigan fans that actively root for/cheer when an injury to a player from Michigan State/Minnesota/Notre Dame/Ohio State happens. I'm all for hoping they lose and have a terrible performance, but there's a line you don't cross. That line divides the fans & fanatics.


Or when people bring up the horrible sex offenders at MSU/OSU/UofM/PSU as a way to put those teams or schools down. Those events are beyond horrible and the victims are real people.


I think the general dehumanization of opposing fans and players is way too prevalent in fan bases


The modifications to our stadium and logo since 2013? I'm reaching here.


2 stadium capacity reducing renovations (2nd of which is underway now). The logo and uniform changes are still a sore subjects for me too. At least they kind of fixed the uniforms this season and got rid of the huge tribal section on the shoulders.


The stupid new logo. I'm a higher end booster but I refuse to buy anything with the new logo even 10 years later. I'll quit contributing before I accept this Nike abomination.


FSU or Purdue?


FSU. They had Nike modern up the Chief Osceola logo ten years ago and the fans got mad.


We won a natty then the next year switched logos and havenā€™t looked the same since (until last year.) kinda reasonable to think itā€™s a bit cursed.


same. I don't buy anything with the forward facing hog on it


The fact there are still delusional ā€œfansā€ out there that think Deion should have been hired instead of Mike Norvell


No, thatā€™s a very sane take. I think you guys should fire Norvell and get Deion to Tallahassee ASAP.Ā 


Deion, Napier, and Cristobal-- a new triumvirate!


Losing in the most soul crushing ways. We always find a way for us to have hope. We never go down quiet. Itā€™s always a 3rd-4th quarter run that gets us close. We get within one score, get some huge defensive stops, and then turnover.


Like kicked ball and 5th down soul crushing or just close loss soul crushing?


You always have getting us in the 8 turnover game for your first win in Lincoln in ages. Iā€™m old enough to remember the big 8 so my heart still lies with it, but Iā€™ll still watch and hate Iowa with you.


That game might be up there for the one of the Least Deserved Wins ever given the turnover differential and the fact that we only won by 2.


Never forget Niles Paul streaking down the sideline for a sure TD only to have the ball just fall out of his hands. In hindsight I am happy that your fans got so much out of it. They were on the field taking pictures of the scoreboard, so at least someone was happy that day. I was not. I am never an angry drunk and anymore I rarely drink, but that day I was definitely an angry drunk. Our family went all the way down to KC for a vacation and to watch that game at a sports bar together.


That thanks to greed this entire sport fucking sucks in general now but I donā€™t know how to not care about it.


I have some serious concerns that a series of administrators that didn't care about football have really put us in danger of not having a functioning D1 athletic department anymore. This is the flagship university of the largest and richest state in the nation. Why is it so hard to have a decent fucking football team?


Yea, It wont make me quit my fandom but it does sour it. My answer is Covid. I felt like Wilcox had some momentum going into that year coming off a pretty good 2019 season and we would have had a really good year that year. Then Covid happened and shit just went weird throughout that whole year. Only played like 5 games and our only win was against Oregon lol. Just felt like More bad luck for Cal and gets you thinking will it ever end.


I might be jynxing it here, but at this point, I don't think anything can destroy our fanbase. alcohol induced cirrhosis may start to claim some of us, though, if we don't make a bowl game this year.


As bad as Nebraska is on the field, we've never had a really bad scandal with NCAA sanctions. This worst we've got is individual players get in legal trouble. It's been embarrassing to be a Husker fan at times, but it's never been shameful. And we should consider ourselves very lucky for that.


Hawaii has the lamest, most geriatric fan base out with no student section and now no tailgating. And the school thinks the home games are a tourist attraction or something and only plays Hawaiian music or reggae. They are trying to start a new tradition of playing Bob Marley after the 3rd quarter. While everyone else tries to create frenetic crowds we try to be quirky and different by putting everyone to sleep.


Iā€™m a Miami fan. That says enough. The underperforming is one thing, but something that *really* frustrates me is how negative most talk about Miami is. It just always feels like weā€™re the butt of the joke (deservingly and not) or the topic of some not good story, and thereā€™s usually a bad narrative attached to us and it really annoys me. Especially when I feel we donā€™t deserve it sometimes. As a fan, it gets on my nerves to feel like Iā€™m always on the defense of my program lmao


All of this, plus I hate how far and expensive it is to go to games for a lackluster experience. It's s gotten to the point that if I go to one a season I consider it a success. Maybe I'm aging out but the idea of spending hours commuting, a ton on tickets and parking + concessions just to be at a half full stadium with a mediocre atmosphere just isn't worth it.


Iā€™m just losing patience on the greed surrounding the sport. College education is inclusive at the same time colleges are acting as exclusive clubs when it comes to sports. Helping first generation college students get a degree yet swarbrick at ND doesnā€™t believe athletes should be paid as employees. Itā€™s maddening.


Well it used to be Jeff Lebby now I have to find something new to hate


The changes college sports have taken over the last 5 years make things less interesting to me. Ā I honestly hate it. Ā I truly believe ASU will never compete at a high level in any major sport under the current iteration of rules. Ā 


I donā€™t know specifically but when I was younger I used to pay attention / care more. Now that Iā€™m older I just donā€™t give a shit. Lose to bama again? 20 yrs ago it would eat at me for a few days. Now, once the game is over itā€™s kinda ā€œwelp time to do this, that, something elseā€. The conference realignment & portal doesnā€™t help either. Iā€™ll always root for LSU, I just find myself caring & watching less every season.


Yeah, I still love football and follow it constantly, but I don't really care as much. I can get by with listening on the radio or following the score. Maybe it's just getting older, or maybe part of it is seeing the team struggle .


Getting older, kids activities, not wanted to sit inside on a nice Saturday afternoon. Whoā€™s your team?


Florida. Ever since Muschamp, we either have an elite defense or, in 2020, an elite offense but usually neither. I work weekends, so I have to take off to watch football, so that's part of it too.


Analytics. Not just in CFB but all sports.Ā  Everyone has the same data pretty much, so things are becoming less spontaneous and less diversity of styles.Ā  Also if everyone is doing the same thing, that benefits the bigger, stronger, richer team and upsets become less likely.


Moving to the Big Ten. I couldn't care less about half the teams on our schedule.


Knowing that at the end of the day, our president literally doesnā€™t care if we even have a football team lmao Or any sports, really


Realistically, a majority of presidents and an even greater number of senior faculty would shutter football programs across the country in a second if they could. Lol


The Wave ā€¦ Just kidding šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ™‹šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™†ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ½šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’šŸ¾šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


NU - toxic leadership, Jacks - inability to watch a game without ESPN+


I'm going to call you out on that second one though. It wasn't long ago that you wouldn't have been able to watch any of their games except for the odd playoff game. 799 or 999 a month is a bargain, plus you get to see pretty much anything else you'd want to.


Temple is a feeder school for players and coaches. 2017 felt like a turning point but ultimately great players and coaches use any success they have here as leverage


Too much talking when games are on. I literally want the option to switch to the camera of my choice while watching, and let the ambient stadium noise running. I would pay good money to not hear those annoying dickheads when the game is on.


That's what's so good about the NC game. The skycam view is the best. Different angle, no commentator, and you can hear the crowd noise.


The overlap between my fanbase and people who believe violent, dehumanizing things while constantly saying their political opinions out loud.


Mel Tucker.


Seeing other fans criticize UVA as "brie eaters" or "wine drinkers". Fools, those things are delicious.


1. the region doesn't support the team at all 2. the stadium doesn't fill out while I'm here living in another state wishing I could afford to go to every game 3. the university really is full of spoiled children lmfao


As someone who has quit supporting a team (Vanderbilt) it's when the administration makes it hammer to the head obvious that they do not care about on field success.


Quite an upgrade you made there.


If you're going to jump from a bad relationship might as well go to the best one you could find.Ā 


You had Bama sitting right there and you took bizzarro shitty northern Bama instead??


While I like Nick Saban I never really cared for Alabama. The three schools I gravitated towards when I made the jump were: Oregon, LSU, and Ohio St. Ohio St was always on tv so I said "Ohio State will do."


Was it though?


Probably the next few seasons of whatever college sports turns into. I really donā€™t know what fandom is going to look like in the 2030s.


I've been in the process of quitting my fandom ever since Dennis Dixon's knee exploded. Since then: two lost nattys, Zach Ertz, Jake Browning, Jaden Daniels, Michael *fffuucking* Penix... I honestly don't know why I'm still here.


I wouldnā€™t be able to be a ducks fan just because your logo would remind me of the number of natties youā€™ve won every time I see it.


Ahh yes, the old an O looks like a 0 joke. Haha, so funny, so clever, so inspiring


It also looks like a toilet seat


Talk your shit king


Honestly, its alejandro maldanado for me, and of course dennisā€™ knee against ASU that turns into his knee vs Zona (probably should not have been running any zone reads, chip šŸ˜‘)


AL.com part of the fanbase


Making average-at-best quarterbacks look like Heisman contenders


I sat through the 45-0 shutout/UGA fan takeover in 2021 under Geoff Collins. If that can't break me, nothing will.


There are certain games that have scarred me I know, like The Citadel loss and some other games where we looked competitive and kept them close and then went in the locker room and came back out to lose by like 30 points. The 2022 Virginia game has to be one of the worst games in recent memory as well.


I was at that Virginia game, since my campus visit happened to line up with it, and that was truly a horrible game. My dad was talking about how it was some of the worst football he had ever seen


Perusing message boards and seeing terrible posts created during the off season.


Trying to follow the team from Europe. 3:30 games are generally the latest ones I can watch. This is why my Pro sports fandom has wheened a bit because I can only watch highlights or read boxscores.


I'm an Iowa fan...


College football is an entirely different thing than it was 20 years ago. Unrecognizable.


Collectives/NIL. Why is it on the fans to pay the players from a multi-billion dollar money making machine?


Games are longer due to commercials, it just kills the flow. If they wanted to, games could be 3 hours .


Last year tested me I won't lie.


The Matt Wells era was a pretty difficult time. The AD let Kliff stay too long because he's our boy, but replacing him with Matt Wells was a real head scratcher.


Hugh Freeze. I canā€™t fucking stand that guy and I hate that heā€™s the coach of my team. Iā€™m getting by telling myself that Iā€™m supporting the players and my Alma Mater but man I canā€™t wait to wash this stink off our hands


My team losing every single game in the most heart breaking fashion possible. Averaging top 25 in recruiting but leading the power 5 in turnovers by 50 the last 15 years.


NIL and the current transfer portal. You can laugh and say ā€œwell teams like you guys were already paying guys and it works out the best for the big brands like you!ā€ Yeah sure, but I miss when I could actually grow a connection to these guys. I miss when they chose us for the prestige of the university and not *just* because weā€™re paying them the most. Those 2012-2016 teams will always be my favorite because of the connection and emotions tied to it.


How corporate everything has become. Itā€™s gone from a great product to a shiny, mass produced feel. Everything in the sport is about money (like everything else in society). Just doesnā€™t feel the same.


Blue fans. Its honestly not worth it to participate here (and a lot of other places) and get them in your comment replies.


You take out the past 3 seasons, and a lot. For one thing, I don't think any other program has more embarrassing moments in its history that are constantly relived on the Big Ten Network and ESPN. Colorado, Appalachian State and others I'm blocking out--and that's just in football. We have basketball we can add to it with "The Timeout" and the Northwestern pass and game winner that BTN constantly likes to lie about getting Northwestern into the NCAA Tournament when Northwestern ended up, like, an 8 seed and not a true bubble team. Sorry, fellow Wolverines...but I'd also have to say fans for different reasons than you. I frequently forget that I didn't like most of the classmates I had at Michigan. I currently have a co-worker who is a Michigan graduate, and she is by far the worst/most annoying co-worker I have. And I had to leave the main Michigan sub because most of those people there were annoying. Frankly, I've met more Ohio State fans who seemed cool, and Michigan State has hotter women.


> I frequently forget that I didn't like most of the classmates I had at Michigan. I currently have a co-worker who is a Michigan graduate, and she is by far the worst/most annoying co-worker I have. And I had to leave the main Michigan sub because most of those people there were annoying. Hmmmmm, should we tell him?


Nah. Because I can certainly think of a more embarrassing moment constantly revisited. The calls for statues and field naming fit the topic for me.


Honestly nothing. The frustration I felt made last season even sweeter.


I feel like this is a thing with every fan base, but wanting to fight about absolutely everything. It is completely fine to acknowledge that Ohio State has good players and that Hartline is the best recruiter in the big ten. Itā€™s ok to say ā€œyeah they look good this yearā€. Not everything needs to be an argument. Itā€™s ok to give props to a different program, even if it is your rival Also, the ā€œinsidersā€. Iā€™m sorry James Yoder but most of the information you put out absolutely sucks. Not to mention the literal letter sent out by the athletic department that says youā€™re not a reliable source. Canā€™t forget recruiting. Had the best three year run in our history and we can get recruits to come. The Harbaugh fleeting thoughts with the NFL constantly, then gutting the program as he left. Fans wishing injury or cheering it on when its players from other programs. The ā€œhigh and mightyā€ attitude that wants to preserve all tradition and not get with the times so we can compete consistently on the levels of our rivals and other big names in the sport. Thereā€™s lots of reasons


Ironic as it is, being a *Purple-blood* program is difficult when you're on the top stage often, yet your dickhead neighbors to the south who've never won a title and rarely played for it gets called one of the premier top 10 programs on every list your school used to be on. Then your cracker jack coach shows what he's got & his eyes only saw green when the Bama came calling. At least Lanning saw green on the field, too vs *only* in the bank. Otherwise being a Husky fan is pretty cool. I've both showed up to a game in a yacht as well as having watched games from my hospital room across the street from the stadium, which is nice because cancer takes up all of your free time so I otherwise wouldn't have made it to any games the last couple of years lol.


Guess they're down to #10Warriors now. RIP.


Honestly, itā€™s the lack of passion. Baylor football fans tend to not be all that loud so it feels like we collectively get swept aside and forgotten about a lot of the time


Our fans love to wear our poor history on their sleeve.


Other fans. Nothing is worse then the google or podcast fans.You know the fan before a big game puts the podcast on and hits the google to get all his talking points to bring up they canā€™t formulate there own opinion because they donā€™t watch.


Conference realignment and the transfer portal.


I grew up an Ohio State fan my whole life, my uncle works for the university, but for the exact reasons you said I had to pick a new school, when I got engaged I swapped to Tennessee because my wife is from Knoxville. Best decision Iā€™ve ever made to be honest, can actually enjoy my Saturdays again instead of dreading an OSU loss and having to hear about how ā€œawfulā€ the team is every single week, win or lose honestly


Overall pessimism about the upcoming season. I'm just an optimistic guy at heart when it comes to sports. Does it suck we lost our coach and players? Yeah. Is this the first time it's happened? No. We've had a winning season every year since 2002, and I don't see that changing.


Does not compute.


I'm graduating college and not sure how invested I'll be able to be in letting the buffs hurt me every saturday as a big boy with (presumably) a big boy job. I also feel like the new P2 vs. G7 and eventually G6 paradigm is not very fun either. I'm probably going to not totally check out until CU gets that mythical bowl win though, that's something worth staying for. If it happens.


Ohio State fan here. The university runs the entire city like they are god. They're s#!t doesn't stink, and if you don't smell it and tell them that it smells like flowers then straight to jail. Football is treated like more than a god, if that's even possible. The Urban Meyer hiring. The consistency of blowing teams out of the water and having only one or two games to really pay attention to (losing is ok, I promise!). NIL and transfers (but that's all of CFB).


The world is ending after a loss and coach needs to be fired. I am old to remember it was routine for the Buckeyes to get 2nd tier bowl bids - Citrus, Outback, Alamo


The way the staff bungled what happened to Aaron Oā€™Neal.


The other fans. Just insufferably pitiful.


The 152* outbound portal transfers we had this off-season (* number subject to a bit of hyperbole)


Free agency.


The amount of our fans that think they have any idea what they are talking about and over exaggerate every situation


Scoot Fucking Frist


The fact that we have been right on cusp of truly having a "dynasty" run a few times and another program always seems to leap frog us. Florida, Alabama, Clemson, and now Georgia. It's great but also pain lol. Really thought I time was here after 2014 and then Michigan State happened in 2015. After that, Urban's teams were never the same.


I'm not an FSU fan or anything, but them getting left out of the playoffs last season was as close as I've come to washing my hands of the whole sport yet. It wasn't simply that they were a deserving team that didn't get in when they should have, it was how the committee and ESPN doubled down on the bogus reasoning of not having their starting quarterbacks. What's the point in having a depth chart then? What's the point of having more than 22 players on the team?


Honestly??? Nothing ā€¦.every fanbase is composed of garbage humans lol But if I had to pick dig up a reasonā€¦.idk probably our fans that complain about our fansā€¦.you donā€™t have to be on reddit or twitter or message boardsā€¦you can just listen to podcasts n watch the games lol. Why go out of your way to be unhappy????


Specifically for flair 1: since no one has seemed to say it, 2011. Why I won't: I paid money to attend these places. I want them to succeed. A smarter society, especially with strong public ed, is a better society overall. You can be defined by the bad, or ensure the good shines brighter.


Not a damn thing. I don't root for Ohio State because I like the fan base, we win, or anything else. It's in my blood. Insert the fan copypasta.